you can't eat in class 和you don't eat in class

作者&投稿:许德 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语七年级下册Don,t eat in class中do和can的用法区别~

do 是助动词,在这里起着祈使句的作用 “请不要在教室里吃东西”
若用can 的话,做情态动词,表示不行,不可以一般需要主语比如you, I 等,不能单独作为句子使用

Don't eat food in class!

can't 有不能,具有禁止之意,语气更强烈些,在上课吃东西是不对的,适合当时语境,而don't的语气意思是不的意思,语气相对较弱,因此,用can't

You can't eat in class.-----是表示“不准在课堂上吃东西。”
You don't eat in class.------是表示“不要在课堂上吃东西。”

宁陵县19342832585: 将下列句子改为祈使句You  can't  eat  in class.You  can't be late for school.You can go home before six o'clock.You can't play basketball in the street.I can... -
岳慧混合:[答案] Do not eat in class. Do not be late for school. Go Home before six o'clock. Do not play basketball in the street. Let me help you learn Chinese. Let's go there together. Be quiet now. Let's be good friends. Do not listen to music now. Let's take a taxi there.

宁陵县19342832585: 英语祈使句You can't play with water,  改为否定祈使句 为什么是Don't play with please.不是主语之前直接加Don't就行吗?  为什么you  can't  不见了?I ... -
岳慧混合:[答案] 一、祈使句的分类祈使句表请求、命令、叮嘱、邀请、劝告等.祈使句分为第二人称祈使句及第—、三人称祈使句两大类.1.第二人称祈使句通常用来向听话者发出命令,提出要求或建议.这种祈使句的主语you通常不表示出来,而...

宁陵县19342832585: Youcan'teatsomuch!这句话是什么意思? -
岳慧混合: You can't eat so much!这一句在英文里有abiguous(模糊)的倾向,就是意思不明显,所以意思可为:你吃不了这么多.或 你不能吃这么多.希望比较清楚

宁陵县19342832585: you can't eat anything(改为肯定句) -
岳慧混合: 原句:You can't eat anything.改为肯定句:You can eat something.

宁陵县19342832585: what makes me sad is you can't stay by me side.什么意思 -
岳慧混合: what makes me sad 是主语 is 做be动词,在某种意义上暂且可理解为谓语 you can't stay by me side作为表语.此句为表语从句,译为 让我伤心的是…….只是后面你你发的是乱码,故答不了.

宁陵县19342832585: you can&39;t be careful more.这句话对吗 -
岳慧混合: 对的 can't more表示不能再细心了 就是很细心的意思 如还有不懂的,还可以继续追问哦\(^o^)/~ There's no denying that you can't be too careful in dealing with this matter.那这句话里的too careful 可换成careful more吗 能的 O(∩_∩)O~

宁陵县19342832585: you can't be too careful字面上意思是你不能太小心,可翻译时却是你再小 -
岳慧混合: 楼主,你好 意思是你没有必要那么认真 望采纳!

宁陵县19342832585: you can't play the guitar in the classroom.(改为祈使句) -
岳慧混合:[答案] Don't play the guitar in the classroom.

宁陵县19342832585: 关于情态动词的一些问题 -
岳慧混合: 这么多问题?一个个来,一情态动词后面一定要和动词原形使用,如果要表被动,则Be动词应为原形.注意情态动词属非及物动词,没有被动语态.二情态动词一般没有人称变化,但有些情态动词可以表示单复数,比如have to和has to或者dare...

宁陵县19342832585: You can't eat saeets in the classroom.(改成祈使句) -
岳慧混合: Don't eat saeets in the classroom ,please.

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