
作者&投稿:鲜姚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I‘d like to be a volunteer very much and i think it is meaningful for me. We can learn something from it, which can help us to understand what kind of life we want. I've had several experiences about being a volunteer. And the most impressive for me is about helping the olds, which is organized by our school. We help them to cook and make the bed, and some other things that we can do. It makes me feel like they are my grandparents. They have a comfortable life in nursing home, but the environment makes them lonely. what we do really make them happy. I wsh I could get more opportunities to do such things. 志愿者,回忆了一次 去敬老院帮忙。

I want to be a volunteer of beijing olympic games. I realized the time flies.I must study english very hard. Because English is very useful and it is very important. And to be a volunteer of the olympic games is good for myself too.

I can make some friends from different countries and learn more about sport,about olympic. But the first thing to perpare this is study hard, I am confident i will to be a good volunteer and I will show the world:our country and our cities are so perfect in the world.
我可以结交一些来自不同国家的朋友,更多地了解体育,了解奥林匹克。但首先要准备的是努力学习,我有信心成为一名优秀的志愿者,我会展示自己的能力world:our country 我们的城市在世界上是如此完美。

Some of us helped clean the city park while some went to Children's Hospital to tell stories to sick kids to cheer them up. Some students sang songs for the old in the Home for the Elderly. I am good at telling stories so I went to the hospital with my classmates. Volenteer work is not only interesting but also necessary because we can show our love to people in need.



篇一 在一次社区活动中,我经历了一次志愿者经历。我带着满怀的好心情来到社区服务中心,对这次志愿者活动充满了期待与好奇。走到社区服务中心门口,我轻轻地推开了那扇门。里面整整齐齐地站着我们学校的小伙伴,说不定都是来当志愿者的呢。一位阿姨说,“现在,你和他们一样,要听我的命令!”“好...

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我是小小志愿者作文1 10月13日是星期六,我和十三班的同学们来到莲石湖公园参加护水公益活动。 这天,我早早就醒来了。想到第一次参加志愿服务活动,我心里别提有多激动了。我边催促家长早点吃饭,边准备参加活动需要的手套、塑料袋。到了目的地,叔叔阿姨们向我们发放了志愿者服饰,当我穿上了红色志愿者马甲时,心里...

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2. 作文:体育节当志愿者 很高兴能够在这里,以一个志愿者的身份来和大家分享这次参加志愿者服务的感想。 首先要说的是,很荣幸能够代表学校参加本次:新疆首届麦西来甫、健身交谊舞,广场舞。暨克拉玛依市首届体育舞蹈锦标赛,我自治区能够将比赛安排在我市举行是对我市多年来体育文化建设的肯定,也是对我市安保等多项...

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岛脉复方: Last weekends , I went to the park to work as a volunteer . I cleaned the floor up , watered the flowers , planted some trees and so on . That was a great experience . Although I felt quite tired , it worth . I loved all the attractive plants such as sunflowers ,...

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岛脉复方: As community volunteers,my classmates and I go to the drop-in centre to help with things of which we are capable every or every other Saturday afternoon.There are many old people and children who are not able to return home temporarily.The old ...

阜康市13823156222: 求一篇关于做志愿者经历的英语作文(大学作文)急急急!大学体验英语综合教程第二版第一册 Unit 6 Passage A 作文 Write a passage of at least 80 words ... -
岛脉复方:[答案] ...what's your volunteer experience?give me something to start with. hospital? school? ...

阜康市13823156222: 找一篇申请做志愿者的英语作文,150字左右 -
岛脉复方:[答案] Dear Sir or Madam: Thank you for taking your time to read my letter.As the coming of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,I'd ... To sum up,I believe I can be a qualified volunteer.I will value it and do all I can if I could be accepted to be one.

阜康市13823156222: 求一篇关于志愿者英语作文题目是 My election address 内容结果如下 ,80字左右内容结构可分为1.Where 地点/事件 2.Interest & dream能力或爱好或兴趣3.... -
岛脉复方:[答案] I am so proud that my city will host the sports meeting this year.I have been living here since I was born,so I know the city well.I ... overall,I really want to be a volunteer to make contribution to it,though it may be negligible. 不知道你说的志愿者是啥志愿者,...

阜康市13823156222: 关于志愿者的英语作文假如你是一位中学生志愿者,请用英语写一篇短文,介绍你上周末去一家孤儿院的经历. 要求1.出发前的情况 2.参加活动的情况 3.体会... -
岛脉复方:[答案] My busy Sunday I'm a volunteer .last Sunday moring That day I got up at 8:30,then have a quick breakfast.we went to see the orphans with preparations.When we got there we gave the children presents,sang and danced,told stories and played games ...

阜康市13823156222: 想成为一名志愿者的英语作文 -
岛脉复方:[答案] I wanted to do when I grow up volunteers to protect animals.Now,there is animal life and dismissive.Often say that a dog is man's best friend,but often those who like small animals were shouted at her...

阜康市13823156222: 求关于志愿者的英语作文 -
岛脉复方: Personal think as a volunteer is a very honorable thing. Take FLUS for example, volunteer service for domestic and foreign tourists feel the Chinese as well as the passion of Chinese civilization.Volunteer we know? For payment, based on ...

阜康市13823156222: 跪求一篇英语小作文题目是你当志愿者的经历60字左右 -
岛脉复方:[答案] Pawn volunteer's go through As a college student far away in Harbin,the Olympic Games volunteer difficult to get chance to participate in next year has worked ,commerce university has held the whole nation college student tennis ball championship ...

阜康市13823156222: 志愿者活动 英语作文 -
岛脉复方: In modern societies, it is increasingly popular that young people volunteer on weekends in the local community service center to help the people in need. If all the youngsters do it in a regular way, the benefits are obvious to both the community and ...

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