
作者&投稿:农辰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

SOS 求救信号
UFO 不明飞行物
WC 厕所
A.M. 上午
P.M. 下午
m 米
cm 厘米
mm 毫米
km 千米
P 停车场

kg (kilogram), TV (television), cf (confer), cm (centimetre)
  AD,A.DAnno Domini(=in the year of the Lord;since Christ was born 公元
  A.M.,a.m.ante meridiem(before noon) 上午,午前
  Apr. April 四月
  Aug.August 八月
  Ave.avenue 林荫道,大街
  BABachelor of Arts 文科学士
  BC , B.C.before Christ 公元前
  BS , BScBachelor of Science 理科学士
  C °, Centigrade 摄氏度
  cccubic centimeter 立方厘米
  CDcompact disk 光盘,激光唱片
  cf.confer(=compare) 试比较;参看
  cmcentimeter 厘米
  Co.company 公司
  c/ocare of 由…转交
  cp.compare 比较
  Dec.December 十二月
  dept.,Dept.department 部,司,局,系
  Dr.doctor 博士;医生
  e.g.exempli gratia(=for example) 例如
  esp.especially 尤其是
  et al. et alia(=and others) 其他的
  etc. et cetera(=and the rest) 等等
  FFahrenheit 华氏的
  Feb.February 二月
  ftfoot,feet 英尺
  g,gm.gram 克
  GMTGreenwich Mean Time 格林威治时间
  hr.hour 小时
  ID identity card 身份证
  i.e. id est(=that is) 那就是,即
  in.inch 英寸
  Inc.incorporated 股份有限的
  Jr.junior 小(用于姓名后)
  l. liter 升
  lb.libra(=pound) 磅
  Ltd.limited 有限的,股份有限
  m.meter 米
  MAMaster of Arts 文科硕士
  Mar.March 三月
  min.minute 分钟
  ml.millimeter 毫升
  Mon.Monday 星期一
  Mr.Mister …先生
  MrsMistress …夫人,…太太
  Ms.Mrs or Miss …女士
  MS,MScMaster of Science 理科硕士
  Mtmount,mountain 峰,山
  No.number 号码
  Nov.November 十一月
  Oct.October 十月
  P page;parking 页,停车处
  par,paraparagraph (文章的)段
  Ph.D,PhDphilosophiae Doctor 博士
  pl.plural 复数
  PM,P.M.post meridiem(=afternoon) 下午
  PRCPeople ' s Republic of China 中华人民共和国
  Prof.professor 教授
  PSpostscript 附言
  Rd.,rdroad 路
  Sat.Saturday 星期六
  sec.second 秒
  Sep., Sept.September 九月
  sing.singular 单数
  sqaquare 平方;广场
  st.street 街道
  sthsomething 某物,某事
  Sun.Sunday 星期日
  t.ton 吨
  tel.telephone 电话
  Thurs Thursday 星期四
  Tues Tuesday 星期二
  UK United Kingdom (大不列颠及北爱尔兰)联合王国,英国
  UN United Nations 联合国
  US U.S.United States(= America) 美利坚合众国,美国
  usu usually 通常
  v,vsversus …对…
  VIPvery important person 重要人物,大人物
  vol.Volume 卷,册
  W,wwatt 瓦特
  WCwater closet 厕所
  Wed,WedsWednesday 星期三
  ATM automatic teller machines
  CPU central processing unit
  PC personal computer
  CD compact disc
  IC Integrated Circuits
  ASCII American standard code for Information Interchange
  EBCDIC Extended Binary Code Decimal Interchange Code
  RAM Random access memory
  VC Video Camera
  CRT Cathode Ray Tube
  LCD Liquid Crystal Display
  TFT tin-film transistor
  ID identification
  DBMS database management system
  GIGO garbage in , garbage out
  QBE query-by-example
  CAS Computer-Aided surgery
  GPS Global Positioning System
  Rom Read-Only memory
  SDRAM Synchronous dynamic RAM
  GUI Graphical User Interface
  LAN Local Area Network
  WAN Wide Area Network
  CMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
  CU Control Unit
  ALU Arithmetic and Logical Unit
  SVGA Super video graphics array
  NLQ near letter quality
  PDL page description language
  PCL page control language
  CBT Computer-based training
  CAI Computer-aided instruction
  WET Web-based training
  DL Distance learning
  DE Distance education
  AAC Anytime Anywhere Learning
  NCIC National Crime Information Center
  VCD 影碟机
  CCTV 中国中央电视台
  PE 体育
  Jan. January 一月
  Feb. February 二月
  Mar. March 三月
  Apr. April 四月
  Jun. June 六月
  Jul. July 七月
  Aug. August 八月
  Sep. September九月
  Oct. October 十月
  Nov. November 十一月
  Dec. December 十二月
  Mon. Monday 星期一
  Tue. Tuesday 星期二
  Wed. Wednesday 星期三
  Thu. Thursday 星期四
  Fri. Friday星期五
  Sat. Saturday 星期六
  Sun. Sunday 星期日
  1号:1st 2号:2nd 3号:3rd 4号:4th 5号:5th~~~31号:31th
  重量 g. gram 克
  kg. kilogram 千克,公斤
  t. ton 吨
  lb. libra(=pound) 磅
  长度 mm. milimeter 毫米  
cm. centimeter 厘米
  dm. decimeter 分米
  m. meter 米
  km. kilometer 千米,公里
  in. inch 英寸
  ft. foot,feet 英尺
  sec. second 秒
  hr. hour 小时
  AD,A.D Anno Domini(=in the year of the Lord;since Christ was born 公元
  A.M. / a.m. ante meridiem(before noon) 上午,午前
  P.M. / p.m. post meridiem(=afternoon) 下午
  其他 A
  average ——> avg
  back ——> bk
  background ——> bg
  break ——> brk
  buffer ——> buf
  color ——> cr(clr)
  control ——> ctrl
  data ——> dat
  delete ——> del
  document ——> doc
  edit ——> edt
  error ——> err
  escape ——> esc
  flag ——> flg
  form ——> frm
  grid ——> grd
  increment ——> inc
  information ——> info
  initial ——> init
  insert ——> ins
  image ——> img
  label ——> lab
  length ——> len
  list ——> lst
  library ——> lib
  manager ——> mngr(mgr)
  message ——> msg
  Oracle ——> Ora
  panorama ——> pano
  password ——> pwd
  picture ——> pic
  point ——> pt
  position ——> pos
  print ——> prn
  program ——> prg
  server ——> srv
  source ——> src
  statistic ——> stat
  string ——> str
  Sybase ——> Syb
  temp ——> tmp
  text ——> txt

OMG oh my god
OMFG oh my f ucking god
wtf what the f uck
n1 nice one

lol laughing out loud
lmao laughing my ass off
rofl roll on floor laughing
brb be right back 很快回来
bbs be back soon 很快回来
bbl be back later 很快回来
sry sorry 不好意思
FU f uck you *你、滚
STFU Shut the f uck up! 给我闭嘴!
gimme give me给我
xfer transfer传输
em them他们的宾格
thx thanks谢谢
tho though虽然尽管
plz please
asap as soon as possible 尽快
imo in my opinion 我认为
smh shake my head (摇头叹气)
ttyl talk to you later
b/c because
DIY Do It Yourself自己动手做的意思
C U See You
I C I See
SP support
LOL Laugh Out Loud
KFC Kill fu*king customers
PK player kill
BTW By the way顺便说一句
BRB Be right back马上回来
TTYL Talk to you later回头再谈
BBL Be back later过会儿就回
PPL people人们
PLZ please请,也有缩写成PLS
R U OK Are you OK?
IOWAN2BWU I only want to be with you
M$ULKeCraZ Miss you like crazy
CUL8R see you later
IMHO In my humble opinion
asap as soon as possible
for 4
2 to
u you
ur your
CU:See you再见

CUL:See you later下次再会

DIIK:*ed if I known我真的不知道

DS:Dunce smiley笨伯

FE:For example举例

FTF:Face to face面对面

FYI:For your information供参考


IAE:In any event无论如何

IC:I see我明白

ILY:I love you我爱你

IMHO:In my humble opinion依愚人之见

IMO:In my opinion依我所见

IOW:In other words换句话说

LOL:laughing out loudly大声笑

NRN:No reply necessary不必回信

OIC:Oh, I see哦,我知道

PEM:Privacy enhanced mail保密邮件

RSVP:Reply if you please请答复

TIA:Thanks in advance十分感谢

TTUL:Talk to you later以后再讲

TY:Thank you谢谢

VG:very good很好

WRT:With respect to关于

WYMM:Will you marry me愿意嫁给我吗?

BRB: be right back(马上就回来)

PMFJI: pardon me for jumping in(请原谅突然加入你们的谈话)

sms/txt 短信
dunno = dont know
tmr/tomolo/2molo = tomorrow
2day = today
nite = night
2nite = tonight
l8r = later
u = you
r = are
ur = your
luv = love
wat = what
oic = oh I see
coz = 'cause = because
n = and
2 = too = to = two
4 = for (所以241=two for one )
wanna = want to (不知道这个算不算)
gonna = going to (同上)
w/ = with
w/o = without
Dun = dnt = dontttyl---> talk to you later
lol---> laughing out loud
lmao --->laughing my ass ofAFAIK as far as I know
AFK away from the keyboard
ASL age, sex, location
ATB all the best
B be
BAK back at the keyboard
BBL be back late(r)
BCNU be seeing you
BFN bye for now
B4 before
BRB be right back
BTW by the way
C see
CUL8R see you later
F2F face to face
F2T free to talk
FWIW for what it’s worth
FYI for your information
GAL get a life
GR8 great
HAND have a nice day
H8 hate
HSIK how should I know?
HTH hope this helps
IANAL I am not a lawyer, but… (as a disclaimer)
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMO in my opinion
IOW in other words
JIC just in case
JK just kidding
KIT keep in touch
KWIM know what I mean?
L8R later
LOL lots of luck/laughing out loud
MOB mobile
MSG message
MYOB mind your own business
NE any
NE1 anyone
NOYB none of your business
NO1 no one
OTOH on the other hand
PCM please call me
PLS please
PPL people
R are
ROTF(L) rolling on the floor (laughing)
SIT stay in touch
SOM1 someone
SPK speak
TTYL talk to you later
TX thanks
U you
WAN2 want to
W/ with
WKND weekend
WU what’s up?
X kiss
XLNT excellent
XOXOX hugs and kisses
YMMV your mileage may vary (i.e. your experience may differ)
YR your
2 to, too
2DAY today
2MORO tomorrow
2NITE tonight
3SUM threesome
4 for

很多 呵呵 玩说唱的都知道


DIIK:*ed if I known我真的不知道 DS:Dunce smiley笨伯 FE:For example举例 FTF:Face to face面对面 FYI:For your information供参考 GF:girlfriend女朋友 IAE:In any event无论如何 IC:I see我明白 ILY:I love you我爱你 IMHO:In my humble opinion依愚人之见 IMO:In my opinion...


ST、ND、RD 、TH这些英语简写是什么意思?
ST:第一的后缀——first——1st ND:第二的后缀——second——2nd RD:第三的后缀——third——3rd TH:11、12、13以及其他尾数不带1、2、3的数字,基本后缀都是th,比如第十二twelfth,第三十thirtieth 第1~第30:1 first 2 second 3 third 4 fourth 5 fifth 6 sixth 7 seventh 8 eighth ...

1、长:length,缩写L 2、宽:width,缩写是 W 3、高:height ,缩写是高H 4、厚:thickness,缩写是THK 长度是一维空间的度量,为点到点的距离。通常在量度二维空间中量度线段边长时,称呼长度数值较大的为长,不比其值大或者在“侧边”的为宽。

序号、英文简写、英文、中文 1、WH、White、白色 2、BN、Brown、棕色 3、GN、Green、绿色 4、YE、Yellow、黄色 5、GY、Grey、灰色 6、PK、Pink、粉红色 7、BU、Blue、蓝色 8、RD、Red、红色 9、BK、Black、黑色 10、VT、Violet、紫色 11、GN\/PK、Green-pink、绿\/粉红色 12、RD\/BU、Red-...

1、数量的英文简写:Qty( quantity)2、规格的英文简写: Spec(specification)quantity 读法 英 ['kwɒntəti]  美 ['kwɑːntəti]n(名词). 量;数量;大量 短语 1、small quantity小量 2、unknown quantity未知量 3、in quantity数量上 4、quantity of heat热量 5...

四月 April Apr.五月 May May 六月 June Jun.七月 July Jul.八月 August Aug.九月September Sep.十月 October Oct.十一月November Nov.十二月December Dec.简写都大写也行。顺便告诉你一些关于记住月份的小窍门:一月和二月都是以uary结尾的。六月和七月都以Ju开头。九月以后都是以ber结尾。而且记住...

first第一 1st second第二 2nd third第三 3rd fourth第四 4th fifth第五 5th sixth第六 6th seventh第七 7th eighth第八 8th ninth第九 9th tenth第十 10th eleventh第十一 11th twelfth第十二 12th thirteenth第十三 13th fourteenth第十四 14th fifteenth第十五 15th sixteenth第十六 16th seventeenth...

一月:January缩写为Jan.二月,February缩写为Feb.三月,March 缩写为Mar.四月,April缩写为Apr.五月,May缩写为May.六月,June缩写为Jun.七月,July缩写为Jul.八月,August缩写为Aug.九月,September缩写为Sept.十月,October 缩写为Oct.十一月,November 缩写为Nov.十二月,December缩写为Dec....

Trade Agreement JAL Japan Air Lines UCLA University of California, Los Angeles HK Heater Kit (加热气箱)或 HONG KONG BC Before Christ 给分吧,谢谢 按照你要求,中文没写,不要怪我……有一个WW2没查出来,对不起……中文你都知道?佩服佩服……...

和平区17685015609: 1到50缩写英语你知道吗? -
岑送信徕: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th等等.给你一个口诀:基变序有规律,1 2 3特殊记,first second third,加th从四起,8去t,9减e,f来把ve替,见y改为ie,结尾仍是th,若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以.

和平区17685015609: 急求1年12个月的英文缩写.. -
岑送信徕: 1年12个月的英文缩写:一月 Jan,二月 Feb,三月 Mar,四月 Apr,五月 May,六月 June,七月 July,八月 Aug,九月 Sep,十月 Oct,十一月 Nov,十二月Dec. 12个月份的非缩写英语单词分别是:January,February,March,April,May,June,...

和平区17685015609: 常用的英文缩写有哪些啊 -
岑送信徕: 平时跟国外客户聊天的时候经常碰到缩写的E文口语,有的不知道什么意思,特意搜集了一下.AAMOF as a matter of fact 实际上AFAIK as far as I know 具我所知AKA also known as 亦称ASAP as soon as possible 尽快BBL be back later ...

和平区17685015609: 你认识这些英语缩写吗? -
岑送信徕: 1.ad. 2.ex. 3.你自己都写错了,是laboratory(lab.) 4.kg. 5.tel. 6.Christmas...

和平区17685015609: 想知道这几个英文的简写
岑送信徕: ghost魔鬼 very很 special独特 crazy疯狂 undisturbed平静

和平区17685015609: 求几个英文简写 -
岑送信徕: i dnt even undastand chinese at al.i like ur photo too nice one.see u 2morrow too ve a splendid nite rest.my regardz 2 ur friend over there这也不是规范的简写相当于网络简写 i don't understand chinese at all, i like your photo too, nice one. see you tomorrow too, have a splendid night rest. my regard to your fried over there.

和平区17685015609: 人民币,美元,欧元等......几种英文缩写是?
岑送信徕: 你说的是英文缩写,对吧?符号,我也知道,但是很多没有办法打到屏幕上人民币 RMB美元 USD欧元 EUR日元 JPY加拿大元 CAD澳大利亚元 AUD港币 HKD英镑 GBP可以吗,还有很多,有这种问题就找我,我在中行做外币工作,呵呵

和平区17685015609: 小学英语中的一些简单的英语缩写和学生们常见的英语单词 -
岑送信徕: can not=can't are not=aren't is not =isn't 等等这些类型都是这样缩写的.你说得不太清楚,所以不知道你是不是想要这样的缩写. 学生们常见的英语单词很多阿 比如小学的时候,一般都是先学一些简单的名词,如动物animal,有狮子lion,猫cat,狗dog,鸡chicken,鸭duck 等等,还有一些水果fluit类的,如苹果apple,梨子pear,橘子orange等等,有很多的,你最好自己找书看看,这简单的一个回答是说不完的哦.

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