求英文电影 一男一女对话片段 文章版

作者&投稿:叶刚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

《诺丁山》后段 安娜跟威廉表白的一段 比较感人 给人印象深刻
《傲慢与偏见》 达西第一次和伊丽莎白求婚 两个人的对白 言语比较激烈 台词比较多 如果别人听的懂的话会很不错 不过新版电影里对白不够经典完整 建议看看书
《简爱》简和罗切斯特的很多对白都比较有特点 两个人的个性体现的很鲜明 有比较深沉的幽默感

给我个分吧 我回答一下也不容易

DICKY (yelling): Who’s that stumblin’ around in the dark? State your business or prepare to get winged!
SCHULTZ (driving up to them): Calm yourselves, gentlemen. I mean you no harm. I’m simply a fellow weary traveler. (to his horse) Whoa! (to the Specks) Good cold evening, gentlemen. I’m looking for a pair of slave traders that go by the name of the Speck brothers. Might that be you?
ACE: Who wants to know?
SCHULTZ: Well, I do. I’m Dr. King Schultz. This is my horse, Fritz.
(The horse bows its head.)
DICKY: What kind of doctor?
SCHULTZ: Dentist. Now, are you the Speck brothers? And did you purchase those men at the Greenville slave auction?
ACE: So what?
SCHULTZ: So I wish to parley with you.
ACE: Speak English!
SCHULTZ (laughing): Sorry. Please forgive me, it is a second language. Amongst your inventory, I’ve been led to believe, is a specimen I’m keen to acquire. (to slaves) Hello, you poor devils! Is there one amongst you who was formerly a resident of the Carrucan plantation?
DJANGO (from the darkness): I’m from the Carrucan plantation.
SCHULTZ: Who said that?
(He gets down off his cart, lights a lantern, walks up to the slaves, and examines their faces in the light. He stops at the fifth slave in the line.)
SCHULTZ: What’s your name?
DJANGO: Django.
SCHULTZ: Then you’re exactly the one I’m looking for. Do you know who the Brittle brothers are? (Django nods.) Who are they?
DJANGO: Big John. Ellis. Roger. Some down there call him Little Rog. They was overseers at the Carrucan plantation.
SCHULTZ: Not anymore. (pause) Tell me, if you were to see any of these three gentlemen again, would you recognize them?
ACE: Hey, quit talkin’ to him like that!
SCHULTZ: Like what?
ACE: Like that.
SCHULTZ: My good man, I’m simply trying to ascertain…
ACE: Speak English, goddammit!
SCHULTZ: Everybody calm down. I’m simply a customer trying to conduct a transaction.
ACE: I don’t care. No sale. Now off with ya.
SCHULTZ: Don’t be ridiculous. Of course they’re for sale.
ACE (pointing his rifle at Schultz): Move it.
SCHULTZ: My good man, did you simply get carried away with your dramatic gesture, or are you pointing your weapon at me with lethal intention?
ACE (cocking the rifle): Last chance, fancy pants.
SCHULTZ: Oh, very well.
(He drops his lantern and pulls a pistol, shooting Ace in the head. He then shoots Dicky’s horse, which falls over and crushes Dicky’s leg beneath it. Dicky screams in pain. Schultz picks up Ace’s lantern and re-lights it.)
SCHULTZ (to Dicky): I’m sorry to put a bullet in your beast, but I didn’t want you to do anything rash before you had a moment to come to your senses.
DICKY: You goddamn son of a bitch! You shot Roscoe! And you killed Ace!
SCHULTZ (calmly): I only shot your brother once he threatened to shoot me. And I do believe I have… (counting slaves) …five witnesses who can testify to that.
DICKY: Damn leg’s busted!
SCHULTZ: No doubt. Now, if you can keep your caterwauling down to a minimum, I’d like to finish my line of inquiry with young Django.
DICKY (screaming): God fucking dammit!
SCHULTZ (to Django): As I was saying, if you were to see the Brittle brothers again, would you recognize them?
SCHULTZ (cheerfully and loudly): Sold, American! Mr. Speck? Mr. Speck, how much for young Django here?
(Schultz unshackles Django, observing the blisters on Django’s ankle under the leg irons.)
SCHULTZ (to himself): Leg iron’s a nasty business. (giving his rifle to one of the other slaves as he searches for his wallet) Could you hold this for a moment? Django, get up on that horse. Also, if I were you, I’d take that winter coat the dear departed Speck left behind.
(Django moves to the corpse.)
DICKY: Nigger, don’t you touch my brother’s coat!
(Django walks over and steps on the horse’s body, causing Dicky to scream more.)
DICKY: Goddammit!
SCHULTZ (counting money): One hundred, ten, twenty, and five for young Django here. (He drops the bills on Dicky.) And since he won’t be needing it any more, I’d like to purchase your brother’s nag. (He drops a coin as well.) Also, Mr. Speck, I’m afraid I will require a bill of sale. Do you have one?
DICKY: You go to hell, dentist!
SCHULTZ: I thought not. (walks over a slave holding a lantern) No worries, I come prepared. (to the slave, as he writes on a pad of paper by the lantern’s light) Thank you. This will serve nicely as a bill of sale.
(He gets up on his cart and prepares to ride off with Django.)
SCHULTZ (stopping by the slaves): Now, as to you poor devils. As far as I see it, when it comes to the subject of what to do next, you gentlemen have two choices. One, once I’m gone, you could lift that beast off the remaining Speck, then carry him to the nearest town, which would be at least thirty-seven miles back the way you came. (tossing them the keys) Or two, you could unshackle yourselves, take that rifle, put a bullet in his head, bury the two of them deep, and then make your way to a more enlightened area of this country. The choice is yours. Oh, and on the off chance that there are any astronomy aficionados amongst you, the North Star is that one. (He points.) Ta-ta!

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