
作者&投稿:伍施 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 She was previously our English teacher.
2 Until three years ago, he still wasn't our manager.
3 The train to Shenyang was late last night.
4 We are good friends at school.
5 Where were you five minutes ago?
6 The movie last night was very interesting.
7 I was a student of this technical school five years ago.
8 He often tells me interesting stories.
9 Look at them!
10 Who's that? It's she, Mary!

7月份 旧金山发生的飞机事故为飞行员误操作所致。飞行员误以为电脑会让发动机保持足够的动力使飞机飞行,而实际上发动机却停止工作了。但最初的报告却暗示说该名53岁马来西亚航空公司的飞行员(Zaharie Ahmad Shah)经验丰富,因为自1981年服役以来,已经驾驶飞机18365小时。



The Beijing character and style
has a grand Great Wall in Beijing, it looks like a long line, winds in the high mountain ridge to circle.Such breadth of spirit grand project in the world history is a great miracle.

The Temple of Heaven is the world construction art precious inheritance. In the Temple of Heaven the main construction has the Qinian Hall, non-Liang Dian, the corridor and so on, but also has scenic spot and historic resort and so on the Echo Wall, three sound stones, Big Dipper stone. West under setting sun, according to Qinian Hall imperial grave mound, resplendent in gold and jade green exceptionally magnificent and expensive.

Beijing's Summer Palace is a beautiful big park.In the Summer Palace had a famous corridor, both sides the corridor plants has filled the flowers and trees, this planted flowers has not thanked, that one planted flowers opens.Mounts Mt. Wanshou indistinct to be possible to see in several ancient towers over a city gate and the city white towers.Gets down from Mt. Wanshou is Kunming Lake and the famous ten seven orifices bridge。

Beijing Customs

Beijing in a majestic Great Wall, as it is a long queue in mountains meandering among the circle. This grand vision of the project in the history of the world is a great miracle.

Temple of Heaven is one of the world's precious architectural heritage. Temple of Heaven Hall of Prayer for Harvest in the main building there is no Hall of beams, such as the promenade, and whispering gallery, three rock sound, historical sites, such as Seven Star Stone. Xixia of the setting sun, shining on the Hall of Prayer for Harvest ding, abnormal resplendent Wah.

Beijing's Summer Palace is a beautiful large parks. Summer Palace in a well-known promenade, a landscaped promenade on both sides of the Zaiman, no flowers Xie this, which also opened flowers. Longevity Hill can be seen looming on several ancient city gate tower and the White Pagoda in the city. Longevity Hill is down from the Kunming Lake and the famous 17-hole bridge.

The Beijing character and style
has a grand Great Wall in Beijing, it looks like a long line, winds in the high mountain ridge to circle.Such breadth of spirit grand project in the world history is a great miracle.

The Temple of Heaven is the world construction art precious inheritance. In the Temple of Heaven the main construction has the Qinian Hall, non-Liang Dian, the corridor and so on, but also has scenic spot and historic resort and so on the Echo Wall, three sound stones, Big Dipper stone. West under setting sun, according to Qinian Hall imperial grave mound, resplendent in gold and jade green exceptionally magnificent and expensive.

Beijing's Summer Palace is a beautiful big park.In the Summer Palace had a famous corridor, both sides the corridor plants has filled the flowers and trees, this planted flowers has not thanked, that one planted flowers opens.Mounts Mt. Wanshou indistinct to be possible to see in several ancient towers over a city gate and the city white towers.Gets down from Mt.

划线部分:错误:Sa défaite. 由于他在1214年对Franc XX的 Bourine战役的失败,以及滥用职权(尤其在税收方面)

时间があるとき、スポーツをしたり、外で食べたりしました。夏には泳ぎに行きました。不知您老人家是学了多久,以上纯手工,按4级-3级之间的水平翻译的,也故意小错了几个位置。拿去混作业应该没问题。保证比机器翻译好得多。如果觉得这个水平不行或者太高,请再追问,可以修改一下 ...

那里的方言啊!四川话里面我还可以帮忙!四川的:喂,小东在没在哦?不晓得他去那里了哇。不晓得?他走那里去老?跑去接开水去老,走开老!谢咯 不存在 最近那门样?还不是就这样撒,你呢?我还不是老样子!

老师布置了个作业~不会写~希望帮帮忙~要我们写一篇作文IWANTtoSZYSOMETHINGTOYOU我写了一片中文~希望有人帮帮我翻译丅(有些不会写的句子)(妈妈你为了我付出了许多劳动头上有了一丝... 老师布置了个作业~不会写~希望帮帮忙~要我们写一篇作文I WANT to SZY SOMETHING TO YOU我写了一片中文~希望有人帮帮我...

英语school assignments怎么翻译?
school assignments 学校作业 [例句]Loses things needed for tasks or activities, eg. toys, school assignments, pencils, books 忘记工作或活动所需之物,如玩具、作业、铅笔、书籍等

1,Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成 2,Nothing is too difficult,if you put your heart into it.世上无难事,只怕有心人 3,There is no royal way to learning.求学无捷径 4,Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.今日一只鸡蛋胜过明日一支母鸡;把握现在 5,What...

西班牙语翻译求助 做作业用西语怎么说?可爱怎么说?
做作业:hacer tarea可以根据人称改变hacer的变位.我hago,你haces,她他hace,我们hacemos,你们haceis,他们hacen.发音可以goole翻译发音 可爱:bonita.如果说你很可爱可以说es muy bonita发音同上

I am go to school for lessons every monday to friday.每周一至周五我都要去学校上课。I do reading novels when I finish my homeworks after class.放学后,我会在完成作业后,看些小说。Pop music and thriller are my favorite.我喜欢流行音乐,看恐怖小说。Music helps to relax me and ...


городом, однако попутно существует мого проблем, препятствующих истинному становлению на путь интернализации.这是这课文的俄罗斯语翻译 请参考 ...

寻乌县15947851045: 英语翻译帮忙翻译下. -
磨咐消心:[答案] reductionKK:[]DJ:[]n.1.减少;削减[U][C][(+in)]reduction of household expenses家用开支的削减2.缩小[U][C][(+in)]3.下降,降低;降级[U][(+to)]reduction of an embassy to a liaison office大使馆降级为联络处4.缩...

寻乌县15947851045: 英语翻译哪位英语高手帮我翻译下 是用英语翻译的哦```` -
磨咐消心:[答案] Sleeping is not enough to cause the dark eye socket on her face.

寻乌县15947851045: 英语翻译英语翻译题.有没有人帮忙翻译一下这些句子.你最喜爱的功课是什么?我最喜爱的功课是音乐.你为什么喜爱音乐?因为它很有趣并令人放松.你早晨什... -
磨咐消心:[答案] what is your favourate subject

寻乌县15947851045: 英语翻译我读初2上册,在2单元,帮我翻译下, -
磨咐消心:[答案] I read the first two volumes,in the two cell( 我读初2上册,在2单元 )

寻乌县15947851045: 英语翻译麻烦帮忙翻译下 -
磨咐消心:[答案] When you know a thing,to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing,to allow that you do not know it;-this is knowledge.

寻乌县15947851045: 英语翻译这是我的作业,麻烦大家帮我翻译一下这些句子成英语.1.首先,我们要让他相信这是可能的.2.坏天气仍可能再持续好几天.3.如果出了问题,谁来负责... -
磨咐消心:[答案] 1.First of all,we want to make him believe that this is possible. 2.Bad weather can still be sustained for several days longer. 3.If a question,who will be responsible. 4.I tried to explain to him,but he turned away angry. 5.It is generally regarded as the sun of ...

寻乌县15947851045: 英语翻译请英文好的帮忙翻译下 -
磨咐消心:[答案] 似乎你已经永远地离去了 这个好象是林肯公园的歌.Where'd You Go

寻乌县15947851045: 英语翻译1很荣幸,我把我的老师介绍给大家2我可以借他的自行车 帮忙翻译下英文 -
磨咐消心:[答案] 1、Honor, I introduce to you my teacher. 2、Can I borrow his bike. 希望对你有帮助

寻乌县15947851045: 几个英语句子翻译,作业,有点急.达人们帮助下啊!
磨咐消心: I'm interested in what you said. The dictionary that I bought with you is very useful. The teacher said he will help me with my English as soon as he is free. I don't know whether he will come or not. I'm afraid he will not succeed. 楼上二位在瞎扯什么 那机器翻译的吧 错完了

寻乌县15947851045: 英语翻译我需要做一个英语口语作业.帮忙把下列中文翻译成英文,不需很准确,大意是这样就可以了.翻译:这个是米拉公寓,是由西班牙著名建筑 师A.高迪... -
磨咐消心:[答案] This is Mila Apartment which was designed by famous Spanish Architect Atonio Gaudi.It was finished in 1910 in Barcelona Spain.I'm fond of it because his works are full of romance with divine and uniqu...

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