英语作文!!急急急!!!在线等!!!think of favourute food in hometown.make a list of ingredients

作者&投稿:友章 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

thanksgiving day
In 1620, A group of British people came to the Americas.they living difficult ,food will not , feel death is coming,but indians gave turkey and pumpkin to British people at that moment .That food saved these people life .then these people work on the farm .they hard work paid off at last .this time is the fourth Thursday in November .that is the thanksgiving day of America.however we must thanksgiving food and people of the helped you

My favourite food is fruit.
As we all know, fruit is delicious and healthy food. It has many kinds, such as apples, pears, oranges, lemons and so so. Nowadays, nearly every one have fruit every day. It has a long history. Nobody know that how the fruit springs up. But we all enjoy it very much.
I like it very much. Because it is healthy to our body. After we insist on having fruit every day, we will become stronger. As the proverb says ,” An apple a day keeps the doctor away .” So we should have more. It still has a lot of advantages. First, it can make our skin become white and smooth. This point is very attractive to girls. Next, it helps digestion. When we are hungry, we can eat fruit. It can let you feel full at once. In addition, fruit is so pretty and cute.
In one word, having fruit is good for our health. So we should enjoy it.

My favourite food is mushrooms. I like them because I think they are very delicious and nutritious. There are many kinds of mushrooms in the world. Some are like small houses with big round heads and thick bodies. And some have the shapes of umbrellas. Mushrooms usually grow among trees in forests. My mother can cook mushrooms in many different ways. Mushrooms are very good for people’s health. I like mushrooms very much. They are healthy.

My favourite food is noodles. They are healthy to our bodies. We need a lot of noodles every day. We buy them in the shops and supermarkets. In my family we usually eat noodles. I like noodles very much..

My favourite food is hamburgers. These food are in KFC and McDonald’s. I like them because there are vegetables, chicken and some salad in hamburgers. They’re very nice. We will not be hungry if we eat them. So I like hamburgers best.

Apples are my favourite food. They are delicious. And if you eat an apple every day, it will be good for your health. When I feel thirsty , eating an apple is a good choice. Of course! Apples are healthy food. So I like them very much. Do you like them,too?

I like ice-cream best. I like it very much because it is sweet. When the hot summer is coming, I can eat an ice-cream. At that moment, I can feel cool and relaxed. Although ice-cream is unhealthy food, I like it very much. I think I should eat less ice-cream in the future.

My favourite food is chocolate cake. I like it because it is sweet and very delicious. I think , many children like chocolates and cakes like me. Chocolate cake tastes better than rice and vegetables. I like to eat it but it is unhealthy.So you can’t eat it all day. I eat 3 cakes sometimes , but I won’t eat it all the time.

My favourite food is kiwi fruits. I like them , because they taste delicious. Their skin is brown. And inside is green. And some are yellow or red. They are very expensive. They are healthy because they have much nutrition. I like to eat kiwi fruits!

My favourite food is beef. I like it because it is delicious. It is healthy food. It can make us strong. And children must eat more beef. It is always helpful to them. It will be more delicious while it is made as curry beef. So I like beef very much. How about you?

Do you have your favourite food ? My favourite food is chicken wings. I like spicy chicken wings best. Because I think they’re nice. Every week I often eat six chicken wings. They’re good for your health. They can make you strong. But you can’t eat a lot. They are bad for your stomach. I love chicken wings. I can’t leave them.

Different people like different food. Most children like milk. So do I. I like milk because it is fresh and healthy. Drinking milk help us to be strong. I always drink two cups of milk. Milk is also popular food in China. More and more people like to drink milk. I like milk very much.

Among all the foods, I like dumplings best. And umplings is also a kind of food in my hometown. We need flour, water, meat, mushroom. Since childhood I have learned how to make it. There are five steps. First you make the dough by mixing water into the flour. The container should be big enough lest the flour and water will overflow. Press the dough with your hands till it is not sticky. When the dough is ready, leave it there for use later, then go on to make the fillings. The second step is to mince the meat, mushrooms till they are mixed in a paste. Add some spice such as ginger and onion and stir them evenly. The third step is to make the wrappings. Roll the dough with a round stick into small round pieces of wrappings, each two inches in diameter. The fourth step is to put the filling in the middle of a wrapping. Then press the wrapping tight and a jiaozi is ready. When you have made enough dumplings, the next step is to boil them. That is the last step. Put a pot of water on the stove. When the water is boiling, put the dumplings one by one into the water and cover the pot. When steam comes out, add more cold water and when it boils again add cold water a second time. When you see the dumplings floating in boiling water, you can put them in bowls or plates, get the chopsticks and be ready to eat.

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