
作者&投稿:门乔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Day 1

1. 阅读时长


2. 第一遍关键字:

evidence—> scientific process—> observation—>speculative—>证伪—>不断推翻—>站在巨人的肩膀上—>

history(para. 8~20)—>continue

3. 词汇


continuing forever in the same way永久的,永恒的;长期的

•Theylived in perpetual fearof being discovered and arrested.他们长期生活在恐惧中,担心被发现并遭到拘捕。

•He has hard, cold eyes and his mouth is setin a perpetual sneer.他双眼又凶又冷,嘴角总是挂着一丝蔑笑。

•a perpetual student终身学习者

■often repeated不断重复的;永无休止的

• perpetual vandalism对公共财物不断的蓄意破坏


based on scientific testing or practical experience, not on


This theory needs to be backed up with solid empirical data/evidence.这个理论需要翔实的实验资料/实际经验来支援。

• Empirical studiesshow that some

forms of alternative medicine are extremely effective.临床研究显示某些替代疗法极其有效。



■to make something stronger加固;使更结实

•The pockets on my

jeansare reinforced withdouble stitching.我牛仔裤的裤兜缝了两道线,很结实。


■If something reinforces an idea or opinion, it provides more proof or

support for it and makes it seem true强化,加深,进一步证实(观点、看法等)

•The finaltechnical report into the accident reinforces the findings ofinitial investigations.对事故作出的最终的技术性报告进一步证实了最初的调查结果。

•His behaviourmerely reinforced my dislike of him.他的行为只能使我更讨厌他。

■to provide an

army with more soldiers or weapons to make it stronger增援;加强…的力量;给…增强装备

•The garrison is tobe reinforced with/byanother two battalions of soldiers.守备部队将得到另外两个营的增援。

4.Pick holes in theargument


■a mistake or problem in the reasoning of an argument, discussion, plan,


•The new proposal has several holes init.那项新提案有几处漏洞。

l be in a hole UKinformal

■to be in a difficult or an embarrassing situation处于困境;处于窘境

l•We've lost the

order andwe're in a bit of a hole .我们失去了订单,因而处境有些困难。

l be in the hole USinformal

■to be in debt欠债,亏空

l•After selling allits assets, the bank was still half a million dollars in the hole .卖掉所有资产之后,那家银行仍然欠债50万美元。

l make a hole in


■to reduce an amount of money by a lot大量消耗

l•The holiday made abig hole in our savings but I'm glad we went.这次渡假花掉我们一大笔积蓄,但是我对这次旅行很满意

l need sth like

you need a hole in the head humorous

■to not need or want something at all根本不需要

l•Extra work? I needthat like I need a hole in the head.额外的工作?我才不想做呢。


to change

something, such as a document, in order to deceive people篡改,伪造(文件)

•The certificatehad clearly been falsified .这张证书很明显是伪造的。

the falsification of records



1.■based on a guess and not on information猜测的;推测的,推断的

•The article wasdismissed as highly speculative .该文被斥为纯属臆测而未予理会。


2 . bought or done in thehope of making a profit later:

speculative investments


•The office block was built as a speculative venture.盖这栋办公大楼是一桩投机生意。

3 . if you give someone a speculative look, youlook at them while trying to guess something about them

—speculativelyadverb: Delaney eyed her speculatively.

7. Crash down

to hit something,

often making a loud noise or causing damage(使)猛撞(常发出巨大声响或造成破坏)

•We could hearwaves crashing on/againstthe shore.我们能听到海浪哗哗地拍打着海岸。

If something such as a business crashes, it

suddenly fails or becomes unsuccessful(公司等)垮枱,破产,崩溃,崩盘

•Investors were seriously worried when thestock market began to crash .股市开始狂跌,投资者们人心惶惶。


■If a computer or system crashes, it suddenly stops operating(电脑或系统)瘫痪,死机

•My laptop's crashed again.我的笔记型电脑又死机了。



that are simultaneous happen at exactly the same time:同时


grabbed each other’s hands in simultaneous panic.


to twenty users can have simultaneous access to the system.

simultaneous with


withdrawal of British troops should be simultaneous with that of US forces.

Thespeeches will be broadcast live, withsimultaneous translation (=immediate

translation, as the person is speaking)into English.


■to (cause to)

turn over打翻,弄翻;(使)倾覆;(使)翻倒

•The car skiddedoff the road, hit a tree and overturned .汽车滑出道路,撞到树上后翻了。

•The burglars hadoverturnedall the furniture in the house. 入屋爆窃的贼人翻了屋子里所有家俱。

lIf you overturnsomeone's majority in a British election ,you defeat them在英国大选中因获得多数席位而获胜

•The Labour candidate unexpectedly overturned the long-standing Tory majority.工党候选人出乎意料地击败了长期以来占多数议席的保守党。

lto change a legal


•The Court of Appeal overturned the earlier decision.上诉法庭推翻了早前作出的裁决


lto show; to make


•These figuresclearlydemonstrate the size of the

economic problem facing the country.这些数字清楚表明了该国经济问题的严重程度。

•[+that]Research has demonstrated that研究显示,

•These problems demonstrate the importanceof strategic planning.这些问题显示出了战略规划的重要性。

lto show something

and explain how it works展示,演示

•He's got a job demonstrating kitchen equipment in a department store.他找到一份在百货店示范厨房设备的工作。

•[+ question word] The teacher demonstrated howto use the equipment.老师示范了如何使用这种设备。

lto express or show

that you have a particular feeling, quality or ability表达;表露;表现;显露

•He has demonstrateda genuine interest i n the project.他对该企划案表现出了极大兴趣。

•His answer demonstrated acomplete lack of understanding of the question.他的回答表明他完全没有理解这个问题。

lto make a public

expression that you are not satisfied about something, especially by marching

or having a meeting示威,游行

•Thousands of people gathered to demonstrateagainst the new proposals.数千人聚集在一起示威,抗议这些新提案。


to improve your

position by going past other people quickly or by missing out some stages跳升;越级提升


leapfrogged from third to first place.他们已经从第三位上升到了第一位。

•She leapfrogged

several older colleagues to get the manager's post.她越过几位年长的同事升到了经理的职位。


lthe quality of being exact准确(性),精确(性),精密(度)

lthe qualities of

being careful and accurate严谨;细致,认真

•His books are apleasure to read because he writes with such clarity and precision .他的书读起来赏心悦目,因为他的写作清晰而又严谨。



harbour 2 British

English, harbor American

English verb [transitive]

1 . to keep bad thoughts, fears, or hopes in your mind for a long time:

Ithink he’s harbouring some sort of

grudgeagainst me.

Shebegan to harbour doubts over thewisdom of their journey.

2 . to contain something, especially something hidden and dangerous:


and draining boards can harbour germs.

3 . to protect and hide criminals that the police are searching for


lto discover the

meaning of information given in a secret or complicated way破译,破解;解(码)

• Decoding the paintings is not difficult once you know what the component partssymbolise.一旦明白了画中各部分的象征意义,也就不难搞清楚这幅画的含义了。

Compare encode

lto understand the

meaning of a word or phrase in a foreign language in the correct way正确理解(外语单词或短语)

•Grammaticalinformation helps learners to decode sentences.文法资讯有助于学习者正确理解句子的含义。


making you feel

slightly frightened or worried about your ability to achieve something令人发怵的;使人气馁的

•In spite of

unification, the country was still f aced with thedauntingprospect of overcoming four

decades of division.国家虽然实现了统一,但仍然面临着弥合40年的分裂这一难题


l UK [dɔ:nt] US [dɑ:nt] verb transitive

often passive

■to make someone feel slightly frightened or worried about their abilityto achieve something; to discourage 使吓倒;使气馁

•She was not at all daunted bythe size of the problem.她丝毫也没有被问题的严重性吓住

l nothing daunted mainly UK

■still confident and enthusiastic despite a failure or problem不气馁的,再接再厉的

•She was rejectedthe first time she applied to the university, but, nothing daunted ,reapplied the following year and was accepted.她第一次向那间大学递交入学申请虽然遭到了拒绝,但没有气馁,第二年再次递交就被接收了。


lcontinuing in a

severe or extreme way持续严厉的;持续强烈的

• relentless criticism/pressure不断的严厉批评/施压

• relentless heat持续高温


la series of

related things or events, or the order in which they follow each other一连串;一系列;顺序,次序

•The first chapter describes the strange sequence of eventsthat lead to his death.第一章描述了造成他死亡的一连串奇特事件。

•Is there a particular sequence in which you have to perform these tasks?你是否得按一定的顺序完成这些任务?

•For the sake of convenience the photographs

are shown inchronologicalsequence (= in the order in

which they were taken).为方便起见,照片按时间顺序展示。

18.Therapy /'θɛrəpi/

la treatment which

helps someone feel better, grow stronger, etc., especially after an illness治疗;疗法

•occupational therapy 职业疗法

•speech therapy 言语治疗

•group therapy 集体治疗

•Joining a club can bea therapy forloneliness.加入俱乐部可能是消解孤独的一种方法。


la type of reptile

which stopped existing about 60,000,000 years ago. There were many different

types of dinosaur, some of which were extremely large.恐龙

■an old-fashioned person or thing that people no longer consider to be


•This typewriter's a bit of a dinosaur ,isn't it?这种打字机有点过时了,是吗?


lto state

officially that something, especially an earlier official decision, is no

longer to be accepted撤销,废止,宣布…无效

•Hisconvictionwas quashed in March 1986 after his counsel argued that thepolice evidence was a tissue of lies.他的辩护人举证说明了警方的证据是一派谎言,于是在1986年3月撤销了对他的判决。

UK [kwɒʃ] US [kwɑ:ʃ] verb transitive

STOP 使停止

■to forcefully stop something that you do not want to happen镇压,平息

•Therevolt was swiftly quashed by government


•The company moved quickly toquashrumours/speculationthat it is losing


2A+B与y的取值无关,即2A+B中不含带有y的项。2A+B =2(2y^2+ay-1)+2y^2+2ay+2y-1 =6y^2+4ay+2y-3 6y^2+4ay+2y=0 4ay=-6y^2-2y a=-(3y+1)\/2

锤子中考 明明是大学概率题目

A=y^2-ay-1 B=2y^2-ay-2y-1 2A-B =2(y^2-ay-1)-(2y^2-ay-2y-1)=2y^2-2ay-2-2y^2+ay+2y+1 =2y^2-2y^2+2y-2ay+ay+1-2 =2y-ay-1 =(2-a)y-1 多项式的值与字母y无关 即2-a=0 a=2

与Y无关就是 把 2A+B 用 y代入后 y的系数为0.2A+B=2(-y^2+ay-1)+2y^2+3ay-2y-1=(-2+2)y^2+(2a+3a-2)y -2-1 y^2的系数明显为0,所以只要令y的系数 2a+3a-2=5a-2=0就符合题目要求了

解:2A-B =2(y²-ay-1)-(2y²+3ay-2y-1)=2y²-2ay-2-2y²-3ay+2y+1 =(2-5a)y+1 因为多项式2A-B的值与字母y的取值无关 所以2-5a=0 解得a=2\/5 答案:a=2\/5

已知直线l:y=x+b,圆C:x^2+y^2+2ax-2ay+2a^2-4a=0(a>0) (1
解:(1)直线代入圆,x²+x²+2bx+b²+2x-2x-2b+2-4=0 2x²+2bx+b²-2b-2=0 ∵相切 ∴⊿=4b²-8b²+16b+16=-4b²+16b+16=0 ∴b=2±2√2 (2)直线代入圆,x²+x²+8x+16+2ax-2ax-8a+2a²-4a=0 2x&#...

A=-y+ay-1,B=2y+3ay-2y-1 2A+B=2(-y+ay-1)+2y+3ay-2y-1=-2y+2ay-2+2y+3ay-2y-1=-2y+5ay-3=(-2+5a)y-3 因为多项式2A+B中不含字母y,所以(-2+5a)=0 a=2\/5

2A-B=2y²-2ay-2-(2y²+3ay-2y-1)=-5ay+2y-1=(2-5a)y-1 值与字母y的取值无关,则2-5a=0,则5a=2,则a=0.4 与字母y的取值无关,表示代数式化简后,凡是含有y的项的系数都必须是0,这样不论y是几,那一项都是0,这样才不会影响多项式的值。

a×a+ay=2 y×y+ay=-1
a×a+ay=2 y×y+ay=-1 a(a+y)=2 y(a+y)=-1 y(a+y)+a(a+y)=1 (a+y)(a+y)=1 axa+。。。×y=(a+y)(a+y)=1

,故充分性成立.当l1⊥l2 时,有(a-2)+(a-2)a=0成立,即 (a-2)(a+1)=0,解得 a=-1,或 a=2,故不能推出 a=-1,故必要性不成立,∴l1:x+(a-2)y-2=0,l2:(a-2)x+ay-1=0,则“a=-1”是“l1⊥l2”的充分不必要条件.故答案为:充分不必要.

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