
作者&投稿:郦楠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  he United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (commonly known as the United Kingdom, the UK or Britain) is a sovereign state off the north-western coast of continental Europe. The country includes the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland and many smaller islands. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that shares a land border with another sovereign state—the Republic of Ireland. Apart from this land border the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic
  Ocean, the North Sea, the English Channel and the Irish Sea.

London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. Located on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history going back to its founding by the Romans, who called it Londinium. London's ancient core, the City of London, largely retains its square-mile medieval boundaries. Since at least the 19th century, the name London has also referred to the metropolis developed around this core. The bulk of this conurbation forms the London region and the Greater London administrative area, governed by the elected Mayor of London and the London Assembly.
London is a leading global city, with strengths in the arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, healthcare, media, professional services, research and development, tourism and transport all contributing to its prominence. It is the world's largest financial centre alongside New York City and has the fifth-largest city GDP in the world (and the largest in Europe). It has the most international visitors of any city in the world and London Heathrow is the world's busiest airport by number of international passengers. London's 43 universities form the largest concentration of higher education in Europe.

Blimey!这是人们在表示惊讶时常用的表达方式。例如, "Blimey! The weather's terrible today!"

Keep your hair _disibledevent="3">Pear-shaped.这常用来表示出了问题的情况。例如,"I started my new job the other day and I was so nervous, it all went pear-shaped."

Have it large.在你计划外出并玩个痛快的时候你会这样说。 例如, "It's Saturday! We're gonna have it large tonight!" 你还可以说larging it。

Bob's your uncle. 如果有人这么对你说,这并不代表着你有一个很久没有联系的叔叔在伦敦。伦敦人使用这个表达方式表明某事已经完成或者某事没有任何的问题。例如,"You just plug it in, turn _disibledevent="3">Dog's dinner.当人们说某事象狗食,他们其实在说这事一团糟。例如,"Your hair looks like a dog's dinner,"意思是你的头发有一点乱,而不是他们的狗想要吃!

All over the shop.这个表达方式和购物没有任何的关系。这表示某人完全没有条理性。 如果有人告诉你,"you're all over the shop,"你应该停一停仔细想一想了。伦敦人还说,all over the gaff。

Smashing.不,这不是把东西摔坏!这其实是用来描述某事物非常的好。例如, "Last night's party was smashing!"

Hank Marvin. 如果有人说,"I'm Hank Marvin!"这不是他或她的名字。这只是代表这个人非常的饿。例如,"What do you want to eat for dinner? I'm Hank Marvin!"这是伦敦押韵的俚语的一个例句。-Hank Marvin 和starvin'押韵,意思是饥饿。

Let's have a bubble bath.别担心,伦敦人并不是让你和他们一起洗泡泡浴。 bubble bath 其实意思是a laugh。他们只是要你和他们一起欢笑。


伦敦海岛旅游景点介绍作文 伦敦海岛旅游景点介绍作文怎么写
“雾都”也是得名于当时严重的环境污染,使伦敦上无尽关于雾的描写。那种工业蒸汽时代的特有的混合了煤烟、蒸汽、尘埃、空笼罩着终年散不去的大雾。现在的伦敦,天空很清澈,干净的让人难以置信。但我还是很向往那个被大雾淹没的城市,那样的伦敦一定有一种特别的美,所以无数的作家会把它写进自己的故事里 开幕式我最...

急求一篇伦敦奥运会的数学日记 400字左右
伦敦奥运会的数学日记 400字左右如下:一天,我和妈妈一起看体育频道,我知道了很多知识,比如:比赛需要计时,在游泳比赛中我们就能看到数学中时、分、秒的知识。田径比赛的跑道也很有学问,像400米起跑时,运动员并不在同一条起跑线上,就这里有数学中圆的周长的知识。有些比赛是有比分的,比如篮球...


As we all know,London is located in the south of England, at the southeast coast of England, located in the Thames from east to west across the city. But also the capital of the United Kingdom.London is British political, economic and cultural center, has been called the "...

london to oxford and cambridge, i will go to the list. edinburgh, manchester and liverpool feel nottingham, the ritz, birmingham, at newcastle, 求一篇英语的旅行计划 我也是网上帮你求来的。希望对你有帮助,英语也能更上一层楼,还望你采纳。 1 It is exciting to visit different places. As you ...

http:\/\/www.verycd.com\/topics\/68824\/ 《BBC 英国史》(BBC A History of Britain)7月17日至EP13+EP15中文字幕[DVDRip]下载看看吧,应该是很不错的。10 Britannia Incorporated(1690——1750)17世纪90年代英格兰,沉浸在光荣革命的胜利的喜悦中,他们迎来了新的时代,新的国王——威廉三世。然而在...

W1W 8SR 就是邮编。。。英国的邮编是字母和数字结合的,前后两段,它不象中国的一个邮编管一大片,这样一个邮编一般能定点到一个很小的小区或只是一栋楼。邮编里的字母要大写~两段式别连到一起~最好换行把邮编写到LONDON的下行~还有为表示尊重,收信人前最好加上Mr.~...

急!!!求伦敦塔 巴黎铁塔 北京紫禁城 悉尼歌剧院 华盛顿白宫 还有罗马...
伦敦塔:Tower of London 巴黎艾菲尔铁塔:Eiffel Tower 北京紫禁城:Beijing Forbidden City 悉尼歌剧院:Sydney Opera House 华盛顿白宫:Washington White House 罗马斗兽场:Rome Colosseum 参考资料:各个网站


浮梁县13233689125: 急求!!关于伦敦的有趣句子(英文) -
丁嘉天晴: Blimey!这是人们在表示惊讶时常用的表达方式.例如, "Blimey! The weather's terrible today!"Keep your hair _disibledevent="3">Pear-shaped.这常用来表示出了问题的情况.例如,"I started my new job the other day and I was so ...

浮梁县13233689125: 求一篇介绍伦敦的英语短文 -
丁嘉天晴: London (none) is the capital of England, the first city and a port, is one of Europe's largest metropolitan area is one of the world's four and world-class city, with the United States, New York, Paris and Tokyo. London has not been British cities, it is ...

浮梁县13233689125: 急求一篇几句介绍伦敦英语?写伦敦要举行的奥运会,它有特色的文化,还有出名建筑.只要小学阶段就行了,太高我看不懂,要中英文的哦 -
丁嘉天晴:[答案] 2012年伦敦奥运会体育场——“伦敦碗”,根据规划,“伦敦碗”将位于伦敦市东部的奥林匹克公园内,将承办奥运会的开闭幕式.该体育场共将设有8万个座位,预计耗资将达到4亿9千6百万英镑(约合7亿1千万欧元/10亿4千万美元)....

浮梁县13233689125: 急 求,有关伦敦的介绍 英文 -
丁嘉天晴: London is the capital of England, the first largest city and largest port, is also Europe's largest metropolitan area and one of the world, one of four world-class city, with the United States New York, Paris and Tokyo, Japan tied. London United ...

浮梁县13233689125: 伦敦在下雨用英语形容 -
丁嘉天晴: 伦敦在下雨 It's raining in London 双语对照1 伦敦在冬季经常下雨. It usually rains in London in the winter.2 当我们离开伦敦时那在下雨,但在雅典天气很好很暖和. It was raining in London when we left, but it was fine and warm in Athens.

浮梁县13233689125: 求一篇介绍伦敦的英语作文 -
丁嘉天晴: LONDON, England. A capital city full of art and history. An important political centre. A huge financial market place. 英国,伦敦,一座艺术气息和历史氛围浓郁的都城,一个重...

浮梁县13233689125: 求一片写伦敦的英语作文,100字左右.初中水平的 -
丁嘉天晴: The City of London is a geographically small city within Greater London, England. It is the historic core of London around which, along with Westminster, the modern conurbation grew. The City's boundaries have remained almost constant since ...

浮梁县13233689125: 关于伦敦风景的英语作文. -
丁嘉天晴:[答案] London (none) is the capital of England,the first city and a port,is one of Europe's largest metropolitan area is one of the world's four and world-class city,with the United States,New York,Paris and Tokyo.London has not been British cities,it is not a ...

浮梁县13233689125: 请以london为题写一篇不少于30个词的英语小短文
丁嘉天晴: I wanna go to London because it is a world famous metropolise. There you can approach the advance technology and techniques, enjoy the culture that formed by various nationalities, as well as see the unique buildling structure of the city.

浮梁县13233689125: 急求一篇有关伦敦奥运的英语小短文,50词左右. -
丁嘉天晴: The Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt defended his 100-meter, 200-meter and 4x100-meter gold medals, the last in world-record time. No one has ever done such a th缉憨光窖叱忌癸媳含颅ing. Bolt did it against incredible competition, the fastest group...

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