
作者&投稿:冶雪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  每每在英语考试快要到来的时候,我们作为学生应该做出什么样的复习准备工作呢?下面请欣赏我为你带来的外研版初一上册英语Module 2检测试题,希望你能够喜欢!

  外研版初一上册英语Module 2检测试题


  1 - Can you ride a horse ?

  - ____ .And I can’t ride a bike .

  A Yes ,I can B No ,I can’t C Yes ,I can’t D No ,I can

  2 Betty can’t play ____ football .She can play ___ piano .

  A the ,the B the ,/ C /,the D a ,the

  3 - Can you play football ?

  - Yes ,I can .____ I can’t play it very well .

  A Or B And C So D But

  4 I have a good friend .____ name is Jack .

  A He B Hers C She D His

  5 Americans speak _____ .

  A Chinese B Japanese C English D French

  6 Miss Lee is from ____ .She is an ______ .

  A America, American B American, America

  C America , America D American , American

  7 - ________ ?

  - He is from England .

  A Where is she from England B Where is your friend from

  C How old is your friend D How is your friend

  8 - Are those your books ? - No ,______ .

  A it isn’t B they aren’t C it is D they are

  9 My mother is ___ English teacher in ___ university .

  A an,an B an, a C a ,an D a,a

  10 ____ are good friends .

  A I and she B I and her C She and me D She and I

  11 This is a photo ___ my family .

  A at B for C of D in

  12 - ____ ? - He’s a manager .

  A Who is your father B What is your father’s job

  C How is your father D Where is your father

  13 - Where is your grandpa ? - He is ill .He is _____ .

  A at the hospital B in hospital C in the hospital D on hospital

  14 _____ mothers both work in the same hospital .

  A Tim and Peter’s B Tim’s and Peter

  C Tim’s and Peter’s D Tim and Peter

  15 Where____ your parents ?

  A be B are C is D am


  1 My _____ (parent) are teachers .

  2 _____ (we) English teacher is Miss Li .

  3 This is _____ (he ) book .

  4 My _____ (father) car is white .

  5 This is my ______ (parent) room .

  6 Welcome to ______ (Chinese ) .

  7 _____ (this) books are on the desk .

  8 On ____ (me) desk there are many flowers .

  9 _____ (be) these Chinese ?

  10 Jim’s father is a good _____ (work) .


  1 This is a photo of Daming’s f_______ .

  2 My mother works at a h______ .She is a doctor .

  3 My father is a bus d_____ in Beijing .

  4 My father is the m____ of a theatre .

  5 Those are Paul’s son and d______ .


  speak can can’t student these doctor what’s job welcome ride

  1 Tom is from England .He can ___ English well .

  2 - ____ your job ? - I’m a factory worker .

  3 - ___ you sing an English song ? - No ,I can’t

  4 My mother is a ___ at the hospital .

  5 ____ to our school .

  6 - What’s your father’s _____ ?

  - He is a hotel manager .

  7 ____ are my parents .They are office workers in the factory .

  8 Helen is from Canada .She ____ speak Chinese or play table tennis .

  9 My father can ____ a horse and he can swim .

  10 Tom is eleven years old .He is a ____ at Beijing International School .


  My name is Betty Smith. This is a photo 1 my family. There are five 2 in the photo. Look! The old woman is my 3 . She is eighty years old. The woman in red is my mother. She is a 4 in a hospital. The man in a black coat is my father. He is a 5 in a middle school. This tall man is my 6 . He is my mother’s brother. He is 7 to my mother. I’m in yellow. We live in this house. Look here, please! Behind our house, 8 a small garden. It’s very nice. There 9 many beautiful flowers and 10 small trees in the garden.

  ( )1. A. in B. on C. of

  ( )2. A. people B. boys C. girls

  ( )3. A. mother B. grandmother C. aunt

  ( )4. A. doctor B. officer C. actor

  ( )5. A. doctor B. worker C. teacher

  ( )6. A. brother B. uncle C. aunt

  ( )7. A. behind B. in front of C. next

  ( )8. A. there’s B. have C. there’re

  ( )9. A. is B. has C. are

  ( )10. A. some B. any C. a

一、同义句1.My name's Daming. = I'm Daming.2.I'mfrom England. = I come from England.3.Are you a new student. ≈ Are you new?4.Nice to meet you. = Nice to see you. =Glade to meet you. = Glade to see you.5.What's you name. = May I have you name.二、特殊疑问句—W...


82 pete n. 皮特(Peter 的昵称)(m.); n. <美俚>保险箱,银箱 83 cathy n. 凯茜 84 johnny n. John 的昵称,男人,家伙 85 dean n. 系主任 86 ruth n. 露丝 87 gloria zhonggangxia n. 地质远程倾斜声呐 88 how often 多久;多常 89 exercise n. 练习,作业,运动; v. 练习,运动,运用...

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