用aid sb. in doing sth.造句

作者&投稿:萧绿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
用cheat sb.造句,用cheat sb. in to doing sth造句~

1.I played football last Sunday
I didn't play football last Sunday.
Did you play football last Sunday?
2.They cleaned the classroom yesterday.
They didn't clean the classroom yesterday.
Did they clean the classroom yesterday?
3.Mike watched TV yesterday evening.
Mike didn't watch TV yesterday evening.
Did Mike watch TV yesterday evening?
1.I was at school yesterday.
I wasn't at school yesterday.
Were you at school yesterday?
2.They were in Grade One last year.
They weren't in Grade One last year.
Were they in Grade One last year?
3.Mary was an English girl.
Mary was not an English girl.
Was Mary an English girl?

assist in和assist with的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。


1.assist in

释义:帮助;协助;援助 。

2.assist with



1.assist in

用法:assist in后面直接加名词。

例句:To assist in planning and conducting nutritional surveys.协助策划和开展营养调查。

2.assist with

用法:assist with后直接加sth,assist和with中间加sb。

例句:This application can assist with your count. 这个应用可以辅助您进行计数。


1.assist in


例句:Assist in the analysis and solution of operational problems. 协助分析和解决运行中的问题。

2.assist with


例句:Select members from assist with security testing.从该团队选择最适合帮助进行安全性测试的成员。

I aid him in studying english。

he aids his mother in doing housework

化隆回族自治县13611052255: aid sb to do 和aid sb in doing都对是么 两个语义上有区别么 -
之鹏迈平: 都对

化隆回族自治县13611052255: 有aid somebody to do 的句型吗? -
之鹏迈平: 有aid somebody to do 的句型吗?有aid to do和aid sb in doing,没有见过aid somebody to do的.

化隆回族自治县13611052255: GMAT语法中哪些固定搭配比较常见
之鹏迈平: 常见GMAT语法固定搭配: 1. 一般不用被动语态的动词或GMAT考试动词短语 lead, cause, enable, become, receive, visit, visit, lack, enter, cost, possess, resemble, last, like, enjoy, notice, watch, look at, listen to, pay attention to, suit, fit, contain, so ...

化隆回族自治县13611052255: ask sb's help in doing 还是ask sb's help to do -
之鹏迈平: 正确的:ask sb for help to do something 不能用sb's help 因为这是不正规的英语用法 for help这里做的是一种补充的作用,因为去了以后还是正确的句子

化隆回族自治县13611052255: help sb doing sth有这种说法吗? -
之鹏迈平: 没有这种说法. help的用法有三种. help sb. do sth. 意思:帮助某人做某事 例:I can help you clean the classroom 我可以帮你打扫教室. help sb. to do sth. 意思:帮助某人做某事 例:I know you are very busy,So I help you to cook. 我知道你很忙...

化隆回族自治县13611052255: gmat语法常用固定搭配有哪些?
之鹏迈平: gmat语法常用固定搭配有: 1. 一般不用被动语态的动词或动词短语 lead, cause, ... be educated to, be / become accustomed / used to - aid sb in doing,prevent / keep / ...

化隆回族自治县13611052255: 同义固定搭配
之鹏迈平: 抱歉,查询,思考了很久,有的没有找到五种,有的多于五种,以下供参考,希望对你有所用帮助: 告别:leave for, part from (with), bid farewell to, say good-bye to 感恩:feel/be grateful, be thankful, express one's thanks, extend thanks to,thank ...

化隆回族自治县13611052255: see sb do 和see sb doing的区别 -
之鹏迈平: 区别 1、see sb do sth 表示看到某人做某事了 2、see sb doing sth 表示看到某人正在做某事 3、see sb do sth 强调已经完成的事情,或者表述客观事实 4、see sb doing sth 强调正在进行,当前发生的事情 扩展资料【例句】 1、I saw him work...

化隆回族自治县13611052255: 动词+sb+do/doing/to do -
之鹏迈平: 英文语法:V+sb+to do sth , V+sb+ do sth, V+sb+doing 标签:英语语法 一、哪些动词用V+sb+do sth或者 V+sb+doing sth?口诀如下: “一感二听三使四看半帮助". 口诀解释: 一感指 feel 二听指 listen to 和 hear 三使指 have,let 和 make 四看见...

化隆回族自治县13611052255: 用“watch sb. doing sth”. :造句 -
之鹏迈平: I watch him playing basketball.我看见他正在打篮球. I watch her playing the piano in the room.我看见她在屋里弹钢琴.

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