insist on ,,stick to (doing),,keep at,,keep doing sth,,keep on doing keep to do sth.go on doing go

作者&投稿:范卷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
insist on ,,stick to (doing),,keep at,,keep doing sth,,keep on doing keep to do sth.go on doing go~

insist【用法一】 v. 坚决要求;坚持要;一定要例1:we insisted on his apology. 我们要他赔礼道歉。例2: she insisted on seeing us home.她坚持要送我们回家。例3: i insisted on their arriving there ahead of time.我坚持要他们提前赶到那。注:1)insist on 后面不能接由“名词或代词 + 动词不定式”构成的复合宾语。不能说:the teacher insisted on all the compositions to be handed in on monday.2)insist +宾语从句(从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气,即should + 动词原形或省去should)。例如: the young men insisted that they (should) be sent to the front.那些年轻人坚持要求被派往前线去。【用法二】v. 坚持认为,坚持说,强调1) insist on +名词。例如: he insisted on his innocence. 他坚持说自己无罪。2)insist on + 宾语从句在表示一个客观事实时(谓语动词不用虚拟语气,而应用陈述语气)。例如: the boy insisted that he hadn’t broken the glass.那小男孩坚持说他没有打烂玻璃杯。
stick to doing sth 坚持做某事 Reporters should stick to investigating the facts. 记者应坚持调查事实。
go on doing sth 是指停了后,继续做同一件事
go on to do sth是停了后,继续做另外一件事
如 After dinner, he went on doing his homework. 意思是晚饭前他也在做作业
After dinner, he went on to do his homework. 意思是晚饭前他做了别的事,饭后他继续做事,但换成写作业了。

continue doing=go on doing
continue to do =go on to do
keep doing 指一直做,可以指短时间,也可以指长时间,指一种状态。
如 he kept doing homework this afternoon.
or he kept playing basketball this term.
1. keep at sth 坚持做某事。如:
Keep at it. 坚持做。
He kept at the job until finished. 他坚持把工作干完。
2. keep doing sth
(1) 不断地或一直做某事(动作之间略有间隔)。如:
They kept talking about it. 他们一直在谈论此事。
My shoe laces keep coming undone. 我的鞋带老是松开。
注:此用法可与 keep on doing sth 换用。
(2) 一直在做某事(无间隔)。如:
He kept standing during the meeting. 开会时他一直站着。
He kept hoping that they would have chance to come to China some day. 我一直希望什么时候有机会到中国来。
注:此用法通常不能与 keep on doing sth 换用。
3. keep on doing sth
(1) 不断地或一直做某事(动作之间略有间隔)。如:
He kept on looking at us. 他老是瞧我们。
Don’t keep on asking questions like that. 不要老是问那样的问题。
注:此用法可与 keep doing sth 换用。
(2) 继续做某事(即将一直在做的事继续做下去)。如:
He kept on working after dark. 天黑了我们还继续干。
Don’t give up; keep on trying. 别灰心,继续努力。
注:这样的 keep on doing 有时可与 go on doing 换用。如:
The boys kept [went] on doing their homework in spite of interruptions. 尽管有干扰,孩子们仍继续做自己的作业。

keep up doing坚持(毅力)
insist on doing坚持(拿定主意)

你好,1 insist on (doing)sth.是坚持某种做法,意见,主张。如:They insisted on leaving that day. 他们坚持要在那天走。2 stick to (doing) sth.是坚持原则,计划,诺言,决定,真理,路线等。 如:He always sticks to his promise plan. 他总是坚守自己的诺言。3 keep doing sth. 强调状态的继续,常与表示延续性的动词或静止状态的动词连用,如:He kept standing in the street .他一直站在大街上。4 keep on doing sth.表示动作的反复,强调动作间有间隔,常与短暂性动词连用。如:He kept on repeating these words over and over. 他一遍又一遍重复这几句话。5 keep 本身是及物动词,意为保存,照顾,遵守,记账等,通常后面不跟介词,keep+表语,意为保持,继续(处于某种状态) keep at 和keep to do 不常见,我也不知道有没有这种用法,这个不是考点,也不是重点,自己知道就行了。6 go on doing 指做事因故暂停,尚未做完,再继续做下去,它还可以一直做某事。7 go on to do 则表示某一件事已经做完,再接着去做另一件事,He went on to talk about the world situation 他接着又谈谈世界形势。8 go on with 是一个动副介词短语动词,其后通常接名词或代词作宾语。如:Please go on with your story .请继续讲你的故事。希望我们一起交流。

阜南县18794517651: insist on与stick to的区别这两个词组在用法上有什么区别呀 -
步转速脲:[答案] stick to 强调坚持的是一些观点,理论,态度等 insist on 强调坚持做某某的行为,动作 stick to:坚持 例句与用法: 1.Stick to it! 坚持下去! 2.I can stick to my guns. 我能够坚持自己的主张. 3.Reporter should stick to investigating the facts. 记者应该坚...

阜南县18794517651: 英语短语stick to与insist on 有什么不同 -
步转速脲: 坚持"意见,看法"用 insist on例如:إ He is a man with a strong will.He always insists on his own idea.他是个意志坚强 的人,总是坚持自己的看法. إ坚持"原则、计划、诺言"等 用stick to例如:Once you have made your decision,you must stick to it. 你一旦作出了决定,就必须坚持下去

阜南县18794517651: insist on 和stick to 区别
步转速脲: 1.insist on :坚持意见,主张 但是要注意它的后面可以接动名词, He insisted on going there by bus. 2.stick to :坚持原则,诺言,决定,计划,意见等 ,但是要注意它的后面只加名词,不加doing We must stick to our task till it is finished.

阜南县18794517651: 两短语的区别insist on 和 stick to 都表"坚持”,可偏又选择题要从中选一个,而短语的时态形式都正确,那么它们的区别在哪呢? -
步转速脲:[答案] 1.stick to :坚持原则,诺言,决定,计划,意见等 ,但是要注意它的后面只加名词,不加doingng 2.persist in :坚持行动,有时表示固执己见或坚持不改 Why do you persist in writing these things?你为什么要坚持写这些东西...

阜南县18794517651: 初中英语常接动词ing的词和词组 -
步转速脲:[答案] 巧记只接V-ing作宾语的动词和短语 泰和中学 尹丽娜 高中英语学习中非谓语动词是个难点,而其中V-ing又是个常考点.只能... go on;逃亡escape;放弃give up,quit;完成finish,complete;停stop;冒险risk;欣赏appreciate;坚持insist on,stick to;献...

阜南县18794517651: insist on 与 stick to的区别 -
步转速脲: stick to 有忠于(理想等);坚持、继续的意思.它的后面只加名词 例如: to stick to the Party's line. 坚持党的路线;insist on 是坚决主张;坚决要求;强调的意思.它的后面可以接动名词, 例如: to insist on the importance of sth. 强调某事的重要性. He insisted on going with me. 他坚决要求与我同去.

阜南县18794517651: 辨析insiston,stickto
步转速脲: insist on doing sth是指“坚决要求”、“坚持要干某事”. stick to 后接名词或代词时,是指:“遵守,信守,不放弃,坚守”,常与表示“真理、原则、观点、计划、理论、决定”的词语连用.而后接v-ing 时,则表示坚持正在做的事情,继续做某事.

阜南县18794517651: insist on 与 stick to的区别 -
步转速脲:[答案] stick to 有忠于(理想等);坚持、继续的意思.它的后面只加名词例如:to stick to the Party's line.坚持党的路线;insist on 是坚决主张;坚决要求;强调的意思.它的后面可以接动名词,例如:to insist on the impo...

阜南县18794517651: "insist on","persist on","stick to","hold on"的区别? -
步转速脲: insist on1.坚持; 强调 He insisted on his demand. 他坚持他的要求. He insists on discipline in the classroom. 他一贯强调课堂纪律. She insisted on leaving at once. 她坚持立刻就走. She insisted on her mother's living with her. 她坚持要她母亲...

阜南县18794517651: insist on 后常接的具体名词是什么?stick to 后常接的具体名词是什么? -
步转速脲: 你好!insist on doing sth坚持做某事 而stick to 1.~sb忠于某人; 2~sth忠于;坚持做某事

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