
作者&投稿:稻怀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“为他人着想”的英语:For the good of others。
读音:英 [ˈʌðə(r)] ;美 [ˈʌðər]

adj. 其他的,另外的
pron. 另外一个
each other 互相 ; 彼此 ; 相互 ; 取长补短
in other words 换句话说 ; 换言之 ; 也就是说 ; 换句话讲
Other Company 其他公司 ; 其它光电企业 ; 其他公司事务 ; 其他参展商

another, other
another 后接名词单数 another student
other 后接名词复数, other students,
Are there any other questions?

为他人着想(Think for others )

总是为他人着想 Always considerate of others ; Always to be considerate ; Always thinking of others
凡事为他人着想 to be considerate everything
设身处地为他人着想 Put oneself in one's shoes ; put yourself in their shoes ; Put oneimmolation in one's shoes
You too can be a bodhisattva if you think of others and do things to bring happiness to them.

英语是:We should use one heart to feel another heart and stand in other's position to consider things.


heart 英[hɑ:t] 美[hɑ:rt]
n. 心,心脏; 感情; 要点; 胸部;
vt. 鼓励; 激励;
vi. 结心;
[例句]Alik's words filled her heart with pride

position 英[pəˈzɪʃn] 美[pəˈzɪʃən]
n. 位置,方位; 地位,职位; 态度; 状态;
vt. 安置; 把…放在适当位置; 给…定位; 驻扎军队;
[例句]The ship was identified, and its name and position were reported to the coastguard

consider 英[kənˈsɪdə(r)] 美[kənˈsɪdər]
vt. 考虑; 把(某人,某事)看作…,认为(某人,某事)如何; 考虑,细想;
vt. 考虑; 认为; 以为; 看重;
vi. 仔细考虑; 深思;
[例句]The government is being asked to consider a plan to fix the date of the Easter break

We should use one heart to feel another heart and stand in other's position to think


版本一:Have child be called Fang Zhong Yong , a be born in farmer family. He is person for generations all till the land , does not have a intellectual at home. His strong point has arrived at 5-year-old , what appearance to have returned back to have never seen that ...

(3)要听懂重要细节 俗话说:“会听听道道,不会听听热闹。”课堂上听讲也是这样一个道理,会听讲的学生能听出问题的来龙去脉,不会听讲的学生只是听听热闹。听讲时 一定要听懂老师所讲的每一个重要细节,在这个细节上看老师是怎样思考、分析、判断和处理的。越是细小的重要细节,就越能学习到更多知识...

让我们一起复习下上周学过的内容 英语怎么讲
答案:Let's review what we have learned last week .let's review what we have covered last week.吗 ?也是可以的。注意:此题要用现在完成时态。欢迎追问,在线为你解答 【帮到你望及时采纳,你的10分满意,我们团队的无限动力】

谁有英语小短文啊 我们要演讲用

2021的英语需要到具体的语境中,以2021年某月某日为例:原文:2021年2月10日 译文:February 10,2021 重点词汇:February February 英['februəri]释义:n二月 [复数Februaries]短语:in February在二月;二月里来 英语学习方法 1、英语基础 要想学好高三英语,英语基础是必须学好的,英语...

我们要参加英语讲故事比赛,我需要一个2分钟左右的小故事,我初一,只需 ...
英语演讲比赛的话这个故事很好喔~~~很有教育意义,不过就是好难背,记得以前是花了血本的!!A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow… He...

过放荡不羁的生活,容易得像顺水推舟,但是要结识良朋益友,却难如登天。 —— 巴尔扎克A lead a fast life, was as easy as it, but to make friends, but impossible. -- Balzac 这世界要是没有爱情,它在我们心中还会有什么意义!这就如一盏没有亮光的走马灯。 —— 歌德If there is no ...

他要给我们讲一个故事。可翻译为: He wanted to tell us a story.同义句: He wanted to tell a story to us.


今夜我们在一起 英语怎么讲?
together tonight 就可以了

加查县13426155038: "将心比心"英文怎样说??
宦飞消栓: put "oneself" into "other's" shoes 例句: Put yourself in my shoes. 你替我设身处地想一想.(put yourself in my shoes = Think about it from my standpoint. 站在我的立场上来考虑.Put yourself in my place. 你换成我的立场来设想.)

加查县13426155038: 将心比心的英文怎么说 -
宦飞消栓: 将心比心 to feel for others; to judge other people's feelings by one's own; to compare one's feeling with others'; to see things through other people's eyes

加查县13426155038: 将心比心的英文怎么说……先答先采纳 -
宦飞消栓: feel for others;judge another person's feelings by one's own;

加查县13426155038: 将心比心英文怎么说 -
宦飞消栓: 楼上的不错,谢谢!

加查县13426155038: 谁知道将心比心用英语怎么说? -
宦飞消栓:[答案] 将心比心 意译较好-- Consider if you were him (her). 试想一下你若是他(她). Put yourself in that position. 要是你在那个处境下. If you were in his (her) shoes,... 要是换作你,...

加查县13426155038: 英文的将心比心,地道的应该怎么说 -
宦飞消栓: context很重要哦,这要看具体情况啦.我能想到的是 Be considerate.一般来说是为其他人想想的意思.

加查县13426155038: 用将心比心翻译成英语 -
宦飞消栓: put yourself in my shoes,think of other fellings put yourself in that position各种翻译都可以,看个人喜好

加查县13426155038: 请将心比心,我很在意.这句英文怎么说
宦飞消栓: plz,u gotta know me,i really mean that,all right? 将心比心:feel for others; judge another person's feelings by one's own; compare oneself to another; compare one's feelings with another's; have to see things through other people's eyes; Judge others as you would like to be judged by others. 但都不常用.

加查县13426155038: 很多事,其实是自己造成的.对你,我应该将心比心 (求英语翻译) -
宦飞消栓: 不能直译,参考如下 Many bad results are all caused by yourself, for which I show my sympathy. show sympathy for sb/sth 对某事某事表示理解

加查县13426155038: 人要将心比心,你妈就是妈哟的外语翻译? -
宦飞消栓: 人要将心比心,你妈就是妈哟.One should judge another one's feelings by his own, and your mother is precisely a mother.希望可以帮到你 望采纳

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