How to success in college 求一篇200字的英语作文

作者&投稿:穆榕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求Having Success in College and Beyond的课文翻译~

Creativity's benefits reach beyond music and art. Successful students and adults are the ... Having a sense of humor is also important in hel...

Everyone knows that diligence is the key to success. As a proverb goes: “ Diligence is the mother of success.” Diligence means working hard and persistently.
All famous people of great achievements are examples of diligence. They all owe their success to hard work. Without constant efforts, no one can expect to succeed in doing anything great. Thomas Edison kept on working hard for a long time before he was able to invent he electric light. Madame Curie worked hard in the poor conditions for many years before she finally discovered radium. Some people may attribute success to good luck. But good luck favors those who are well prepared and diligent people who can make use of it. So idleness can only lead to poverty. If you do not devote yourself to your study and work, you can hardly make a living, let alone make some accomplishments.
As high school students, we must be aware that the only way to success is hard work. We must concentrate our attention on our studies, and make full use of our precious time, in order to meet the fierce challenges in the future competitions. It is certain that our future success will only rest on our constant efforts. As a proverb goes: “Only by working hard can we reap a bumper harvest.”
No Pains, No Gains

The proverb “No pains, no gains” means that you have to make great efforts if you want to achieve success, for nothing but poverty can be obtained without effort.
In history, there have been many famous people of great achievements. You may claim that they are geniuses. But behind their successes, they have made great efforts in carrying out their tasks. Einstein said “Genius is one percent of inspiration and ninety-nine percent of perspiration.” He had been working hard for many years before he finally worked out his theory of relativity. Thomas Edison experienced countless failures before he finally invented the electric bulb. Wang Junxia was able to win the world championship of long distance race only because she had many years of hard training. Therefore, diligence is the key to success. Doubtless hard work promises fruitful result. Everyone is awarded the right to work hard in order to reach his goal. Apparently, diligence is necessary to success. Happiness is nearly always a reward for hard work.
On the other hand, idleness is believed to be the root of all evil. Anyone who habitually likes idling but desires everything is daydreaming. We should be aware that if we dream away our precious time, when we wake up, it may be too late for us to achieve anything. So, as college students, we should never stop working hard so that we will remain successful in the future competitions.


Plan your university life at the end of September college entrance examination, and freshman at University campus. As a senior in the University of life for a few years, putting a few thoughts and mentees to share。


make more friends. The dormitory, and my roommates become integrated with, can say the roommate is most important in your university friends, and they live up to. 


In the class, to maintain a good relationship with my classmates, utilitarian sense, help a schoolmate at college on your career in the future. Also can be in the school to pay more friends, are these people your university life will be more interesting.


learning. My point is, don't learn to see too much, pay attention to learn some interesting things. 









Plan your university life at the end of September college entrance examination, and freshman at University campus. As a senior in the University of life for a few years, putting a few thoughts and mentees to share。


1、make more friends. The dormitory, and my roommates become integrated with, can say the roommate is most important in your university friends, and they live up to. 


In the class, to maintain a good relationship with my classmates, utilitarian sense, help a schoolmate at college on your career in the future. Also can be in the school to pay more friends, are these people your university life will be more interesting.


2、learning. My point is, don't learn to see too much, pay attention to learn some interesting things. 


The school will never catch up with the society, teaching materials are used in the old, work not, why not now recruitment companies are people with work experience. And you learn that you will not do.


3、English and computer. Remember to learn this two door. No matter what you do have to use, such as PubMed, the civil service exam and so on; usually play computer games don't play the game to learn computer knowledge.


Plan your university life at the end of September college entrance examination, and freshman at University campus. As a senior in the University of life for a few years, putting a few thoughts and mentees to share
1, make more friends. The dormitory, and my roommates become integrated with, can say the roommate is most important in your university friends, and they live up to. In the class, to maintain a good relationship with my classmates, utilitarian sense, help a schoolmate at college on your career in the future. Also can be in the school to pay more friends, are these people your university life will be more interesting.
2, learning. My point is, don't learn to see too much, pay attention to learn some interesting things. The school will never catch up with the society, teaching materials are used in the old, work not, why not now recruitment companies are people with work experience. And you learn that you will not do.
3, English and computer. Remember to learn this two door. No matter what you do have to use, such as PubMed, the civil service exam and so on; usually play computer games don't play the game to learn computer knowledge.
4, the cost of living. Don't spend, save unnecessary expenses, accumulating some. Daily examination and so on, or to some scenic spots to play, long to see.
5, love. A love no ground for blame in university. One thing to keep in mind, there is love don't ignore your friend. Some of the students has had a girlfriend, girlfriend every day and tired in the one side, the results and the friends of light. The first reference. Only love without friendship you will lose a lot of.
6, responsible for their own, what do not ask for others. Unlike the University High School -- some people have selfish motives, some things make people very angry. Sometimes the class notice things or enroll in some games, don't you know, don't complain about your roommate students didn't tell you, this is very normal. Waiting for you for a long time, you will find that the school is very arbitrary, some things are not quite outrageous, pay attention to habits, get used to it.
7, see the student organization, exercise your own. There are many organizations in the school, students, community radio stations, etc., to join them, these people are able to exercise. I have seen an extreme lack of self confidence of students, the community has exercised a year make a spurt of progress, ability promotion, later to become community leaders.
8, as the University of society. Can be said that the university is a sub community, to enjoy the experience it.
9, to do some part-time jobs. You can exercise your ability, also can earn some extra money.
10, to set their own goals for the future, to have a sense of crisis. Don't patronize the play, big two you don't feel you to the big three, big four you will suffer, because does not have the goal, not knowing what to do next. I always have a sense of crisis, the pain over a period of time, some time ago to find out my goals, is now in this direction, so I have been very substantial.
计划好你的大学生活  高考刚结束,9月份又有大一新生踏入大学校园。作为学长在大学生活了几年,把自己的一些想法和学弟学妹 分享   
10、给自己定未来的目标,要有危机感。不要光顾玩,大一大二你没感觉,等你到大三大四你就会痛苦,因为没有目标,不知道以后干什么。我一直很有危机感,痛苦过一段时间,前段时间找到了自己奋斗的目标,现在正为这个方向努力,所以过的很充实 。

succeed in college,你们老师需要学英文


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