
作者&投稿:枞顾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




To learn a foreign language well, it is necessary to overcome the fear of making mistakes. If the main purpose of language use is communication, then mistakes should be a secondary concern, should come to realize that these errors to correct them. However, the students should not ignore their mistakes.The language learner may observe how native speakers express themselves, as well as the native language expression form of expression and beginners. For example, a Spanish beginners said "I do it," said wish in the near future to do something, and in communication with native English speakers, he may find native speakers actually say "I'm going to do it." The differences obtained from observation and can be used as students to correct the general method of foundation in the future. However, one from the start, because be afraid of making mistakes and are not willing to communication will lose from practice, and opportunities for mistakes.

In order to learn a foreign language well, it is necessary to overcome the fear of making mistakes. If the primary goal of language use is communication, then mistakes are secondary considerations that may be dealt with gradually as awareness of those mistakes increases. On the other hand, students should not ignore their mistakes. The language learner may observe how native speakers express themselves, and how native expressions differ from the way, the learner might say them. For example, a Spanish speaker who has been saying "I do it" to express willingness to do something in the immediate future, could, by interacting with native speakers of English, observe that native speakers actually say "I 'll do it". The resulting difference can serve as basis for studentwho is unwilling to interact in the first place would lose this opportunity to learn by trial and error.



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I grew up in fact is like singing, but the original work also didn't make it.The first time I started playing, guangdong in 2000, PepsiCo stars contest.Primary school will play the guitar, I am not good at it very amateur, slowly slowly contact with the industry.Later also...

操作设备:戴尔电脑 操作系统:win10 操作软件:浏览器 1、 打开百度搜索框,如下图所示:2、输入“百度翻译”关键词,如下图所示:3、在文字框里输入要翻译的文字,如下图所示:4、 选择要翻译成的语言,如下图所示:5 、点击“百度翻译”功能键,如下图所示:6 、查看翻译结果,如下图所示:...

高分在线等 翻译
jack 你好 Dear jack 这两笔钱是分两次汇的,今天应该到了 I remitted the two money separately which should have been in your account by now.我们见面的时间你决定。It is up to you to decide the time when we shall meet.我们公司明天就放假了,是中国的端午节,我也想出去玩几天,有...

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harder in future, ask more, think more, practice more, there should be nothing that cannot be solved. This makes me think of a saying by President Obama in his speech: YES WE CAN. I would like to say: YES I CAN.THANK U FOR LISTENING 全部人手翻译,希望对你有帮助 ...


Translation reads as follows:欢迎乘坐本次列车,本次列车的终点站XX站。welcome to ride this train, this train station terminal XX.下一站XX站,下车的乘客请做好准备。XX next station, alighting passengers please be prepared.列车启动,请扶好站稳,下一站XX站,列车开启前进方向左\/右侧车门,...

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第一篇:她---《珍贵的朋友》 Le premier: Elle ---<> Se connaǐtre s'est parmi le début avec le petit jade, j'ai juste changé d'école Beijing à ce moment-là, familiarisé de place et peuple, on perd très la psychologie. J'est toujours une jeune fille adoucisseze ...

In the future,i will have many new dresses.so i would change customes hour by hour.in the future,i will eat various of vegetables and fruits.we no longer live in the city.we will live in a block of house in the woods(forest),we can play with different animals everyday....

真羡慕,你女朋友真的很想你...As time flies,we have been apart for three days.To be honest,during these days I miss him a little.When I stayed in bed and had nothing to do,I thought of him.I believed that if he had been here,I would not have been so borimg.Sometimes...

1. Americans have a craze for the sun, a belief that the sun will cure chronic illness and that where there is sunshine there will be a job---or, if not a job, at least a warm, pleasant place to be unemployed.美国人对于太阳有种狂热的信仰,他们相信阳光能治愈慢性疾病,...

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禄侨阿托: 第一句:浮生若梦 Float to living if dream 或 Life is only illusion 第二句:我一生渴望被人收藏好,妥善安放,细心保存.免我惊,免我苦,免我四下流离,免我无枝可依. I hope earnestly from cradle to the grave drive store well and carefully dress...

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禄侨阿托: Some too small (subtle) place of marks can't be printed, or difficult to print out the effect, the simple marks have no problem.

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禄侨阿托: 看看这句例句:self-made, self-reared,self-taught, the candle maker's son gave light to all the world 这位蜡烛制造商的儿子,自强不息,自食其力,自学成才,给全世界带来了 self-made还可理解为“自制的”,如self-made cake 自制的蛋糕 self-taught 自学的 self-reared 自已养活自己的,自食其力的.

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禄侨阿托: A:打扰一下.这附近有宾馆吗?B:是的,有的.只需要沿着Bridge(可以翻译为“布里奇”)大街,然后当你看见图书馆的时候左转.然后沿着长街走,宾馆就是在右边.它的隔壁是超市,在银行的对面.A:谢谢.那么宾馆附近有餐馆吗?B:是的.沿着新街,到第一个十字路口右转,餐馆就在你左边,付费电话对面.A:非常感谢.B:不客气.求采纳.谢谢.

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禄侨阿托: Goodwiling Teaching Assistance to Project Hope primary schools. Visiting the Dying Aged 个人觉得不用这么直白,Visiting the Weak and Aged(看望虚弱,老人)可能好些English Lecture in Communities Showing Compassion and Sympathy

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禄侨阿托: 手工翻译,有问题,请留言~!Dear ...,Howa are you?Thank you sincerely for your concern and help to *** Company. Please receive our most kind-hearted wishes and respect when the new year is coming. We hope you will have a smoothy work, ...

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禄侨阿托: 1. 晚上好 (こんばんは)晚上好 (こんばんは)请进 (中にどうぞ)那就打扰了,说实话,我有事儿来求你 (では、お邪魔します.正直にいいますと,頼みがありますけれど...)请说吧 (ああ、言ってください)2. 菜好了么(料理...

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禄侨阿托: hi there. glad to receive your mail. if it is hong kong post you are talking about, the price is OK with me. I have already changed it to 12 items per bag and now I am waiting for your order. You can pay it after i change the price and if there is any questions please feel free to contact me. thank you.

港北区19425947872: 高分求翻译 在线等 -
禄侨阿托: 1. Mary finished the task ahead of three days.2. She was so tired that she fell asleep while watching TV.3. There is a nice light suspending from the ceiling.4. They are keeping contact since having graduated.5. You' better not arrange them two to ...

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