break into 和burst into 什么区别

作者&投稿:爱询 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ break into

1.divide 分成

*Alice broke the chocolate into pieces,one for each person.爱丽丝把巧克力分成小块,每人一块。

2.enter by force 闯入

*The policeman found that the house had been broken into and a quantity of jewellery stolen.警察发现有人闯入室内,盗走一批珠宝。

*The thieves planned to break into the bank.小偷预谋闯进这家银行。

3.burst into;begin suddenly 突然…起来

*Jack broke into laughter.杰克突然大笑起来。

*At this point even the interpreter broke into weeping.到这时连翻译都哭泣起来了。

4.interrupt 打断

*Don't break into their conversation;they are discussing something important.不要打断他们的谈话,他们正在讨论重要的事情。 and consume( reserve);occupy 启开和动用(储存物品);侵占;占用

*He has broken into the money he has saved for long.他已动用他长期积蓄的钱。

*They were so hungry that they couldn't help breaking into their emergency supplies of food and water.他们饿极了,不得不动用应急食物和饮水。

*I can't take on any extra work;my spare time has been broken into far too much as it is.我不能再承担任何额外的工作,就现在这样我的业余时间已经占用得过多了。

*Housework has broken into a lot of my time.家务事已占用了我很多时间。

burst into

1.enter suddenly;smash into 闯入;破门而入

*The police burst into the room.警察突然闯进了房间。

2.begin suddenly 突然开始;突然…起来

*The audience burst into applause.观众突然报以热烈的掌声。

*Mary burst into

*The sad story made the
girl burst into tears.悲惨的故事使那女孩突然哭起来。

郫县15737085483: break into 和burst into 什么区别 -
成韦希罗: break into和burst into在意思上都有“忽然闯入”的意思,但是细看两者的意思还是有所区别的.break into:偏向于空间上的突然改变;突然开始 (做某事) burst into:偏向于情绪上的突然改变;突然进入 (某种状态) eg.The thieves broke ...

郫县15737085483: Break into 和burst into区分 -
成韦希罗: break into 更常用的含义突然的闯入,打断;burst into 更强调情绪的突然爆发.

郫县15737085483: burst intobreak into用法可以互换吗,举例说明.翻译要解释的具体点,不要直接翻译.英语不好,按自己意思随便翻译的就算了,没别的意思别误导人. -
成韦希罗:[答案] burst into固定词组:情绪的突然发作 burst into tears 放声大哭 burst into作闯入的时候,可以与break into互换. burst是突然爆裂,爆炸的意思,程度上要比break into 要强烈一点.

郫县15737085483: burst into 和break into 的区别 -
成韦希罗: 通用,无大的区别.break into 还有闯入的意思

郫县15737085483: burst out crying 和 burst into crying 有什么区别? -
成韦希罗:[答案] burst into是一个很好的词组.意思是:爆发成;突然……起来.号啕大哭目前来看还没其他说法的,基本都是burst into tears.特别介绍几个相同意思的词组,brust out,break into均可表示“突然……起来”的意思,区别在于burst into及break into后必须接...

郫县15737085483: break out doing 有无此用法?burst into tears.break into tears.突然大哭.burst out laughing.突然大笑.请问 break out laughing.可不可以?还有 burst into tears 等... -
成韦希罗:[答案] break out laughing 这种说法没有问题,同样表示突然的大笑 burst into tears 等于 break into tears 也是表示突然大笑

郫县15737085483: burst in与burst into的区别? -
成韦希罗: burst into是闯入或者突然发作的意思.例如: They burst into a spasm of laughter.他们爆发出一阵笑声. burst in是打断,突然出现的意思. 如: He burst in upon our conversation.他打断了我们的话.总之简单点说,into像是一个“出”的过程,而in则是“插入”的过程 希望可以帮到你哦 O(∩_∩)O~

郫县15737085483: 闯入 英文怎么写 -
成韦希罗:[答案] 闯入 intrude burst into break into (闯入;破门而入) darken the door (闯入;破门而入)

郫县15737085483: 英语中,地道的“破门而入”怎么说 -
成韦希罗: 破门而入 [词典] break into houses; break in; burst door open; force open; break into; [例句]我把自己锁在了我们的公寓外面,不得不破门而入.I locked myself out of our apartment and had to break in

郫县15737085483: 收集一些关于笑的英语单词 -
成韦希罗: laugh 普通平常的笑、smile 微笑、sneer 讥笑、mock 耻笑、deride 嘲笑等. sneer英 [snɪə(r)] 美 [snɪr] n. 冷笑;嘲笑 v. 嘲笑;冷笑 Ambreene favored him with a disbelieving sneer. 艾布瑞妮回以一个不相信的冷笑. 近义词 scorn 英 [skɔːn] 美 [skɔːrn] n. 轻蔑;奚落;笑柄 v. 轻蔑;鄙视;嘲弄;不屑 He spat out the words with scorn. 他用轻蔑的口吻说了这番话.

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