don't you know common sense is worth more than knolodge什么意思

作者&投稿:貂呢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1."You don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am." On the Waterfront, 1954
2."Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." The Wizard of Oz, 1939
3. "Here's looking at you, kid." Casablanca, 1942
4. "Go ahead, make my day." Sudden Impact, 1983
5. "All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up." Sunset Blvd., 1950
6. "May the Force be with you." Star Wars, 1977
7. "Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night." All About Eve, 1950
8. "You are talking to me?" Taxi Driver, 1976


It's as pure as a child who doesn't know anything
Rebirth that beautiful moment
Eyes closed and open the fear that it was only a dream
双眼闭上又睁开 害怕这一切只是梦
I stand in front of you sincerely longing for your sight
留恋我就真诚站在你面前 渴望得到你视线
Just want to go with you
Two people play the same pace for one time enough
When I ride in the wind in your world
当我乘坐着风 在你的世界降落
The white wind is around you
白色的风 在你身边环绕着
You ask me where I come from smiling and the answer is secret
你问我来自哪里 笑着回答是秘密
As long as you go with me
Heaven is at any time and anywhere (heaven is at any time and anywhere)
To me, you are more brilliant than an angel
I must not be allowed if anyone is unrighteous to you
如果有谁对你不义 我一定不允许
As if for the first time to enter the garden of Eden
Let me just look at you every day and think of you all the time
,让我每天只是望着你 心里一直想着你
Trivial dust and gravel, I will not let those hurt near you.
Always guard you
I 'm eternally Love keeps you from the wind
As your guardian
Always have me even if the world is cold
Every time you suffer a pain, you will wipe your tears away
每次你痛苦委屈 为你会把泪擦去
If it's you and I don't care where it is
Heaven is at any time and anywhere
I don't have a place to fall in love with you
Wings no longer have eternal life Oh No
翅膀已经不再拥有永恒的生命被夺走 Oh No
But I still feel the only reason for happiness
Because my eternity is now your Eternally Love
因为我的永恒现在就是你 ,永远的爱你
When I ride in the wind in your world
The white wind is around you
You ask me where I come from smiling and the answer is secret
As long as you go with me
Heaven is at any time and anywhere
[LUHAN] I look out to see you I can't see
我望眼欲穿 看我看不到的你
I listen to your ears and listen to you that I can't hear
我侧耳倾听 听我听不到的你
[Boxian] see the invisible picture and hear the invisible line.
看到这看不见的画面 听到听不见的声线
You gave me the superpower after you left me
你给了我超能力 在你离开了我以后
[CHEN] I used to be too selfish to take care of my own YEAH~.
曾经的我 太过自私 只照顾我自己 YEAH~
Once I was too stupid to know your heart
曾经的我 太傻不懂得你的心
Now I am changing day by day, obviously you are not with me.
现在的我 一天天在改变 明明你不在我身边
[LUHAN] But because of you change because of the love you give
却因为你而改变 因为你给的爱
Every time, I think you are everywhere in the world.
每一次我想你 全世界每一处都是你
Every one of the snowflakes under the night sky is your tear
夜空下的雪花 每一朵都是你的泪滴
[LUHAN] I want you to be right in front of me, so I want you to come back to me.
好想你瞬间就在眼前 好想让你回到我身边
This powerless superpower has no way to redeem you
这无力的超能力 也没有办法挽回你
[CHEN] I was too selfish to take care of myself
曾经的我 太过自私 只照顾我自己
Once I was too stupid to know your heart
曾经的我 太傻不懂得你的心
Now I am changing day by day, obviously you are not with me.
现在的我 一天天在改变 明明你不在我身边
But because of you, you change because of the love you give
却因为你而改变 因为你给的爱
[ALL] freeze time
[LUHAN] come back to you
[ALL] the memory is frozen
[LUHAN] turn over that page
[LUHAN] you and me on that page
[CHEN] you and me at that time
not strong enough, I am changing every day because of your love.不够坚强的我 天天在改变 因为你的爱
You changed everything (my whole life)
All this (my whole world)
Once I don't appreciate the love of love
[CHEN] I thought it was no pity that love ended
And now I know you're not here because you changed
而现在我却因为你改变 明明你不在我身边
[LUHAN] My love goes on like there's no boundaries
我的爱还在继续 就像没有边际
[ALL] freeze time
OH I still want to go back to you
OH 我还想 回到你身边
Freeze the memories
[CHEN] OH recalls the sad language
OH 那回忆 充满悲伤的语言
[ALL] disappears with tears
[CHEN] return to the White Season
[LUHAN] I look out to see you I can't see
我望眼欲穿 看我看不到的你
I listen to your ears and listen to you that I can't hear
我侧耳倾听 听我听不到的你
The first afternoon snowing
I want to share the touch with you but only to the microphone
想和你 分享感动 却只沉默对着话筒
In a twinkling of an eye, a year passed by silently.
转眼一年又悄然走过 对你的留恋 占满心中
"Is lonely" murmuring to myself
If time can turn back and return to the feeling of love in that year
若时光能倒流,回到那一年 相恋的感觉
If you return to the original intention, will everything be different
Yeah the idea of an idiot but may be able to
Yeah 痴人说梦的念头 但也许能够
Look at your tears as if to blame me
看着你的泪 (鹿晗:仿佛责备我)
There is nothing to say about being foolish.
傻得连挽留 (鹿晗:都无话可说)
How are you doing Merry Merry Christmas
I wish you a better life
See the snow falling on the heart
看白雪飘落 在心的缺口
Can you drown all the pain of the past
能不能淹没 过去的所有伤痛
With an apology to see your departure
Leaving the Christmas that I regret over and over again
Memories are streetlights all over the streets
回忆像街灯 洒满街头
The happiness of others blinks in my eyes
别人的幸福 闪烁在我的眼中
Think you are my breath and give me the courage to love forever
以为你就是我的呼吸 永远给我爱的勇气
Silly to let you go
I'm really sorry
The common truth is always lost to know how to treasure
多平凡的道理(CHEN: 总是要失去 才懂得珍惜)
I can't forgive myself for being too late to go back to the past
无法原谅自己 (CHEN:已来不及 再回到过去)
Please believe that I can make a decision for you to change
请相信 我能为你 改变的决心
Look at your tears as if to blame me
看着你的泪 (LAY:仿佛责备我)
There is nothing to say about being foolish.
傻得连挽留 (LAY:都无话可说)
How are you doing Merry Merry Christmas
I wish you a better life
See the snow falling on the heart
看白雪飘落 在心的缺口
Can you drown all the pain of the past
能不能淹没 过去的所有伤痛
Freezing is snow or tears on the face
脸上冻结 是雪还是泪
As you get farther and farther this Christmas
随着你 愈来愈远的这次 圣诞节
Pray that miracles can come again
祈祷着奇迹 能再度降临
I think you will cry in my eyes
在我的眼里 才会想你就会流泪
Tears Are Falling, Falling, Falling
Even if there's only one day
With all my exchange, I go back to you
Ignite the flame of life until the Girl is finally extinguished for you
点燃生命火焰 直到女孩终于为你熄灭
Look at your tears as if to blame me
看着你的泪 (LAY:仿佛责备我)
There is nothing to say about being foolish.
傻得连挽留 (LAY:都无话可说)
How are you doing Merry Merry Christmas
你好吗 圣诞快乐
I wish you a better life
See the snow falling on the heart
看白雪飘落 在心的缺口
Can you drown all the pain of the past
能不能淹没 过去的所有伤痛
With an apology to see your departure
用歉意 目送你的离去
Leave me to regret over and over again
留下我 一遍一遍后悔
Look at your tears as if to blame me
看着你的泪 (仿佛责备我)
There is nothing to say about being foolish.
傻得连挽留( 都无话可说)(鹿晗:哦—对你无话可说)
Merry Merry Christmas
I wish you a happy life
See the snow falling on the heart
看白雪飘落 在心的缺口
Can you drown all the pain of the past
能不能淹没 过去的所有伤痛
Freezing is snow or tears on the face
脸上冻结 是雪还是泪
As you get farther and farther this Christmas
随着你 愈来愈远的这次圣诞节

EXO这个名字从意为太阳系以外的外部行星EXO PLANET一词中得来,蕴含了他们是从未知的世界来的新星之意。在EXO后添加代表Korean(韩语)的K与代表Mandarin(中文)的M,组成EXO-K和EXO-M两个小组,分别在韩国和中国展开活动。

common sense常识



on in 的用法区别
. 表示某一具体的日期或星期几,例如:on monday(在星期一)、on june 1st(在6月1日)。 . 表示某个具体的节日或特殊的日子,例如:on christmas day(在圣诞节)、on new year's eve(在除夕夜)。 . 表示某个时间点,例如:on time(准时)、on schedule(按计划)。 in的用法: . 表示某一段时间内,例如...

on [英][ɒn][美][ɑ:n]prep.(表示方向)向; (表示对象)对; (表示位置)在…上; (表示时间)在…之时;adv.(放,穿,连接)上; 向前,(继续)下去;adj.活动着的情况,状态; 使用着的; 发生着的; 计划中的;

1、adv. 向前地;作用中,行动中;继续着 2、prep. 向,朝……;关于;在……之上;在……时候 3、adj. 开着的;发生着的,正在进行中 4、and so on 等等;诸如此类 5、just on 将近,差不多 6、on and off 断断续续地,不时地 7、on and on 继续不停地 8、be on at [口语]唠叨...

on在句中作为副词、介词和形容词使用,音标是英 [ɒn]或美 [ɑn]。一、词汇分析 on adv. 向前地;作用中,行动中;继续着prep. 向,朝……;关于;在……之上;在……时候adj. 开着的;发生着的,正在进行中 二、短语 1、rely on 依靠 ; 依赖 ; 凭借 ; 信赖 2、dwell on 详述 ...

on的意思是向前地,在??之上,句中作为副词、介词和形容词使用。可作为某一机构或者装置的简称,但其主要是作为单词来使用,可作为介词、副词、形容词等,且后面加名词。短语搭配 onpurpose故意;有意;成心地 onduty值班;值日;上班;在上班 onearth究竟;到底;在世界上;全然 focuson集中;集中考试大论坛;...

on 表示在一个平面上,例如:on the table(在桌上)on和in的用法 在英语中表示不同的时间概念时,要用不同的介词,常用来表示时间的介词有:at、in、on 1、选用at的场合 1)用于钟点前。如:at seven,at half past six等。2)用于固定短语中。如:at noon,at night。2、选用in的场合 1...

to、in、on的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同向,朝,往,对着(某方向或某处);位于…方向在(某范围或空间内的)某一点;在(某物的形体或范围)中;在…内;在…中;进入 3.on:(覆盖、附着)在…上(意指接触物体表面或构成物体表面的一部分);由…支撑着...

on [ɔn, ɔ:n, ən, n]基本翻译 prep. 向,朝……;关于;在……之上;在……时候 adj. 开着的;发生着的,正在进行中 adv. 向前地;作用中,行动中;继续着 网络释义 On:打开|接通|开 put on:上演|穿上|增加 on fire:起火着火|着火|烧着 ...

on和in的区别如下:1. "On" 的用法:"On" 是一个表示位置、方向或时间的介词,它通常用来指示某物或某人处于一个平面、表面、线或某个特定的时间点上。具体用法如下:表示表面或平面(Surface or Plane):The book is on the table.(书在桌子上。)There's a cat on the roof.(屋顶上有...

鄄城县18389923001: 英语时态问题 加not 还是don't -
糜葛安达: don't. do, be, have 这三个词词性是类似的,都是表示时态用的.只有这样的词后面才能跟not.还有情态动词,如must,can,may,should等,表否定时也是后跟not. 一般的行为动词,在一般现在时中,是前面省去了do,比如说,he jumps,完全...

鄄城县18389923001: why don't you do ?的肯定回答是什么 -
糜葛安达: “俊狼猎英团队为您解答” 你的题目没有打完整哦.例子:1. Why don't you do the dishes? 你为什么不洗碗? 这是表示提议的,肯定回答: OK. 或者 All right.2. Why didn't you go to school yesterday? 这是询问原因的,所以回答:Because I was ill 希望对您有帮助~

鄄城县18389923001: 给老师或者父母的英文感谢信
糜葛安达: A Letter to My Parents Dear Mom and Dad, I love you!I love you so much!I love you with all my heart!This letter is to tell you my true feelings from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much for bringing me up!Thank you so much for raising me.I know ...

鄄城县18389923001: don't you know中文歌词 -
糜葛安达: (don't you know, don't you know, don't you know) chorus don't you know 你不知道 i don't wanna be alone我不想一个人 but i wanna be in love我想沉浸在爱中 no i don't wanna be a fool for you但我不想做一个被你愚弄的傻瓜 don't you know你不知...

鄄城县18389923001: 求sj《don'tdon》中文歌词,谢谢!!! -
糜葛安达: don't don中文歌词:东海:就这样结束的话,毫无机会的话,说什么都错了;丽旭:闹剧般世界里,笑不出的人们,真让我厌恶,合:DON'T DON ,什么都疯狂的世界,被囚禁的你,What is your mind , You outta control , what is your mind...

鄄城县18389923001: 求东方神起 don't say goodbye歌词 -
糜葛安达: Don't say goodbye:【在中】不敢直视你的眼睛 无法读懂你像迷路的孩子一样在等待【昌珉】你会说什么样的话 其实我都知道你的眼神告诉我不是这样的眼泪说明了一切[Xiah]don't say goodbye【俊秀】请跟着心走不要放手倾听你的心 ...

鄄城县18389923001: 加藤美穂You don't know me中文歌词 -
糜葛安达: 加藤ミリヤ《You don't know me(你不懂我)》 作词∶Miliyah 作曲∶Miliyah 歌∶加藤ミリヤIf you don't need to know me but I.../ If you don't need to know me but I...何もわかろうとしないで/不要想什么都搞清楚私を决めつけないで/不要...

鄄城县18389923001: why don't you get her a pen? 的答语有哪些 -
糜葛安达: 句子没完整,是Why don't you get her a pen?吗?Why don't you ...? 通常用来表示提供别人意见 可以回答,觉得不错的: that's a good idea, thank you 不合适的: maybe I need think about it 五花八门啦,根据不同场景答案会不一样的 希望对你有帮助哦~

鄄城县18389923001: 艾微儿《Don't tell me》的中文歌词的意思 -
糜葛安达: you held my hand and walked me home, I know你拉着我的手带我回家Why you gave me the kiss,我知道为什么你会给我深情的一吻it was something like this,就像这样you made me go, o o你让我陶醉You wiped my tears got rid of all my ...

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