
作者&投稿:蓍相 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1.one of the pressing problems facing our nation/world is ...(开头用,我们国家面临的问题是。。)

2.in many urbans/cities, ... has aroused/arrested wide social concern(在很多城市,某某事情引起广泛的社会关注)

3.the past decate has witnessed a huge development in ... owing to the reform amd opening policy being carried out,bringing some problems at the same time,with the following on to be discussed.(这是写改革开放带来巨大变化的,省略号是起变化的事)

4.simple as the picture is,the symbolic meaning behind the picture is as deep as ocean.(这句也是废话,叫做“图画简单,但背后意义深刻”)

5.among all the touching facts relating to ... that I have heard, noticed and experienced . the most impressive one is ... . which/who...(举例子的时候用)

还有一段废话式文字,用来增加字数的:simply designed as it is,the symbolic meaning/intended meaning the picture conveys is deep and profound. It is most likely, that the drawer intends not only to represant the fact to us ,but also set us thinking what is under the iceberg.(图画设计简单,但是背后的意义值得深究,看起来,图画的作者不但要给我们重现这个事实,还要我们去深思这个冰川背后的含义。“冰川是比喻的”)

The Lunar New Year

The Lunar New Year is a great occasion to the Chinese people. It lasts about the first four days of the year, during which people do not work except for the workers on duty. Students do not go to school, and shops are closed.

Several days before the new year, people begin to prepare. Farmers kill pigs, sheep, cocks and hens. City dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables. Houses are cleaned; couplets

are posted on the doors. Colourful lanterns are hung at the gate.

On the eve of the new year, each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner. After the meal they watch TV until the clock strickes twelve. Then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fire works to welcome the new year. On the first day of the new year, almost everyone is dressed in his or her best. When

people meet on the way, they say to each other “Happy New Year”。 Friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other. Children indulge themselves in games.






when I was born,about 3 kilos,I can walk when I was 10 months old,and can speak very well when I am 1 year old,relatives considered that I am so clever.
I can remenber the things happened on me when I was 3 years old ,in that year,my mum and dad both very busy,they need to work all day long,and live me alone in the home,I cried from dawn to dark,and sleep by myself.but fortunately,I am so health till I was 5.
when I was 5,before I went to primary school,I am sick badly,nearly dead,mummy accompany me,I can see her tears slide down,in fact,I love my mummy,for she is really very nice and graceful and with good patient.
well,I went to school when I am 6,and for I was very clever and honest,all of the teacher and the fellows love me alot,I am the monitor from grade 1 to 6,as if I am the king of the fellows.
I fall in love when I was 13 in Grade 6,a girl named Feng,so beauty,and slim,transfered from other school,I fell in love at the first sight,but then,she hurt me,and she was gone after graduated from that school with his family,I cried wildly for years at anytime when I remember her.
now,I am in middle school,become youth but not child anymore,I love the past times,and a better dream in the future.

My New Teacher

My new teacher is science teacher. He’s very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes.


青山绿水田野小河森林大海 选一个写200字作文怎么写
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1个回答 #热议# 哪些癌症可能会遗传给下一代?好声音1718 2022-10-07 · TA获得超过1550个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:147 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:24.7万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1. 以我是一棵树为题的作文 我是一棵树,我是一颗努力生长的树。 在许久许久的以前,我是一粒小...


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1. 鸡的特点写一篇作文 它的头到身体都是黄黄的,摸起来毛绒绒的,象一个黄黄的毛绒球,真舒服。它的眼睛圆圆的、大大的,嘴巴尖尖的,很是可爱。 有一次,我正在吃饭,忽然,一颗米饭掉到了地上,小鸡见了,一下子跑过来,把饭吃了,它可真贪吃呀! 还有一次,小鸡啄着我的裤腿,一下也不放,我不知道它要干嘛。原来...

今天,我看到了一幅温馨的画面:一个小孩扶着一位老爷爷过马路。这个场景深深地感动了我,让我想要写一篇作文来记录它。 那是一个阳光明媚的早晨,我在路上散步,突然看到了前方的人群聚集在一起。我好奇地走过去,只见一位年迈的老爷爷手里拄着拐杖,正试图穿过繁忙的街道。但是由于他的行动不便,加上车流量大,他显...

巴楚县13136279460: 英语作文..写一下0 - 14岁的事.用英文写.
源享阿乐: 没翻译哦,你自己看.就写的我自己的,我今年26啦 when I was born,about 3 kilos,I can walk when I was 10 months old,and can speak very well when I am 1 year old,relatives considered that I am so clever. I can remenber the things happened on ...

巴楚县13136279460: 写一篇英语作文:我的朋友Tom 年龄:14 国籍:英国 性格:调皮 可爱 乐于助人 爱好:喜欢打篮球 收集邮票 最爱的人:妈妈 很乐意帮妈妈做家务 他说和妈妈一起做家务很有趣. -
源享阿乐: My friend Tom age: 14 Nationality: British character: lovely helpful hobbies: love basketball collecting stamps love the most: my mother is happy to help my mother do the housework. He said the mother with the housework is very interesting.

巴楚县13136279460: 写个人14岁,读初二从出生到现在成长经历的英语作文(包括翻译)
源享阿乐:我出生于1998年12月19日,我奶奶和妈妈照看我长大的,我生活在一个幸福快乐的家庭,我在xx幼儿园上的幼儿园,我是8岁上的小学一年级,一直到毕业,我都在xx小学,在这个学校我很快乐,我在xx中学上的初中直到现在 I was born in ...

巴楚县13136279460: 英语作文张明是一个只有14岁的男孩,体重达到了80公斤.他喜欢吃肉,不喜欢运动 -
源享阿乐: Zhang Ming is a 14-year-old boy.His weight is 80 kilos.He likes eating meat and he hates doing exercises.

巴楚县13136279460: 写简单的英语作文 ?
源享阿乐: my name is Victor . I want to injoy English club becuse. I want to learn write in English make more friends My E-mail address is Vict @tom .com My phone number is 332- 886

巴楚县13136279460: 七年级英语作文第一篇:假如你是李华、今年14岁,昨天是你的生日.昨天晚上你在家举办了一个生日聚会.请根据下面的词语提示,以Mybirthdayparty为... -
源享阿乐:[答案] 第二篇: DearDave, I'mverygladtokonwyou'recomingtoBeijingforyourholiday.TheweatherinBeijingisverygreat.Thesunisshiningandshining.Andthewindisgentle.whenitrians,theweatheriscool.lthinkyouwillfeelverycomfortable....

巴楚县13136279460: 一件难忘的事英语作文带翻译 -
源享阿乐: 一件难忘的事 在我成长的路上发生过很多的事情,这件事情让我很难忘的. 一次,我在书上看到,盐水可以把鸡蛋浮起来,我就很好奇,自己也很想试试,看个究竟. 于是,我找来一个不锈钢盆,放上些水,在抓上两把盐,而后把鸡蛋洗净,...

巴楚县13136279460: 英语作文:假如你叫李珍,今年14岁,篮球是你最喜欢的体育运动,我经常和朋友在空闲的时间打篮球. -
源享阿乐: 什么格式?普通格式还是信封?Hello,I'm Li Zhen.Do you want to know something about me?Let me tell you.I am 14 years old this year.I have many friends.I often play basketball with my friends in my free time.My favourite star is YaoMing,I hope that as good as he.I believe I can success,do you think so?望采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~同初中生~

巴楚县13136279460: 英语作文写人70字数写一个14岁的男的,初中生求速度. -
源享阿乐: My name is ***,I was a junior high school students,now 14 years old.At school I was a handsome little boy,everybody likes me,my good grades,but I am not so proud,I will work hard!Come on!

巴楚县13136279460: 英语作文带中文翻译介绍自己50字左右,是我14岁 -
源享阿乐: Hello, everyone. I am a fourteen years old student. I was born in xxx, and i am living in xxx. I am high and thin. I have a short straight hair. I am crazy about reading which can spead my mind. I would like to make friends with like-minded person.

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