
作者&投稿:栋纪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

dear sirs
thank you for your offer dated March 1st and we are regret to find that we can't make it as the price quotated by you.
I'd like to point out that our product is famous for its high quality and reasonable price.With the increasing of the price for raw materials,we can't make the ends meet by selling the towel at $600 per case. However, in consideration of our long-term friendly relationship. we are prepared to allow you a special discout of 5% for large orders.
If you are willing to cooperate with us ,plese reply us as soon as possible,because we have low stocks.
我是国贸专业的学生 希望我的答案能够被你采用 谢谢

dear sirs
thank you for your offer dated March 1st and we are regret to find that we can't make it as the price quotated by you.
I'd like to point out that our product is famous for its high quality and reasonable price.With the increasing of the price for raw materials,we can't make the ends meet by selling the towel at $600 per case. However, in consideration of our long-term friendly relationship. we are prepared to allow you a special discout of 5% for large orders.
If you are willing to cooperate with us ,plese reply us as soon as possible,because we have low stocks.
我是国贸专业的学生 希望我的答案能够被你采用 谢谢

Dear Sirs:
Thank you for your letter of 20 May 2000. We are disappointed to hear that our price for Flame cigarette lighters is too high for you to work on. You mention that Japanese goods are being offered to you at a price approximately 10% lower than that quoted by us.
We accept what you say, but we are of the opinion that the quality of the other makes does not measure up to that of our products.
Although we are keen to do business with you, we regret that we cannot accept your counter offer or even meet you half way.
The best we can do is to reduce our previous quotation by 2%. We trust that this will meet with your approval.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
还盘是交易方式之一,即接盘人对所接发盘表示接受,但对其内容提出更改的行为。还盘实质上构成对原发盘的某种程度的拒绝,也是接盘人以发盘人地位所提出的新发盘。因此 ,一经还盘,原发盘即失效,新发盘取代它成为交易谈判的基础。如果另一方对还盘内容不同意,还可以进行反还盘(或称再还盘)。还盘可以在双方之间反复进行,还盘的内容通常仅陈述需变更或增添的条件,对双方同意的交易条件毋需重复。在国际贸易中,往往经过多次的还盘、反还盘,才最终达成协议。

dear sirs
thank you for your offer dated March 1st and we are regret to find that we can't make it as the price quotated by you.
I'd like to point out that our product is famous for its high quality and reasonable price.With the increasing of the price for raw materials,we can't make the ends meet by selling the towel at $600 per case. However, in consideration of our long-term friendly relationship. we are prepared to allow you a special discout of 5% for large orders.
If you are willing to cooperate with us ,plese reply us as soon as possible,because we have low stocks.
我是国贸专业的学生 希望我的答案能够被你采用 谢谢

Dear,sirs Re:HANDWARE TOOL CASE After receiving your letter of have to regret to reject it again the second time because your price has a long distance with our prospected ones.However to step up our trade ,we consult our clients for several times and they agree to purchase at...

our counter-offer most favorably and fax us your acceptance assoon as possible .We are anticipating your reply.鉴于我方长期的业务关系,我方还盘,在你方答复后两天内,由于市场正在下降,我们希望你方能考虑我方的还盘,并尽快传真给我们。我们期待着您的回复。Yours faithfully.您诚挚的。

送呈先生(女士)台启 谨订于公历年月日(星期)(上面写阳历下面写阳历)举行新居落成并乔迁之庆 届时恭请称呼全家 光临谨邀自称 公元:xx年8月1日 农历:二零一一年七月初二 公司乔迁贺词 鸿犹大展、骏业肇兴、大展经伦、万商云集、货财恒足、陶朱妣美、骏业日新、骏业崇隆、大展弘图、多财善贾 鸿犹...

下列情况,发盘失效:发盘被有效撤回或撤销\/受盘人作出还盘\/发盘有效期届满\/出现不可抗力 (三)还盘(counter-offer),(还价)1、含义:受盘人不同意或不完全同意发盘人提出的交易条件,对发盘提出修改或变更意见的行为 。2、性质:对发盘的拒绝,构成一个新发盘。有法律效力 (四)接受(Acceptance)又称...

Dear,sirs Thanks for your quote. The bicycle\\'s quailtiy is pretty impressive, but unfortunately we cant take this quote. We have orderd 1,000pc of the smiliar type of bicycle at 10% lower than your quote. Please refer to 89SP-754 sales confirmation file.Since last order, ...

安县15026184893: 急求一套 外贸函电的 发盘 还盘 写作范文 !!! 谢谢各位大大~~ -
拱进去乙: 发盘 Dear Sir, We were very pleased to receive your letter of 5th April answering our advertisement for typewriters and, as requested, enclose a copy of our latest illustrated catalogue and current price list. We think the "Portable 95" is a machine ...

安县15026184893: 拟写还盘函 -
拱进去乙: 报盘函电按照这些条件与对方达成交易、签订合同的一种肯定表示.构成一项法律上有效的发盘, 必须具备报盘是指买卖双方的一方(发盘人)向对方(受盘人)提出各项交易的条件, 并愿下面四个条件:(1)向一个或一个以上的人提出;...

安县15026184893: 卖家如何向买家询盘,英文范例 -
拱进去乙: 根据您的叙述,可以参考开发信模板,如下:Dear Henry, Good day! I'm xx from xx company. Glad to hear that you're on the market for xxxx products.We specialize in this field for xxx years, with the strength of 主要产品1,主要产品2 and主要产品...

安县15026184893: 讨价还价什么意思 -
拱进去乙: 意思是买卖时,卖方索价,买方还价,以达到各自的理想价钱.也指谈判时,双方争论各自所提的条件.讨价还价 tǎo jià huán jià 解释:讨:索取.买卖东西,卖主要价高,买主给价低,双方要反复争议.也比喻在进行谈判时反复争议,或接受...

安县15026184893: 谁又关于英语交易 讨价还价 订货的资料!~谢了 -
拱进去乙: (1)Subject: Counter-offerDear Sir,We have been very pleased with your product, as you know. However, we find that we can obtain a price of $4.00 per hundred with a local firm. This is fifty cents per hundred lower than your price.If you can see your ...

安县15026184893: 该合同是否成立在线等卖方A出售3000吨生铁于星期三向买房B发出
拱进去乙: 卖方A在星期三发出要约,买方B在星期四时还盘,将现货交易改为2个月内交易,已实质上改变了卖方的要约,构成一个新要约,但买方B又在星期五下午发出接受电报,此时,如果买方B做出的这个承诺先于星期四发出的新要约到达卖方A,那么,该合同成立,反之,合同不成立. 不过,从楼主叙述中可以看出,周五发出的承诺肯定会迟于周四发出的新要约到达卖方A,所以,该合同当然没有成立. 希望能帮到你喽:)

安县15026184893: 如何做进口国际贸易 -
拱进去乙: 进口贸易其实很简单,首先国内企业需要进口权,然后根据需要进口的不同产品准备相应资质证件就可以的. 如果说“没有进口权的公司,甚至是个人贸易,无公司的同学~”能不能做进口贸易呢? 答案:当然可以. 具体如下: 一、货源问题:如果您没有自己固定的渠道,可在国际B2B或者黄页平台找国外供应商、例如阿里巴巴、tradekey等等.. 二、找到做门到门的兴创供应链公司,提供所有贸易资质,为您的产品准备进口文件,做相应的进口方案. 三、待确定好国外货源交货期后,可联系“兴创供应链”安排直接安排门到门运输:从国外仓库提货,安排海运空运国际物流订舱,货物到国内港口/机场后安排清关到门送货.

安县15026184893: 高商英语培训项目
拱进去乙: 1.法国高商核心项目GE都是英语授课的,建议英语基础打牢.法语当然是水平越高越好,找实习有很大帮助.你准备两年还上不了前五,那还是乖乖在国内吧.2.就算...

安县15026184893: 深圳bec英语培训
拱进去乙: 剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)指定市区报考点及培训点——深圳赛格人才培训中心报名地点及时间:·市内报考点:赛格人才培训中心(华强北路1046号赛格经济大厦7楼) ...

安县15026184893: 外贸跟单员对外磋商哪些内容?
拱进去乙: (1) 询盘 即邀请对方提出报价及相应的运输、保险等条款(附:卖方报价单); (2) 发盘 即由发盘人提出报价单; (3) 还盘 即受盘人不同意或完全不同意发盘人在发盘中提出的条件,并对此提出修改意见); (4) 接受 即受盘人接到对方的发盘或还盘后,同意对方提出的条件,愿意与对方达成交易,并及时承诺.

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