作文”What does your father do ? "50字左右。需要爸爸是厨师的

作者&投稿:氐衫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
作文”What does your father do ? "50字左右。~

My father is a teacher.He teaches Chinese in a middle school.He is a kind and friendly man.He is very nice to his students and they all like him.He is very busy all the time.He gives lessons to his students during the day.And after supper,he has to go to a night school to give lessons to the adults there.He has no time to play with me but I'm still very pround of him.


你爸爸是做什么(工作)What's your father (do)?

你可以回答My father is a/an :
officer: 公务员
accountant: 会计
actor: 男演员
architect: 建筑师
artist: 艺术家
astronaut: 宇航员.
athlete 运动员
astronaut 宇航员
barber: 理发师 (男)
bellhop: 旅馆的行李员
boxer: 拳击手
broker (agent) : 经纪人
bus driver: 公车(巴士)司机
butcher: 屠夫,肉商
buyer: 采购员
cartoonist: 漫画家
cashier: 出纳员
cook 厨师
chemist : 化学师
clerk : 店员
computer programmer : 程序员
customs officer :海关官员
dancer : 舞者
dentist: 牙科医生
designer: 设计师
desk clerk: 接待员
detective 侦探
doctor: 医生
salesman: 推销员
driver: 司机
dustman: 清洁工
editor : 编辑
electrician :电工
farmer: 农夫
fashion designer: 时装设计师
fireman (firefighter): 消防员
fisherman: 渔夫
florist: 花商
flyer: 飞行员
Foreign minister : 外交部长
gas station attendant : 加油工
geologist : 地质学家
guard :警卫
guide: 导游
housekeeper : 管家
interpreter :口译员
janitor : 清洁工
journalist: 记者
judge 法官
lawyer :律师
librarian: 图书管理员.
life guard :救生员
magician :魔术师
mathematician : 数学家
mechanic: 机械师 ,机修工
miner: 矿工
model: 模特儿
movie director: 导演
movie star : 电影明星
musician : 音乐家
policeman: 警察
postman :邮差
President: 总统
priest: 牧师
professor: 教授
receptionist :接待员
repairman :修理工人
reporter : 记者
sailor: 船员,水手
salesman: 售货员
scientist: 科学家
secretary: 秘书
singer: 歌手
soldier: 士兵,军人
tailor: 裁缝师
taxi driver计程车司机
teacher: 教师
technician : 技术人员
tour guide: 导游
traffic warden: 交通管理员.
translator: 翻译(笔译)
typist: 打字员
vet: 兽医
waiter: 侍者(服务生)
writer: 作家
worker 工人

hi. everyone .What does your father do. My father is a cooker.His rice makes so delicious . I always loves eating he makes rice. He work in a reastrant.when people comes there . They always eat some food . And They always taste good. My father is very good in My heart.

I saw my father to put everything in good order and well arranged ribs wash, etc. while the ribs in frying pan fried, then saw him while the bottle, the bottle for a while to put the relish, not and in a short while, has a fragrance from assail the nostrils, glistening like transparent, like Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs has been demonstrated in front of me.



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