
作者&投稿:益陆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2. to me 3.it's to have 4.not talking 5.would not 6.so that

A discussion was carried out in our class on the topic of whether junior high school students can go to school by motorbikes. As a result, 35 students are in favour of riding motorbikes to school,stating that it is convient for students. What's more, riding motorbikes save more time on the journey to school. While 35 students are opposed to doing so because they think that it is of no use ride motorbikes to speed up for the roads are crowded in the morning. Worse still, we are too young to ride motorbikes, which is dangerous

4.gave away

changing our life
fix up
makes a big difference
set up
5.ran out of
for helping
takes after
be able to
makes it possible to finish

gave away,changing our lives ,fix up,made a big difference set up

英语学霸碗里来!!请问losing face为什么face不加s,但是make faces就要...
我觉得你是很喜欢钻研的人 帮你查了一下 其实这个face在这里与中文的脸意思不太一样 做 面容;神色;神情 的意思时是可数名词 做 面子;脸面 的意思时是不可数名词 如此而已,最主要还是受习惯性的用法影响,一般说鬼脸的时候都用复数,中文不也是用挤眉弄眼这样的词来形容吗?请参考柯林斯词典 ht...

112. gas, dress, as 115. ghost, Christmas, festival 118. because, present, together 120. mooncake,full,USA 123. mask, paint, pumpkin 126 lantern, inside, knock 129. shout, trick, treat 132. if, special, question 135 dumpling, grandparent, other 138 thing, lion, firework 141...

doesn't like



I had a great time traveling with my classmates last summer.We went to a small island and enjoyed the sunshine there.We played volleyball and swam happily.We also went fishing.The island was really a beautiful place to take a holiday. Everyone enjoyed himself....

Hiding behind the loose dusty curtain, a teenager packed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk though there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this because he was tired of his parents’ nagging about his English study and did not...

Dear Lucy,I have already heard from you.I am sorry to hear that .You said that you feel stressed and fall asleep in class because of too many learning burdens and too many exams.Don't worry.Let me tell you some advice.there are many different kinds of methods to ...

in last weekend ,morning I eat breakfast. and wash my face. I play football and play basketball. is it very haply.

参考答案如下:(一)1. can, can 2. may 3. could 4. can 5. May 6. may 7. could (二)1. A 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B (三)1. not to smoke any more 2. borrow your camera 3. will have a good time 4. making a phone call 5. By the way ...

孟州市13852426558: 英语八下填空,学霸快来 -
鲜罗罗氏: hair never hungry found back blind kindness waiting 同学是八年级学生吧?这文章主要是讲的一只流浪猫的故事.慢慢做,你应该没问题的哦.加油

孟州市13852426558: 八年级英语,学霸快来看看 -
鲜罗罗氏: 2 When, where did 3 Did, buy anything 4 What did, do 5 How was II 6 friendly 7 bought 8 myself 9 diaries 10 was

孟州市13852426558: 怎样学好八下英语 -
鲜罗罗氏: 先说一些学习方法,第二段为考试方面的学习建议: 〖你好,好好学习很高兴为你答疑解惑!〗 1.收听英语气象报告 3.善用录音带锻炼听说能力 4.听正常语速的英语,才能加速听力的进步 5.从电视,电影中学习英语 7.和朋友表演影片情节 8.唱...

孟州市13852426558: 求八下英语第三单元知识点总结~~速度啊,在线等
鲜罗罗氏: Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? 1.in front of…在…的前面(范围外) in the front of (范围内)2.get out of …从…出来3.take off from… 从…起飞4.land on …降落…5.call the police 报警6.at around 10 o'clock 在大约10点...

孟州市13852426558: 八年级下册英语单词如何快速有效的记单词 -
鲜罗罗氏: 记忆单词是有方法的.预习这些八年级下册英语单词之前,我首先要帮助大家学习如何记忆这些单词.首先,我们需要选择最佳记忆单词的时候,每一个同学都有不同的记忆习惯和最佳记忆时间,同学们可以选择自己记忆八年级下册英语单词效果最佳的时间;其次可以用多种感官记忆八年级下册英语单词,除了读读写写,边读边背,利用听觉来加强记忆也能起到很好的效果;再来通过归类记忆,把八年级下册英语单词分类,整理在小卡片上,也能起到很好的助攻作用!希望能帮助到你,望采纳!

孟州市13852426558: 八下英语作业本, 学霸快来,最好还有整本的答案 -
鲜罗罗氏: 答案应该是CDEBAF,我也是八下的啦~

孟州市13852426558: 英语八年级下册80页的3A翻译, 速度,, 快~!!
鲜罗罗氏: 10. p80 UNIT 10 3a: 1.亲爱的Kim 作为一名新生有时在学校真的很难,但是周六的晚上我渡过了一段美妙的时光.非常感谢你能邀请我参加.有一些女孩子我并不认识,但是她们对我都很友善.还有你放的那段影片真的是太有意思了.现在我感...

孟州市13852426558: 八年级下册的英语怎么学好?请说点有用的谢谢..我真的想努力了 -
鲜罗罗氏: 每次上课之前先将老师要讲的内容预习一遍,至少要将生单词查一查,但不要一碰到不认识的单词就去查,先读一遍,尽可能的去理解文章意思,试着去猜单词,我通常会试着自己用中文将文章翻译一遍,单词一定要背,都是很基础的单词,语法用不断的举例子造句子来加固

孟州市13852426558: 英语学霸快来,how和what后面加什么么,什么名词is什么的 -
鲜罗罗氏: how 后面加形容词,what 后面加名词

孟州市13852426558: 八下仁爱版英语第一单元,第一TOPIC单词快,速度!一个TOPIC就好 -
鲜罗罗氏:[答案] 我也是仁爱、现在正好读八下-.- invite、worrien、smile、none、disappointedtaste、unhappy、unpopular、rich、silly、cruel、landlord/seem opera film moving proud smell upset suiprised Aystriacry lovely li...

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