
作者&投稿:春版 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



The production company
The director


Stage art direction
Makeup artist
Projection play Division
Lighting division
Sound engineer
The lamplight program design
Stage layout
The late producer people
Dance performance
The etiquette personnel
Deputy director
Joint production


翻译英语时,有很多特殊的词汇需要我们去注意和处理。这些特殊的词汇可能会涉及到文化、历史、地理、科技等方面,需进行更加细致的翻译。湖南雅言翻译公司以下就是其中几个常见的特殊词汇。文化难题 文化难题意味着某些短语或单词在源语言和目标语言之间没有简单而直接的等价物。这种情况下,翻译人员需要找到一...

ADO 全名是Active Data Object(ActiveX数据对象),是一组优化的访问数据库的专用对象集,它为 ASP提供了完整的站点数据库解决方案,它作用在服务器端,提供含有数据库信息的主页内容,通过执行SQL命令,让用户在浏览器画面中输入,更新和删除站点数据库的信息 Back Office是指企业用的商务软件,包括诸如操作系统...

1.leave sb. alone 不管某人 leave alone v.不管 Don't leave me alone.不要不管我。put out v.放出, 伸出, 生产, 消除, 打扰, 麻烦, 作出努力, 使退场 熄灭 1. The fire was put out soon.火很快就被熄灭了。2. Far water does not put out near fire.【谚】远水救不了近火。3...

拖箱费 Trailers box expense 法定熏蒸查验费 Legal fumigation inspection expense 查验掏箱费 The inspection pulls out the box expense 熏蒸上下车费 Fumigation upper and lower expense 熏蒸落箱费 Fumigation falls the box expense 熏蒸证书费 Fumigation certificate expense 商检费 Commodity inspection...

受检单位Tested units,委托单位commissioned units,委托书编号power of attorney number,检查封样的人员check the letters kind of personnel,抽取样品的人员sampling personnel,抽取样品的日期sampling date,封样状态sample letters,样品编号sample code,样品信息sample information, 检验概况Inspection Overview ...

청화동 氰化铜 석산소다 锡酸钠 청화아연 氰化锌 가성가리 苛性钾 청화가리 氰化钾 탄산소다 碳酸苏打 ...

Translation is not only on the surface, the language, and is the conversion of interlanguage communication cross-cultural process. When a certain cultural phenomenon in human consensus of the same life experience or above, two kinds of culture in the two languages conversion process can...

Gulangyu located in xiamen, and xiamen south-west separated only a wide 600 meters lujiang, ferry 5 minutes can reach. The island has a pleasant climate, four spring-like, no horses blatant, have niaoyuhuaxiang, known as the "sea garden" reputation. Main tourist attractions have ...

小学英语词汇我找过...全都没有带中文翻译的...麻烦帮我找一个带翻译的...http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/91076173.html... 小学英语词汇我找过...全都没有带中文翻译的...麻烦帮我找一个带翻译的...http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/91076173.html?si=5麻烦帮我翻译一下这个网址的回答者11111111...

如果你坚持两年你就能住3650个单词,相当于中学六年包括本科两年的词汇量。 在制订计划时要遵循以下几项原则: 1、计划要切实可行,不要好高务远。上面的...我的财富值 -- 去登录 我的现金 -- 去登录 做任务开宝箱 累计完成 0 个任务 10任务 略略略略… 50任务 略略略略… 100任务 略略略略… ...

溆浦县13821543710: 帮我翻译以下词汇,做视频后期字幕用的 -
常勇脑血: The production companyThe directorDirectorStage art directionLogPhotographerCameramanMakeup artistStylistProjection play DivisionLighting divisionSound engineerThe...

溆浦县13821543710: 请帮我翻译单词:push.lmage.received.video.audio -
常勇脑血: push: 推,奋力,决心推,挤,逼迫词形变化: 动词过去式:pushed 过去分词:pushed 现在分词:pushing 第三人称单数:pushes image: 图像,影像,肖像,想像词形变化: 形容词:...

溆浦县13821543710: 谁帮我英语翻译一下以下词汇,翻得好我会大大给分的!! -
常勇脑血: Overview of art, Aesthetic theory,Digital art, Fundamentals of Modeling, Digital plane modelling Digital sketch Three-dimensional software, digit...

溆浦县13821543710: 请帮翻译以下词汇 -
常勇脑血: 副总经理室 General vice-president 财务部 financial department 营销部 sales department 后勤部 logistics department 质检部 Quality Control 毛衫版房 sweater show room

溆浦县13821543710: 请帮忙翻译 以下词汇,请见补充说明 -
常勇脑血: 1 main frame2 aluminium rail3 magnetron flywheel4 China silk5 nut6 explain by fine-tuning7. Adjust wheel8. Casing9 perlin The adjustment11. Casing12 screws The axis of iron14 axis iron,15 screws16. Ribbon But armchair plastic The steel ...

溆浦县13821543710: 帮我翻译一下这些英语单词
常勇脑血: Honeysuckle flower extract (flos lonicerae) Ruscus Aculeatus Root Extract Yeast Extract(Toniskin yeast) Caprylyl Glycol 希望对你有用!

溆浦县13821543710: 帮我把以下的词语翻译成英文
常勇脑血: Little Angels Archangel Angels right To Angel Power angel Lord Angel Angel Wing Moses Angel Blazing Angels

溆浦县13821543710: 帮我把下列词语中译英 -
常勇脑血: 雏菊 Daisy 矢车菊 Cornflower 金合欢 Acacia 高山火绒草 Edelweiss 白菊 BAI Ju 睡莲 Water lily 枫叶 Maple Leaf 银蕨 Silver fern 鸢尾花 Iris 荷花 Lotus 卓锦 Mr Kam 万代兰 And Portland 毛蟹爪兰 ( ) 葵花 Sunflower 墨西哥的国花 Mexico's national flower 错了别怪我啊

溆浦县13821543710: 请帮忙翻译以下单词或词组
常勇脑血: ONLINE在线、联机 MMORPG网游,网络游戏 shaiya神泣 MU/Ro奇迹/仙境传说 normal mapping正规映射 Specular mapping镜像映射 希望我的翻译能对你有帮助,o(∩_∩)o...

溆浦县13821543710: 翻译以下单词词语 -
常勇脑血: 1. When two Chinese first met, they usually shake hands. 2. Everyone should do something for protecting the endanger species. 3.My mother bought me a new book yesterday, and I can't wait to read it.

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