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the best presents for our mum
why not do sth./ why don,t you do sth.
advice sb. to do sth.
an hour and a half/ one and a half hours
sell fewest hambers in March
sb. spend ----doing sth./ It takes-----to do sth.
remember someone important
family name/second name
given name/first name



Mature, dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。Ability to work independently, mature and resourceful.能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。A person with ability plus flexibility should apply.需要有能力及适应力强的人。

“急求”英语翻译 谢了…
Hello!Let me help you,你好!让我来帮助你吧.1)I believe that he can complete the task on time.我相信他能按时完成任务 2)You suspect that he will succeed?你怀疑他会成功吗?3)I am not sure whether she would abide by its promise .我不敢肯定她是否会遵守诺言.Well,the answer i...

Christmas is a holiday for friends,However they may be, or not, related.圣诞节是朋友们的假期无论他们是否是亲戚 Remember that the three wise kings were strangersIn search of one remote, uncanny dream.要记住: 三个聪明的长老是陌生人一齐在搜寻一个遥远、离奇的梦。So may we all be ...

I thought the reason why little birds could not fly across the ocean was that they had no courage to do so. Ten years later,I suddenly realized that it was not because the little bird could not but because there has been no waiting for long at the other end of the ocean....

It takes too much of the study time and most of the students can not arrange the time appropriately well between study and part-time jobs.2。工作之后的劳累分散精力,无心学习 Work will make them feel tired and scatter their strength, they may have no interest in learning any ...

所以。(15)愈益:愈加,更加。【译文】文征明临贴写《文字文》,每天以写十本作为标准,书法就迅速进步起来。他平生对于写字,从来也不马虎草率。有时给人回信,稍微有一点不符合心意,一定三番五次改写过它,不怕麻烦。因此,他的书法越到老年,越发精致巧妙。司马光好学 《三朝名臣言行录》【...

I come from Liverpool, but I am currently studying Sports Journalism at Lancaster University.I am finishing my second year of studies and I would be interested in working for the Liverpool Echo during July and August. My main specialisation is racquet sports, but I am happy to ...


and more food. Humankind has turned forests into croplands. New cities and roads occupy the animal's habitat.Many animals are killed which leads to more and more animal deaths. But animals are our friends.We have the responsibility to protect them rather than hurt them.供参考 ...

曲阳县13994896147: 急求英语翻译
拔施盐酸: 请离开,并关上门. 得到一把辞职和一支笔. A:我叫May B:如果你会,请拼读一下.

曲阳县13994896147: 急求翻译 -
拔施盐酸: 陈胜王凡六月①.已为王,王陈②.其故人尝与庸耕者闻之③,之陈④,扣宫门曰⑤:“吾欲见涉.”宫门令欲缚之⑥.自辩数⑦,乃置⑧,不肯为通⑨.陈王出,遮道而呼涉⑩.陈王闻之,乃召见,载与俱归(11).入宫,见殿屋帷帐,客曰...

曲阳县13994896147: 古文翻译.急求. -

曲阳县13994896147: 急求文言文翻译. -
拔施盐酸: 1.治驼 原文 昔有医人,自媒能治背驼,曰:“如弓者,如虾者,如曲环者,延吾治,可朝治而夕如夫.”一人信焉,而使治驼.乃索板二片,以一置底下,卧驼者其上,又以一压焉,而即屣焉,驼者随直,亦复随死.其子欲鸣诸官.医人曰:...

曲阳县13994896147: 急求英语翻译
拔施盐酸: Fround是人名~意思是弗兰德我们的失物招领处收到了一件你的灰色外套,请联系杰克837-4925

曲阳县13994896147: 古文翻译,急求
拔施盐酸: 陶潜,字元亮,知识渊博善于做文章,洒脱大方不拘谨,自得于真性情.曾经作《五柳先生传》来形容自己:“家里四壁空空,不能遮阳挡雨,旧衣衫十分破烂,盛饭的容器经常空着,但心里很坦然. ” 他自己这么说,当时的人也认为这是实话.当有亲朋带着酒菜去找他,他也不推辞.每当喝醉的时候,就舒舒服服的睡觉.从没有高兴或生气的样子,只是见酒就喝,如果没酒,也可以不停的吟诵.他不懂音乐,却有一张素琴,弦也不调音,每当朋友门来喝酒.就弹琴唱歌,说:“只要能领会琴中的乐趣,就不用在意音准不准啊!”

曲阳县13994896147: 急求英文翻译?
拔施盐酸: First, I want to thank you. If it was not you, what would I be like now? For me, forgetting is such a hard thing. But because of you, everything seems to become so easy. And it's the first time, someone can give me so much happiness. You really make me happy. So please, would you like to be together with me? forever?

曲阳县13994896147: 急求英语翻译 -
拔施盐酸: The responsibility of China should be demonstrated and applied the project and registered its name (to the municipal or provincial industrial and commercial bureau) to the department in charge of local country or city even province development plan...

曲阳县13994896147: 急求翻译,汉翻英,急求!!!
拔施盐酸: We should pay more attention to animals and try our best to protect animals,because animals are our good friends .Not only do they bring humans happiness,but also they play an important role in keeping the balance of nature.Wild animals have ...

曲阳县13994896147: 急求英文翻译
拔施盐酸: 原谅我这一生不羁放纵热爱自由,也会怕有一天会跌倒,但仍然会勇敢前行不放弃. Please forgive me that dislike outgoing and enjoy the freedom,maybe fall down one day,but I will go straight strongly and never give up. 是我自己翻译的,希望能够采纳,谢谢.

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