insit与 persist的不同?详细点

作者&投稿:祗闵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Persist 意思是carry on, carry through
反义词: abandon, cease, give up, leave, quit, stop

Insist 意思是 order and expect; claim
反义词: endure, forget, tolerate

persist: to continue to do sth, although it's hard or other people oppose it 虽然某事很难,但坚持做某事
insist: to say firmly and often that sth is true, especially whe people thinks it is not. 虽然别人不同意,但坚持认为某事是对的。

To insist, is to make a point by speaking etc.
To persist is to continue doing something.

Persist and insist are actually considerably different in meaning. Insist means (roughly) "to strongly claim something", in simple terms. Persist means (again roughly) "to not give up in an action".

1. "He insisted he did not steal the car" - He is strongly claiming he didn't steal the car
2. "The woman refused to date him, but he persisted, and eventually dated her." - Persisted in this sense means he kept trying, he was continous.


persist(坚持): to continue to do sth, although it's hard or other people oppose it

insist(咬定):to say firmly and often that sth is true, especially whe people thinks it is not.

(source: longman dictionary)

一、 作不及物动词用时,后跟on或upon引起的短语
1) insist on/ upon+名词
They insisted on a definite answer.
I insisted on a replacement for the broken part on my bike.
Our English teacher insists upon the importance of the correct pronunciation.

2) insist on / upon +动名词(或动名词的复合结构)
She insisted on seeing the manager as soon as possible.
He insisted on a second message being sent (不用to be sent) to them.
We insisted upon his staying with us for another week.

注意: insist on (doing) sth. , stick to (doing) sth. 与persist in (doing) sth.的区别:
insist on (doing) sth.是"坚持"某种做法、意见、主张。如:
They insisted on leaving that day. 他们坚持要在那天走。

stick to (doing ) sth. 是"坚持"原则、计划、诺言、决定、真理、路线等。如:
He always sticks to his promise / his plan. 他总是坚守自己的诺言/计划。
如果表示"继续努力从事于某项工作",stick to后也可接动名词。如:
If you stick to practising English, you'll make great progress. 要是你每天坚持练习英语,就会取得很大进步。

而persist in (doing )sth.指不作任何改变地坚持某事,可能是一件好事,也可能是一件坏事。常包含"固执己见"的意思,但也可指意志的坚定。如:
She persists in her opinion.
He persists in his sparetime studies.
She persisted in wearing that old-fashioned dress.
The old woman persists in taking half an hour's exercise every day. (表示意志的坚定,不用insist on来代替)

二、 insist 作及物动词的用法
Her father insists that she (should) learn music after she leaves school.

2) insist作"坚持说"、"坚持认为"时,用陈述语气。如:
Alice insisted that she had done nothing wrong.

3) insist that...有时与insist on / upon互换。如上面1)、2)中的两个例句可分别改写为:
Her father insists on her learning music after she leaves school.
Alice insisted on her having done nothing wrong.


应城市18923832177: 区别英语 - insistonpersistin他们有什么区别?
东方详皮敏: insist表示“人”的意志和“一定要”的态度,是不及物动词,后跟on接名词或者动名词,不接不定式. He insisted on my going.他坚持要我去. persist也表示“坚持”,含义有两点,1,对某种活动坚持不懈.2,对某种意见固执不改.persist是不及物动词,后跟in接名词或者动名词,不接不定式. He persisted in denying it.他始终否认他.

应城市18923832177: insist 与 persist有什么区别?怎么用?
东方详皮敏: insistonsth/doingsth坚决主张某事,一定要某事物.或坚决主张做某事如:... 他们坚持改革,不顾农民的反对.persist也可接that从句,...

应城市18923832177: persist和insist的区别?
东方详皮敏: 楼上去字典上招来的吧?复制了一大堆.区分insist和persist,都是坚持,有什么差异?insist=in + sist,“坚持做一件事”,搭配insist onpersist=per (through)+ sist,“坚持反复做同一件事”,搭配persist in

应城市18923832177: insist,resist,persist都是动词“坚持”用法上有什么分别? -
东方详皮敏: Insist:坚持要求,坚持认为 前缀in-表示加强 ;搭配介词用insist on.....(积极地坚持....) Persist:坚持、持续 前缀per-表示一种贯穿的连续性;搭配介词用persist in ..(积极地坚持...) Resist:抵制,对抗 前缀re-表示反复、抵制;是一种消极的坚持

应城市18923832177: persist和insist的区别? -
东方详皮敏: persist vi. 坚持;固执 持久;持续 是不及物动词,不能单独用,常用的短语有: persist in sth. 坚持做某事 persist in doing sth. 坚持做某事 persist with 继续努力, 坚持不懈 insist可以做及物动词也可以做不及物的,做不及物的后面要加ON或...

应城市18923832177: persist与insist两词都表示坚持,在英语中有什么区别? -
东方详皮敏:[答案] insist,“坚持做一件事”只是坚持某事,比较中性,insist on doing sth.persist,“坚持反复做同一件事”用来做坚韧不拔的说法多一些,有褒义倾向,persist in doing sth.persevere insist persist三者区别:insist:后接on...

应城市18923832177: insist和persist有什么区别? -
东方详皮敏: 虽然 insist 和persist 的字典翻译一样是“坚持”,这两个单词有重要的不同.Insist 坚决:坚决主张,坚决认为,坚决要求 He insisted on being present at the meeting even though he was sick. 虽然他生病,他坚持出席会议.Persist (在面临挫折或阻碍时)坚持不懈,坚持持续,再接再厉 He persisted even though the fog was making it difficult to see where he was going. 尽管雾让他难以看到前面他坚持继续走下去.

应城市18923832177: persist和insist 有什么区别吗 -
东方详皮敏: persist?用来做坚韧不拔的说法多一些,有褒义倾向,而insist只是坚持某事,比较中性

应城市18923832177: insist, maintain有什么区别? -
东方详皮敏: Insist 不及物动词,后面借助介词,最常见的如 insisit on 坚持(强调,坚决要求,坚决主张) 另外,坚持主句中出现(Insist)、命令(order /command),从句应采用should+do的形式. maintain,及物动词,后面不须借助介词,可直接加宾语. 如 maintain order 维持秩序

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