
作者&投稿:彩刻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

a fickle boy often makes fun with many girl students,it has hurted the girls hearts.one day when he just has abandoned a girl,he was striken by someone and suddenly dead.before dieing he made regrets ont his lifetime that he didn't find the real love.unbelieveable,when he opened his eyes,he stayed in the same place,and there were black death and white death stood there,they told him that he shouldn't have dead,but the girl today who he has abandoned was the witch of library,he dead because of her curse。then the deathes told him that they would give him chance,if he could find the true love wihin 12 days,he wold be surived.in order to hep him,the deathes told him some signs,the lover who he could find remained in the living days.
after that the boy woke up ,during the 12 days,he foud the alphabets everywhere,for example ,on the table, on the paper,on the blak boroad and on the cellphone,excapt for the fifth day,on that early days he was puzzled,because he didn't know how to begin. the witch of library was surprised at his resurgence,wanted to make troubles around his life,but there was a girl often gave him a message and this disturbed that curse,the boy didn't know first,then realized that the girl who often gave message to him pretend to meet the witch of library,and the girl was in his good books,but not sure wether he had ound the real love. only until he conected the whole message,he found it was the text message,so he finally understood,put down the pen and paper rushed out to meet the girl.

呵呵 翻译这段文字真不是件容易的事 但是经过近一个小时的考量 还是完成了

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  The main idea of the story:

  A playboy always messed up with relationships, he had broken many young girls' heart.

  Someday when he left a girl, he was hit by someone in the hallway and suffered from sudden death. Before he passed away he was regreting that he didn't find the ture love for his life.

  But to his surprise, when he opened his eyes, he was still standing right there, and two death gods, one of whom was black and the other was white, standing beside him. They told him that he is not supposed to die actually. But the girl he had left in that day was a witch, so he died because of her curse.

  于是死神告诉他他们将给他机会,若他在12天之内(text message12个字母)找得到真爱,他将可以选择自己的生死。为了帮助他,死神告诉他说他们给了提示,就在生活中。
  Then the death gods told him they would give him a second chance, if he can find one true love in 12 days (The phrase "text message" has 12 letters), he would be able to choose his own life and death. To help him, the death gods told him that they gave him some hints just in his daily life.

  Then the man came back to life. In the 12 days, he had found letters everywhere such as on the table, on the notes, on the blackboard, in the cell phone, etc. Except no discover in the fifth day. At first he was confused, because he didn't have any clue about the hints.

  The witch was astonished by his resurrection. She wanted to set some obstacles in his life. But there was always a girl who was texting with cell phone interfered the witch by ran into her accidentally when she was spelling.

  The boy didn't notice that at first, later he had realized the girl was pretending to run into the witch accidentally by texting. So he had a crush on that girl, but not sure if she's his ture love.

  一直到最后一天他把找到的信息连起来,发现是text message,于是他恍然大悟,放下纸笔冲出门去找那个女生去了。
  The last day he put together the information he found and surprisingly discovered that the answer was “text message”. Therefore he came to understand suddenly, then rushed out to find that girl immediately.

The outline of the story:
A fickle boy always game flowers, hurt many female students heart, then one day he took a girl out, suddenly in the corridor was hit by a sudden death,before he died he feel this life is not to find love is very regret. But the strange thing is, when he opened his eyes, he was still there, standing with a black and white two death, they told him that he is in fact not damn it, but the girl his day off is a witch, he died because of her curse. Then death told him they would give him a chance, if he is in 12 days (text message12 letters) to findtrue love, he will be able to choose their own life and death. In order to help him, God told him that they give hints, in life.
Then the man woke up, within twelve days, he in various places such as the edge of the table, note, the blackboard, found a mobile phone, only fifth days did not, a few days before he was confused, because he didn't have any clueto clue. The witch was surprised by his resurrection, want to in his life when heeverywhere, but there is often a texting girls will hit the witches interfere with his spell at first, the boys didn't find, behind gradually realized that girl bytexting as you run into witch is on that girl, to produce good, but not sure whether she is true love. Until the last day he put together to find information,that is text message, and he see light suddenly, put down the paper and pencil raced out the door to find the girl .

祢卜删珯宬卟?宝钡 谁能帮我翻译下这几个字啊?中间的字都不认识。谢谢...
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铁岭市19510898147: 帮忙把下面的一段英文翻译成中文.多谢啦.. -
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铁岭市19510898147: 谁可以帮我把下面的一段中文翻译成英语?英语水平高的请帮下忙,谢谢
端木弦四君: How are you being these days? The following are appaisals from my teachers. Chinese teacher thought I am clever while Maths teacher said I am lazy. In English teacher's eyes, I am obedient. However, teacher of Politics held the opposite opinion. ...

铁岭市19510898147: 请帮我把下面的一段中文翻译成英语~口语化一些或者优美一点~谢谢~
端木弦四君: It was great knowing you. Unfortunately, it wasn't during the time you mentioned. I tried my best to let myself entering into your life, but then I discovered I am not missed within it. And now, I don't know what I can do to let you know that our love can ...

铁岭市19510898147: 谁能帮我把下面一段中文翻译成英文?
端木弦四君: When all the sadness into a fist. Hit my chest when My heart has suffered a shock All the sadness from all the channels I rushed out, Tears can not solve everything But the mood could be released Deceiving and being deceived in the world, I was a ...

铁岭市19510898147: 请各位帮我翻译一下下面的段落,翻译成中文,最好今天上午10:00之前,任务很艰巨...有分的!谢谢了! -
端木弦四君: 说实话,我并不喜欢在一堆陌生人当中大笑,同时很担心这样看上去很傻.我们的笑声老师要我们在看对方的时候拍手并说"hohohohahaha"而我们的身体分不出假笑与真笑的区别,它们对健康有同样的效果.令人惊讶的是,它真的有效果!十分钟之后房间里每一个人都开始真的笑起来,有的甚至停不下来.课堂结束的时候我很惊讶我竟然如此的放松,感到非常舒服.所以如果你有很大的压力,那么笑吧.你会喜欢它带来的效果的!希望对你有帮助~

铁岭市19510898147: 帮我把下面的一段话翻译成现代文.非常急! -
端木弦四君: 穿过陇隙向南望去,在路的左边有一条溪水从半空中悬挂奔涌而下,(散成)千万条白练飞舞空中,溪上的石头如同向下盖着的莲叶,中间剜出了三个缺口,水从莲叶型石头的上方漫过叶顶而飞流直下,仿佛千万幅薄纱横着挂罩在门外,垂下来的长度不知道有多少丈,奔涌下来的水珠就像玉石碎裂一样落下,飞溅着反奔上来在空中形成了漂浮的水雾,样子非常的壮观.引用“像珠子穿成的钩不卷的帘子,挂在高峰上的白绢”这样的句子都不能完全形容它的壮观程度.回想我以前所见过的瀑布,比它高几倍的也有,但是从来没有比它宽阔的.

铁岭市19510898147: 请帮我把下面一段中文翻译成英文.
端木弦四君: The story describes the Czech immigrant Selma is a single mother, she was in a village factory work, relying on meager wages and a little bit of her youngest son Jean struggling to survive, her son in order to gather the medical treatment of surgery, ...

铁岭市19510898147: 帮我把下面的一段中文话翻译成英文.标准点,急
端木弦四君: What hurts me most is not having ever loved but the memory we share together伤我最深的不是曾经爱过而是在一起的回忆

铁岭市19510898147: 帮我把下面一段中文翻译成英文
端木弦四君: Chandler, Nice to meet you, although the time that we got along with is not too long, but i treasure every moment, when i have your class, i feel the time has gone pretty fast, every time i saw the others communicated with you by speaking english ...

铁岭市19510898147: 请帮我把下面一段文字翻译成文言文(古文).不胜感激、 -
端木弦四君: 若,汝与吾难至韶华之初,宁当不识;匪悔也,惟不知千山暮雪只影何去.经年去,友难为之,盖尝为伤,仇难为之,盖尝相怜.是以,汝与吾本是白莲咫尺并蒂开,何曾萍水天涯再难逢.虽至花落木朽,不见卿来.

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