
作者&投稿:墨鲁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The information revolution, the development of mass media and the achievements in science and technology have doubtlessly ushered us in a rapidly progressing society, where we may have no time to talk about our traditional culture. In the city, no one can escape from the fast pace.
We eat the popularized fast food and enjoy the popularized "fast food" culture. Since we get so used to such fast things that many traditional things have been neglected, some people believe that the traditional culture will gradually be lost, but I think it will never be lost.

Although entertainments are in abundance nowadays, traditional cultures still continue to dominate.
We still regard going to a concert as a luxury. Many classic books touch a string from generation to generation in spite of time and space.
And we are still moved by the inspirational spirits of our great ancestors.Traditional festivals remind us of our disposition to the traditional culture. Our relief in traditional culture gets ready to revive at any time.

To some traditional cultures that are on decline, we have taken active measures to conserve them. Experts have come up with proper advice on protecting such cultures. Many volunteers have dedicated themselves to studying them. First and foremost,more and more people have discerned the importance of the traditional culture. Therefore, we are sure that our efforts will lead to a brilliant future.

If a culture wants to gain an eternal life, it should change itself to cater to the people in its age. So does our traditional culture. Traditional cultures adhering to modern means appear rigorous. For example, we make CDs for classic music so that it can not only meet modern needs but also spread further and more successfully in the modern world. The appearance of traditional culture changes, but the essence will never change and will be well accepted.

There is no need to worry about whether our traditional culture will be lost. It is an important heritage of the whole human race. No culture, no mankind. We cherish the traditional culture as we cherish our blood in our body. The traditional culture lies in life, forever continuing.信息革命,大众传播媒介的发展和科学技术的成就,无疑迎来了一个迅速恶化的社会里,我们可能没有时间来谈论我们的传统文化我们。在城市里,没有人能逃脱从快速pace.We吃快餐的普及推广,享受“快餐”文化。由于我们习惯于这样快,很多传统的东西被忽视的事情,有些人认为,传统文化将逐渐流失,但我觉得它永远不会被lost.Although娱乐丰富的今天,传统文化依然继续dominate.We仍然认为要作为一个豪华演唱会。许多经典书籍触摸一代又一代的字符串尽管在时间和space.And但我们仍会受到我们伟大ancestors.Traditional精神感动鼓舞人心的节日提醒我们处理我们的传统文化。我们在传统文化得到救济随时准备恢复一些传统文化的衰落是,我们已采取积极措施,以保护他们t�6�7�6�7ime.To。专家们想出了这种文化的保护适当的意见。许多志愿者都已经投入到学习他们。首先,越来越多的人已经看出了传统文化的重要性。因此,我们相信我们的努力将导致一个辉煌future.If一种文化要想获得永恒的生命,就应该改变自己,以应付在其年龄的人。我们的传统文化也是如此。秉承传统文化现代化的手段出现严格。例如,我们为古典音乐CD,以便它不仅能满足当代的需求�6�7�6�7,而且在现代世界的传播进一步,更加成功。对传统文化的改变外观,但本质永远不会改变,并能得到充分accepted.There无需担心是否我们的传统文化都将丢失。这是对整个人类的重要遗产。没有文化,没有人类。我们珍惜我们的传统文化,珍惜我们在我们的身体的血液。传统文化就是在生活中,

n the 21~(st) century, globalization takes great influences not only on the field of economy, but also on that of culture, it means the constant dominance of western culture. One of the aspects is that traditional culture is being treated coldly. The treasures from our ancestors are fading out gradually. How to maintain it is really an urgent task. Cultural contact and conflict are very common and unavoidable in the development of culture. The key factor is that how we should face and deal with it.
Another concern for many countries was the dispersal of Indigenous cultural property around the world. There was concern that objects had been removed from their native territories, often with the consent of Indigenous Pacific Peoples, at times in the past where Indigenous peoples had no control over the collection, trade and importation of such objects. Repatriation of cultural objects is becoming increasingly important for Pacific countries as they now establish their own museums and cultural centres for the recording, display and promotion of their cultures. However, there is still much repatriation work to be done. The Cook Islands delegation reported that there are more traditional cultural objects from the Cook Islands held in overseas museums than in the Cook Islands themselves. The Cook Islands National Museum is attempting to repatriate objects from museums abroad, but unfortunately, there are very few legal avenues available for the return of such cultural property. In most cases, repatriation of cultural objects is dependent on the goodwill of the relevant international museums。

The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most popular traditional festivals celebrated in China, which is on the fifth of the fifth lunar month, also known as Duanwu Festival.It’s said that it is to commemorate the death of a Chinese patriotic poet, Qu Yuan, who was snared by corrupt officials in ancient China and finally committed suicide by drowning himself in the Miluo River to protest against them.端午节是中国传统节日中最流行的节日之一,它是在阴历五月的第五天。据说这是为了纪念一个中国的爱国诗人屈原的死,他被中国古代腐败官员陷害最后在汨罗河投江自杀来表示抗议。
The traditions and customs held on this festival differ from place to place, but there are some common in them.First, the most famous and great tradition is holding Dragon Boat races, which are held by fishermen’s attempt to protect Qu Yuan’s body against attacking by fishes and other animals in the river by beating drums and row the dragon shaped boat.Nowadays dragon boat races have been an annual popular sport activity among people.In addition, making and eating Zongzi—a dumpling made of glutinous rice and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves—is also a popular custom during this day.It can be made by many kinds of stuffing.What’s more, hanging herbs on the front door, drinking realgar wine and pasting up picture of Zhongkui—a mythic guardian figure in ancient china—are also popular during the festival, which are mean to protect people from evil and disease.这个传统习俗不同的地方有不同的庆祝方式,但也有相同的方面。首先,最出名的传统就是举行龙舟比赛,这是由渔民们举行的,通过打鼓和划龙形的船来保护屈原的身体免受鱼类和其他动物的攻击。现在龙舟赛是人们一年一度的流行的体育活动。此外,做和吃粽子——糯米面团,包着竹叶或芦苇叶,在那一天也是 一个流行的风俗。它可以由不同种类的馅料制成。还有就是,门上挂着草药,人们喝雄黄酒,在门前张贴中国古代神话人物钟馗的图片在节日期间也是很受欢迎的,做这些的意义是保护人们免受邪恶和疾病。
These customs and traditions have been changed a little in recent years, but they still make contribution to the spread and inheritance of Chinese culture.这些习俗和传统,在最近几年已经发生了一些变化,但他们仍然为中国文化传承与传播做贡献。

Hong Kong

Hong Kong has the big city specials like smog, odour, 14 million elbows and an insane love of clatter. But it's also efficient, hushed and peaceful: the transport network is excellent, the shopping centres are sublime, and the temples and quiet corners of parks are contemplative oases.

Hong Kong has enough towering urbanity, electric streetscapes, enigmatic temples, commercial fervour and cultural idiosyncrasies to utterly swamp the senses of a visitor, and enough spontaneous, unexpected possibilities to make a complete mockery of any attempt at a strictly organised itinerary.




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汲辉牛黄: The information revolution, the development of mass media and the achievements in science and technology have doubtlessly ushered us in a rapidly progressing society, where we may have no time to talk about our traditional culture. In the city, no ...

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