写出下列划线字母或组合的发音:1.bag (a)2.school(ch) 3.thank (th)4. they (ey)5.kite (i)

作者&投稿:姬军 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
写出下列字母或字母组合的常见发音,并举一个例词:1.ar 2.er~

ar [ɑ:] park
er [ɜ:(r)] term
ir [ɜ:] shirt
or [ɔ:] short
ur [ɜ:] turn
al [ɔ:] talk
ay [eɪ] day
air [eə(r)] chair
ass [ɑ:s] class
ea [i:] meat [e] head
ee [i:] see
er [ɜ:] her
ere [ɪə(r)] here [eə(r)]where
ey [eɪ] they
ear [ɪə(r)] tear
eer [ɪə(r)] deer
igh [aɪ] high
oa [əʊ] boat
oo [ʊ:] school [ʊ]book
ow [aʊ] cow [əʊ] know
ou [aʊ] shout
oy [ɔɪ] boy
oi [ɔɪ] toilet
oor [ɔ:(r)] door
our [aʊə(r)]
n [n] answer
ng [ŋ] hang
c [k] cat
ck [k] clock
ch [ tʃ ] China
tch [ tʃ ] catch
sh [ ʃ ] she
th [ð] that [θ] third
n [n] ant
ph [f] phone
wr [r] wrong
ts [ts] wants
ds [dz] hands
ble[bl] table
ple [pl] people
cle [kl] circle
g [g] girl
ge [dʒ] age
gh [f] enough [不发音] eight
gn [n] sign
wh [w] when [h] who
tr [tr] try
dr [dr] dry
j [dʒ] joy
qu [kw]quiet
y [ j ] yes [aɪ] by
ie [i:] piece [e] friend
ore [ɔ:]more

2)以辅音字母(r 除外)+不发音的e结尾的音节。例:make,like。
* 在重读的开音节中元音字母按字母名称读音。
以一个或几个辅音字母(r 除外)结尾而中间只有一个元音字母的音节,
* 在重读的闭音节中元音字母读做短元音。
字母a,e,i,o,u 在重读音节中的读法

a /ei/ 开音节 /ei/ name,take
闭音节 // map,bag
e /i:/ 开音节 /i:/ be,he
闭音节 /e/ egg,best
i /ai/
开音节 /ai/ like,kite
闭音节 /i/ bit,fit
o /ou/
开音节 /əu/ note,no
闭音节 // dog,lot
u /ju:/
开音节 /ju:/ mute,use
闭音节 // bus,cut

a 在开音节中 [ei] name plane Jane baby cake
在闭音节中 [æ] bag dad hat map black back
e 在开音节中 [i:] he these me Chinese
在闭音节中 [e] bed let pen desk yes egg
i 在开音节中 [ai] bike fly drive time nice kite
在闭音节中 fish big drink sit milk swim
o 在开音节中 [əu] those close go hoe home no
在闭音节中 [C] clock not box shop sock
u 在开音节中 [ju:] student excuse duty Tuesday
在闭音节中 [∧] bus cup jump much lunch
在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读[u:]音,例如:June blue ruler super

a在[w]音后面 [C]want what watch wash quality
a在f n sk ph sp ss st th前 [α:] after plant graph ask grasp glass fast father
i在-nd -ld和gh前 [ai] find child light high
o在-st -ld前 [ou] mostpostcard old cold
o在m n v th前 [∧] comemonkey love mother

a [E]E China another woman breakfast
orange comrade village cabbage
e [E] hundred student open weekend
chicken pocket begin children
i [E]/ holiday beautiful family animal
[ai] exercise satellite
o [E] second tonight somebody welcome
[Eu] also zero photo
u [E] autumn difficult
[ju:] popular congratulation January
u处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母j l r s后面时,读[u( ]音,例如:Julyinfluence February issue
在非重读音节中,许多单词中的元音字母a e i 即可以读作[E]音,也可以读作音。

arar在[w]音后面 [α:]car farm dark sharpener
[C:] warm quarter towards
oror在[w]音后面 [C:]forty morning short
[E:] word worker worse
er ir ur [E:] certainly bird Thursday
辅音字母r双写时,前面的元音字母不能与r构成-r音节,而是按重读闭音节的拼读规则发音。例如: carry sorry hurry
-r音节在非重读音节中通常读[E]音,例如:dollarteacher martyr forget Saturday

are [εE] care dare hare
ere [iE] here mere
ire [aiE] fire hire wire
ore [C:] more score before
ure [juE] pure cure
are ere ire ore很少出现在非重读音节中,ure在非重读音节中读[E]音,例如:picture pleasure
重读元音字母加Rr,再加非重读元字组时,重读元音字母应按-re音节拼读规则拼读,字母Rr读[r]音。例如:parent zero story during inspiring
某些常用词及多音节词经常出现长音短化现象。例如:orange very American paragraph

ai/ay [ei] afraid rain wait day play
air [εE] air hair chair pair repair
alal在f m前 [C] smallball talk wall all
[C:l] always also salt almost
[α:] half calm
au/aw [C:] autumn daughter draw
ea [i:] teach easy cheap please
[e] heavy bread sweater weather
[ei] break great
ear [iE] hear dear near clear year
[εE] bear pear wear swear
[E:] earth learn early
ee [i:] jeep week green three
eer [iE] pioneer deer beer
ei/ey [ei] eight neighbour they
[i:] either key
eu/ew在j l r s后 [ju:] newfew newspaper
[u:] flew brew jewelry
ie/ei[s]音之后 [i:] piece field receive
oa [ou] coat Joan boat goal
oar/oor [C:] roar board door floor
oi/oy [Ci] noise point boy toilet
oo [u:] broom food tooth school
book look cook foot good
ou/ow [au] flower house count down
[ou] know row throw though
[∧] young country enough
[u:] group you soup
our [C:] course your four
[auE] our hour ours
[E:] journey
ui在j l r s后 [ju:i]fluid suicide tuition
[u:] juice fruit suit

ai/ay ei/ey Sunday foreign monkey
ow [ou] yellow sparrow tomorrow
元音字组在非重读音节中读[E]音或。例如:neighbour serious famous biscuit coffee
-sion -tion [Fn] impression nation
-sion在元音字母后 [Vn] vision decision occasion
-tion在s后 [tFEn]question suggestion
-sten [sn] listen
-stle [sl] whistle
-sure [VE] pleasure measure
-ture [tFE] picture culture

复合词中的第二部分不标注重音符号,但其中的元音字母或元音字母组合仍按重读音节拼读规则拼读。例如: everyday[ei] handbag[æ] blackboard[C:]
有些词随着语言的发展,前后两部分已失去其单独存在的意义,融合成为一个词。其中的非重读部分要按非重读音节的读音规则发音。例如: sun太阳 +day[ei]日子> Sunday 星期天 holy神圣 + day[ei]日子> holiday 假日 break中断 + fast[α:]斋戒> breakfast[E] 早餐 cup茶杯 + board木板[C:] > cupboard[E] 碗柜

b bike bus bag
[/] bomb tomb
cc在e前或在i/y前 [k] cake picture coat music
[s] face decide cinema
ch [tF] much chick rich teacher
[k] school headache chemistry
[F] machine
-ck [k] cock pocket black knock
d [d] doctor bread hand day
-dge [dV] bridge fridge
dr- [dr] children driver drink
f [f] five four breakfast
gg在e i/y前 [^] baggarden go
[dV] orange large German
gh [f] cough enough
[/] light daughter high
gu- -guegu在非重读音节中 [^] guess league dialogue
[^w] language anguish
h [h] hot head house hand
[/] hour honest
j [dV] jeep jar joke join July
k [k] kind bike skate make week
kn- [n] knife know knock
l [l] life milk school tall
m [m] monkey come autumn
-mn [m] autumn column solemn
nn在[k] [g]音前 [n]not shine ten note
[N] uncle thank hungry
-ng [N] morning young wrong
p [p] paper plane pig ship pen
ph [f] elephant photo telephone
q [k] Iraq
qu- [kw] quality quite
r [r] red rubber ruler
s在词首或清辅音前元音字母间或浊辅音前 [s] sit sleep desk
[z] music husband
sc- [sk] scarlet
[s] muscle science
sh [F] she fish shirt wash
t在通常情况下在弱读字母ia ie io前 [t] tenletter meet
[F] patient nation
tch [tF] watch
th在通常情况下在冠词代词介词连词中在词尾-the -ther中 [θ] thinthirty method
[T] the these with than
[T] clothe fathe r weather
tr- [tr] tree train country truck
v [v] very voice love leave
w [w] week win wake sweet wait
[/] Answer two
wh-wh-在字母o前 [w] whatwhen white why
[h] who whose whole
x在重读元音前 [ks] box text exercise
[gz] example exist exact
wr- [r] write
y- [j] yes yard yellow young
z [z] puzzle zero zoo

26个字母发音规律a /ei/ name cake table /æ/ apple cat map am/α: / want dance

/o/ what watch

b /b/ book big bag box

c /k/ cat cake cup clock car

/s/ face nice pencil books

d /d/ desk doll dog dad

e /i:/ he she meet me

/e/ elephant egg bed pen

f /f/ fine friend fly foot fan

g /ɡ/ gun glass glad glove

/dз / age orangeh /h/ hat he house handi /ai / fine bike five ice/i/ is sit miss pig picture

j / dз / jeep jam jacket jar

k /k/ kite cake black thank

l /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp

/l/ apple bowl tell old

m/m/ am map my mouth milk

n /n/ no know new hand

o /əu / old home nose coke

/o/ dog not clock box

/Λ / son month mother love

p /p/ map jeep pig pen appleq /kw / quite quilt quickr /r/ red radio brother rackets /s/ sit miss this smile books

/z/ nose those rose rulers

t /t/ it sit not that table little

u /ju: / use usually excuse

/Λ / bus us sun duck

/ u / put pull push

v /v / five vase very seven

w /w/ we window watch want

x /ks / box six fox

y /ai / my fly why bye / j / yes yellow / i / happy baby veryz / z / zoo zero


ai /ei/ wait paint

ay /ei/ may play day say

air /εə / air hair chair

al /o: / tall small ball

ar /α: / farther farm car arm

ea /i:/ meat please tea read /e/ head bread ready / iə / theaterear / iə / ear hear near

/ εə / bear

/ ə: / earth

ee /i:/ meet see bee feet jeep

eir / εə / their

er / ə / worker teacher

/ ə: / her

ere /i ə / here

/εə / where there

ew /ju: / new few /u: / flew grewight /ai / right high brightir /ə: / bird girl shirt thirty

oa /əu / boat coat

ong /oŋ / long song

oo /u/ book foot good

/u:/ moon balloon

or / : / short fork port

/ə: / word world work

oor /o: / door floor

ore /o:/ more store sore

ou / au / out house mouthour /o: / four your /auə / ourow/ əu / bowl window

/au / now cow flower

oy /oi/ boy toy

ur / ə: / turn


th /θ/ thank mouth

/ δ/ this that with

tr /tr/ tree train truckdr /dr/ dress driver sh /∫/ shirt wash shortch /t∫/ child chair catch

/ k / school Christmas

/ dз/ sandwich

tw /tw/ two twin twenty

wh /w/ white wheel what

/h/ who whose whom

ts /ts/ jackets kites

ds /dz/ birds friends

x: 这个字母跟f,l,m,n,s,z一样同属限音/e/一族,什么叫限音/e/呢,就是这些字母的读音都含有/e/,限音的意思就是这些字母在组成单词的时候,发音要去掉/e/,比如x这个字母的发音是/eks/,那么在它组合单词的时候,发间就变成了/ks/。同样的,其它几个限音/e/一族也遵循着这个规律。(当然有时会有浊化音的产生,比如说s的读音为/es/,在单词中有时会读成/s/,有时则会浊化为/z/)。
c: 这个字母大家很熟悉,它在单词中大多发/k/和/s/两种音,在这里我要说的是,c这个字母在a,o.u的前面多发/k/,在e,i,y前多发/s/。
m: 这个字母多发两个音,由于音标是一样的,所以在这里没法对两个读音作区分,那么在这里只需记住一个单词就可以清楚的了解在什么情况下m这个字母发何种音,这个单词就是mum,很简单,m在元音前和在元音后所发的音是不一样的。
y: 这个字母号称半元音。它在组合单词的时候一共有三种发音,分别是/j/,/ai/,/i/。当y在词首的时候,它发/j/,如yes,yard,yet等。当y存在于词中和词尾的时候又分为两种情况:1、当单词中没有元音的时候,y发/ai/,如my,fly.2、在单词中已经含有元音的时候,y发音为/i/,如family,sorry.
ar: 这个是比较常见的字母组合,它在单词中通常都发音为/a:/,如,car,pardon.

1.bag (a)[æ]2.school(ch)[k] 3.thank (th)[θ] 4. they (ey)[eɪ] 5.kite (i)[aɪ]
6.pen(e)[e] 7.coat (oa)[əʊ] 8.their(th)[ð] 9. father( er) [ə(r)] 10.hard (ar)[ɑ:]
11.yellow (ow)[əʊ] 12.house (ou)[aʊ] 13.class (ass)[ɑ:s] 14.box(o)[ɒ] 15.how (ow)[aʊ]
16.warm (ar)[ɔ:] 17.kate(a)[eɪ] 18.live(i)[ɪ] 19.book (oo)[ʊ] 20.wood (oo)[ʊ]
21.cook(oo)[ʊ] 22.foot(oo)[ʊ] 23.food (oo)[u:] 24.room (oo)[u:] 25.go (o)[əʊ]
26.come(o)[ʌ] 27.love(o)[ʌ] 28.head (ea)[e] 29.great (ea)[eɪ] 30.mother(th)[ð]
31.bus (u)[ʌ] 32.student(u)[ju:] 33.hot (o)[ɒ] 34.who(o)[u:] 35.where(wh)[w]
36.she(sh)[ʃ] 37.chair(ch)[tʃ] 38.here(ere)[ɪə(r)] 39.wear(air)[eə(r)] 40.hair(air)[eə(r)]
41.have(a)[æ] 42.maps(s)[s] 43.goats (ts)[ts] 44.birds(ds)[dz] 45.girl(ir)[ɜ:]
46.glasses(es)[ɪz] 47.put (u)[ʊ] 48.wait (ai)[eɪ] 49.my (y)[aɪ] 50.boy(oy)[ɔɪ]
51.key(ey)[i:] 52.ago(go)[gəʊ] 53.poor(oor)[ʊə(r)] 54.more (ore)[ɔ:(r)] 55.what(a)[ɒ]

下列词语中划线的字,读音和字形全都正确的一组是() A. 阜盛(fù) 桅杆...
A B.寒暄(xuān) C.锲而不舍(qiè)D.敕造(chì) 庠序(xiáng)

选出下列各组单词中划线部分发音不同的一项 1:()A touch B house C...
3 B 4 C 5 C nose [nəʊz]often [of·ten || 'ɔfn \/'ɒfn ,'ɒftən]old [əʊld]6 C good [gʊd]foot [fʊt]food [fuːd]

下列词语中划线的字,读音全都正确的一组是( )(3分) A. 龟裂(jūn)洗涮...
C 试题分析:A强颜欢笑(qiǎng) B下载(zài),D呱呱而泣gū点评:此题为语音题,总体难度不大。比如:龟裂、下载,妊娠、脖颈等等,都是比较容易看出的错误读音,注意“当”这个字是一个高频字,这个字的读音具有很强的迷惑性,整体难度并不大。

下列词语中划线的字,每对读音都不相同的一组是 A.蜡烛 \/污 浊 惩罚...
B zhēn\/jiān,yì\/sì,tuò\/tà;A项 zhú\/zhuó,chéng\/chěng,yù;C项 chuàng\/chuāng,yú,yān\/yè ;D项qiān,jīn\/yín,lù\/lòu

下列各组词语中划线字的读音,完全正确的一组是 A.耄耋(dié) 调运...
D 主要考查学生熟悉形声字的读音。A组,“模样”中的“模”应该“mú”,这是一个多音字;B组,“澎湃”中的“湃”应读“pài”,主要考查学生熟悉形声字的读音;D组,“机械”中的“械”应读“xiè”。

下列词语中,划线字的注音全部正确的一组是( ) A.追溯(sù)戏谑(nüè...
C 试题分析:首先,读题是基础,本题要求选出正确的一项,说明其他三项都是错误事的。然后,根据积累逐项排除。A戏谑(xuè)。 B纤 xiān,易被学生读半边。B载zài 。载只有两种读音,一般与年载有关的读三声,其他情况读四声。有一些常见误读如下载,载重,载歌载舞等常常影响学生的正确选择。

下列词语中划线的字,读音全都正确的一组是( ) A.厢庑(wǔ)甬路(yǒng...
C A“溯” 应读“sù”B “跬”应读“kuǐ”D“嵬” 应读“wéi”

选出下列各组单词中划线部分发音不同的一项 1:()A touch B house C...
1:( A)A touch B house C mouth 2:( A)A cat B:classC:glass 3:( B) A:fly B:yellow C try 4:( C )A:peach B:tea C:bread 5:(C )A:nose B:old C:often 6:( B ) A:good B:foot C:food

下列划线字注音完全正确的一组是 ()(2分)
【答案】C 【答案解析】试题分析:A、“矗立”应读作“chù”,“挟持”应读作“xié ”;B、“精髓”应读作“(suǐ)”;D、“亘古”应读作“(gèn)”。考点:本题考查学生对汉字的认读,主要是字音。点评:对汉字的认读,主要是形近字、多音字容易混淆读错,还有方言误读、习惯性误读都是...

下列划线词的注音全都正确的一组是( ) A. 銮舆(luán) 参乘(chèng...
C 试题分析:A.参乘(shèng) B.目眦(zì) D.阡陌(mò)点评:参乘(chèng)很多同学都会读错,以为常读音是正确的,可是这在该处读shèng。常见多音字标“次读音”正确的可能性大,标“常读音”正确的可能性小。形声字标“不同声旁读音”的正确可能性大,标“同声旁读音”的正确可能...

闸北区17113285114: 写出下列划线字母或组合的发音:1.bag (a)2.school(ch) 3.thank (th)4. they (ey)5.kite (i) -
别轮沙培: 1.bag (a)[æ]2.school(ch)[k] 3.thank (th)[θ] 4. they (ey)[eɪ] 5.kite (i)[aɪ] 6.pen(e)[e] 7.coat (oa)[əʊ] 8.their(th)[ð] 9. father( er) [ə(r)] 10.hard (ar)[ɑ:] 11.yellow (ow)[əʊ] 12.house (ou)[aʊ] 13.class (ass)[ɑ:s] 14.box(o)[ɒ] 15.how (ow)[aʊ] 16.warm ...

闸北区17113285114: 选出下面划线部分的字母或字母组合有几种发音A.一种 B.二种 C.三种 D.四种( )1.any about ask animal( )2.before bed e - mail help( )3.him kind kite swim( )4.... -
别轮沙培:[答案] A.一种 B.二种 C.三种 D.四种 ( D )1.any about ask animal ( C )2.before bed e-mail help ( B )3.him kind kite swim ( D )4.today come stop who ( D )5.under use put ruler

闸北区17113285114: 写出下列字母或字母组合的常见发音,并举一个例词:1.ar 2.er -
别轮沙培: 1. ar [ɑ:] park2. er [ɜ:(r)] term3. ir [ɜ:] shirt 4. or [ɔ:] short 5. ur [ɜ:] turn 6. al [ɔ:] talk 7. ay [eɪ] day 8. air [eə(r)] chair 9. ass [ɑ:s] class 10. ea [i:] meat [e] head 11. ee [i:] see 12. er [ɜ:] her 13. ere [ɪə(r)] here [eə(r)]where14. ey [eɪ] they 15. ...

闸北区17113285114: 写出划线字母的音标colour【第一个o划线】want【a划线】clever【c划线】must【u划线】on【o划线】after【a划线】august【au划线】wash【a划线】other... -
别轮沙培:[答案] o[ʌ]a[ɔ]c[k]u[ʌ]o[ɔ]a[a:]au[ɔ:]a[ɔ]o[ʌ]o[ɔ]u[u]oo[u:]u[ʌ]g[g]oe[u:]k[k]g[g]our[ɔ:]a[ə]ue[u:]a[a:]u[u]ar[a:]g[g]ar[a:]ou[u]or[ɔ:]o[ɔ]oo[...

闸北区17113285114: 写出下列单词中划线部分的音标1.sunday ay划线/ / 2.group up划线/ /3.good oo划线/ /4.breakfast ea划线/ / 5.animal a划线/ /6.father a划线 / /7.whose wh划线/ /8.... -
别轮沙培:[答案] 1.有两种/I/ 或者/ei/ 2.这个有问题 应该是这样/g/ /r/ / / /p / 音标o的发音打不上 3./u/ 4/e/ 5/大嘴的那个短元音/ 6长元音a: 7你花的不太适当 两种说法 一种是说wh组合发h 一种是说w不发音 8大嘴的那个短元音9长元音i:10是那个短元音饿

闸北区17113285114: 写出含有下列单词中划线字母发音的单词 -
别轮沙培: word(or)音标/ə:/ third bird forbit forty(or)音标/ˈɔ:/ ball tall for forget blouse(ou)音标/au/ Towel power cow house nurse(ur)音标/ə:/ hamburger urge yellow(ow)音标/əu/ low own(我不知道你的意思是...写含有括号里的字母组合的单词,还是发那个字母组合的音的单词...所以都写一些...你看行不?)

闸北区17113285114: 写出下列元音音标,并用横线划出字母组合1.sea___2.this 3.desk 4happy 5hard 6 box 7、floor - 8、put - 9book - 10wood11june12shoot13two14much15study... -

闸北区17113285114: 写出下列各组字母或单词划线部分的元音音素Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg - ________Er (i) c , Al(i)ce , C(i) ndy - _____________Ff (E)ric H(e)len(A)lice Fr(a)nk th(a)nks ... -
别轮沙培:[答案] Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg ____[i:]_____ Er (i) c ,Al(i)ce ,C(i) ndy ______[i]________ Ff (E)ric H(e)len ______[e]________ (A)lice Fr(a)nk th(a)nks ______[æ]________

闸北区17113285114: 写出所给单词划线部分相同发音的字母或字母组合的单词1、English(sh划线)三个空 2、bird(ir划线) 三个空 3、now(ow划线)三个空 -
别轮沙培: 1 fish2 birth3 cow

闸北区17113285114: 英语写音标的问题(英语废求帮助谢谢!)写出划线字母的音标colour【第一个o划线】want【a划线】clever【c划线】must【u划线】on【o划线】after【a划... -
别轮沙培:[答案] colour【ʌ】want【ɒ】clever【k】must【ʌ】on【ɒ】after【a:】august【ɒ:】wash【ɒ:】other【ʌ】clock【k】full【u】food【u:】under【ʌ】dog【g】shoe【u:】keep【k】good...

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