almost at a glance 中为什么almost可以修饰后边的,

作者&投稿:依浦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. almost=very nearly,表示"几乎、差不多",常可互换使用。例如:   It's almost/nearly ten o'clock.差不多10点了。  He fell off a tree and almost/nearly died.他从树上摔下来,几乎丧命。  析:从事实角度讲,almost比nearly的差距更小。从说话人的心理角度来讲, almost暗含"还有距离",nearly暗含"似无差别"。比如上面的例句,第一句用almost比nearly反映出时间更接近10点,但用almost反映出说话人的心理活动是"还差一点儿才到10点",若用nearly则反映出说话人的心理活动是"可以说已到10点了"。第2句也是这样:用almost反映出说话人的心理活动是"还活着";用nearly反映出说话人的心理活动是"快死了"。所以用almost,还是使用nearly,说话人的心理活动是关键。.   2. almost和nearly可互换使用的场合  (1)在肯定句中  The old man is almost/nearly 90 years old.这个老人快90岁了。  (2)修饰all, every, always等时  I go to bed at ten almost/nearly every day.我几乎每天都是10点钟上床睡觉。  (3)在行为动词的否定式前  He almost/nearly didn't hear what I said.他几乎没听到我讲些什么。  3.只能用almost的场合  (1)修饰no, none, never, any以及由no或any的合成词。例如:   I have almost nothing to do today.今天我几乎没什么事可做。  This word is to be found in almost any   dictionary.这个词几乎在任何一本词典中都可以查到。  There is almost none left.几乎什么也没留下。  (2)修饰表示感觉或心理的动词或形容词。例如:   I almost think you are right.我还不完全相信你是对的。  (3)修饰more than和too。例如:   That's almost too much.这简直是太过分了。  4.只能用nearly的场合  (1)被very, not, pretty修饰时。例如:   I'm not nearly ready.我还没有准备好。  I know pretty nearly all the secrets of his married life.我几乎知道他的全部婚姻生活的秘密。  注意:not nearly=far from,much less than差得远,远远不够。例如:   There is not nearly enough money for a new car.买一部新车的钱远远不够。  "几乎不"只能用hardly,不能用nearly not也不能说almost not。  (2)表示要做什么事但后来"没有做"或"避开不做"时。例如:   We nearly called to see you last Saturday.我们上周六差点来看你。  5. mostly用作副词,意思是"大体上、主要地、大部分、多半、通常"等。例如:   She is mostly out on Sundays.她周日多半不在家。  The students in our school are mostly from cities.我们学校的学生大部分来自城市。  注意:almost和mostly用作副词时,意思是不同的。例如:   Your answers are almost correct.你的答案非常正确。

多数副词都放在所修饰动词后面(a),若修饰的是及物动词,则放在宾语后面(b),副词almost等也放在这样的位置,如: I almost forgot about it.我差点忘掉这事了。

a.Only he speaks French,we all speak English.
He can only read.He can’t speak.
He speaks only French,He doesn’t speak English.
He spoke only for two minutes.他只讲了两分钟。

(used before advs, ns, adjs, vs, dets and prons 用於副词, 名词, 形容词, 动词, 限定词及代词之前) nearly; not quite 几乎; 差不多; 不十分:

at a glance介词短语相当于副词 所以可以用

almost at a glance

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卜居清咽:[答案] 你的理解是正确的,这是一个省略句. 原句应该是one can tell the difference almost at a glance,for a spider always has eight legs and an insect never has more than six legs. 翻译:一个人几乎只要看一眼就能区分蜘蛛和昆虫的不同之处,因为蜘蛛有八...

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钢城区18664776548: Mary got - __the village almost at noon. -
卜居清咽:[选项] A. on B. in C. to D. / I arrived__the town at night.A.on D./

钢城区18664776548: . The guests are - ______ - friends of the film star. -
卜居清咽:[选项] A. mostly B. almost C. at most D. most of all

钢城区18664776548: The guests are - _ - friends of the film star. -
卜居清咽:[选项] A. mostly B. almost C. at most D. most of all 答案选A.请每个选项都分析错在哪里 讲详细一点,分数可以再加.!

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