
作者&投稿:印玛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

my weekends are very exciting. I often get up at 8:00 in the morning. After breakfast, I usually finish my homework as soon as possible. Then, I call my friends and go out to play table tennis with them together. In thr afternoon, we sometimes see a film at the cinema and have a good time .But last weekend, we went to the riverside for a picnic. I like weekends veey much. I wish every day were weekend.

What do you usually do on weekends?
1、 I usually have a rest at home during the weekend.
2、I usually go out and exercise.
3、I usually go for an outing.
4、I usually take part in some extracurricular activities.
5、I usually get a good sleep.

eekend are meaningful times.I usually ralex on saturday.for example,I read some books,watch TV,or play computer games.But on sunday,I often do my homework,it's very tired.Spring festival is coming soon,so this weekend i want to buy some new clothes.And I want to visit my grandparents,too.Because they are very lonely,I want give they some warm.


周末可以做的兼职有很多,比如家教、服务员、网络营销和线上写作等。一、家教 家教是一份非常适合周末的兼职工作。如果你的某个学科特长突出,你可以考虑当一名家教,利用周末的时间为学生辅导功课。你可以通过线上或线下的方式寻找需要家教的家庭,通常这种工作收入可观,且能锻炼你的教学能力和沟通能力。...

1、看书。读一本人物传记,看一下别人的人生 2、逛一次画展。去美院或者附近的艺术画馆,感受艺术之美。3、看电影。好的电影能够带来的价值和一本好书是一样的。4、收拾书桌。宿舍的书桌需要保持干净整洁,也可以把它布置成自己喜欢的样子。5、写作记录。梳理这一周的心情和感想,写下自己的感悟。6...


自己的格局也慢慢的大了。5.去锻炼身体。身体是革命的本钱,一切享受美好的时光和实现自己的价值和梦想前提有一个健康的好身体。6.去见见朋友和陪陪家人和孩子。  总之,在周末我们要好好利用起来,时光荏苒,岁月如梭在家沐浴着阳光手捧一本书,静静的享受属于自己的时光。周末快乐!

周末可以干很多事情,以下是一些建议:一、户外活动 你可以选择去公园或郊区散步,呼吸新鲜空气。这不仅能帮助放松心情,还有益健康。如果你喜欢大自然的美景,可以去户外拍照或者进行简单的野餐。户外活动是放松心情的好方式。二、运动健身 周末是进行运动健身的好时机。你可以选择跑步、游泳、瑜伽等运动方式...

一、户外休闲活动 周末是放松身心的好时机,可以选择户外活动来充实自己的生活。比如,可以选择登山、徒步等户外运动,亲近大自然,感受阳光和新鲜空气。这些活动不仅能够锻炼身体,还能让人心情愉悦。二、室内娱乐活动 如果天气不佳或者个人更倾向于室内活动,周末也可以安排一些室内娱乐活动。例如,看电影、听...

1. 休息和放松:在周末睡个懒觉、看看电影或者读一本好书,都是很好的放松方式。2. 社交活动:可以邀请朋友一起聚餐、看电影或者去公园散步。3. 运动:可以去健身房锻炼身体,或者参加一些户外运动,如跑步、骑自行车、打篮球等。4. 学习:可以利用周末时间学习一些新技能,如学习新语言、烹饪新菜品、...


1、去郊外野餐 和朋友一起去郊外野餐,互相说着最近发生的事情,吹着微风,一起吃着零食解压。2、去图书馆看书 选择一个下午泡在图书馆里,整个人沉浸在书的海洋里。3、种点自己喜欢的花草或蔬菜 看着自己的花草和蔬菜从是种子的那一刻起慢慢长成小苗再到开花结果。自己从一开始的照顾到最后不仅收获...

浮山县13194318264: 你周末经常干什么?用英语写一篇小作文(不少于4句) -
嵇秒欣康: eekend are meaningful times.I usually ralex on saturday.for example,I read some books,watch TV,or play computer games.But on sunday,I often do my homework,it's very tired.Spring festival is coming soon,so this weekend i want to buy some new ...

浮山县13194318264: 你周末经常干什么 200词 英语短文 -
嵇秒欣康: My happy weekend I usually do many things and be very busy on the weekends. I usually do my homework and surfing on the internet for some informations I need and then I always chat with my pen pals for about an hour on Saturday morning. In the ...

浮山县13194318264: my weekend介绍你在周末的做些什么作文英语作文不少于四十字? -
嵇秒欣康: My Weekend Hello!内 My name is Lucy. Yesterday was Sunday. I woke up at six o'容clock yesterday. Then I rode a bike to go to the park. I went to the McDonald's to have lunch with my parents. I played basketball with my friends in my school ...

浮山县13194318264: 用英语写你周末通常做些什么,要带汉语 -
嵇秒欣康: In this weekend, I have a plan, if tomorrow is a sunny day. Saturday morning, I am going to visit my grandparents.after lunch I have good friends and I go to the movies and football. At night, I can stay home and watch cartoons. Sunday, I will go ...

浮山县13194318264: 用英语写一篇关于周末经常做的事情(尽可能用频度副词)初2 -
嵇秒欣康:[答案] In the previous weekend,I have done something interesting.In the Saturday I have go to playing in badminton,besause I like it.... So,I have a great weekend. 蓉秀在上个周末,我做了一些有趣.在星期六,我去的羽毛球比赛,besause我喜欢它.我们已经在...

浮山县13194318264: 你每个周末干什么?(英文作文) -
嵇秒欣康:[答案] At weekend,my father is busy.My mother will come home at six'o clock.We can have a tasty dinner.We can go to Grandma's home.In Grandma's home i can know many knowledges.We will have a good night.

浮山县13194318264: 你经常在周末干什么,用英语写出40个词 -
嵇秒欣康:[答案] watch TV,play basketball,play piano,catch butterfly,catch dragonfly,catch insects,wash the dishes,wash the jacket,wash yoursocks,play the violin,play the guitar,

浮山县13194318264: 英语作文 你周末做什么 不少于50个字 -
嵇秒欣康:[答案] What do you do at weekends(By Kaiser3344) Recently,I always work when others are free at home ,so I hope at this weekend I can have two days to do some things that I would like to .As usual ,I went shopping with my best friend ,ate delicous food and ...

浮山县13194318264: 《星期六你常做什么》英语作文 -
嵇秒欣康: On Saturday, i have many things to do.i will wake up at7:00a.m.i will do my housework at morning until 10:00a.m.i will watch TV after that until 12:00a.m.i will cook my lunch and have it before12:30.p.mThen i will sleep until2:30. Then i will do my ...

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