英语高手请进 小五~六水平 过去式

作者&投稿:莱试 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语高手进 小五水平 填空题~

1.It was (be) windy yesterday.
2.Did you study for the math test yesterday? (study)
3.--- When did you have the meeting(会议)? ---- We had (have) it last week.
4.Mr Black came(come) to China with his family in 1990.
5.Why were(be) you away from school yesterday afternoon?
6.I _didn't have (not have) any money with me at that time.
7.Peter and Tom were not (be not) at home just now.
8.--- Who cleaned the blackboard (黑板) this morning? --- Lin Tao did__(do).
9.--- When did you go (go) home on that day? --- I went(go) home at five.
10.My friend didn't do his homework last Monday. (not do)
11.Yesterday was (be) my fourteenth birthday. I had (have) a party. My friends came (come) and gave (give) me some presents(礼物). My mother cooked (cook) some pizzas for us. I had (have) a happy birthday.
12.Last summer my family and I went(go) to the beach.
13.When it rained(rain), I stayed at home and watched TV.
14.We were(be) in Dalian last year.
15.Ed was(be) always late for class last term.
10.What day was(be) it yesterday?

这样都是不对的 不给你讲太麻烦 什么主语啊谓语之类的
像第一个句子 :Miss Wang went to see a new film last night.
went是过去时 和last night对应,
后面不用saw是因为语法是go to do sth.
下面的句子也一样 同样是go to do sth.
只不过多了一个out 表示出去做了什么事

后面的句子应该是 I was ready to 和 I was afraid
你已经用了was表示出过去式了 后面就不需要了 而且ready和afraid是形容词


保证全对,放心吧~ 楼上几个都或多或少有错误! 楼主不要被误导了啊~
Buy Bought
win Won
Take took
Find found
eat ate
sit sat
Get got
sleep slept
Go Went
Have had
spend spent
see Saw
Hear heard
stand stood
speak spoke
Leave left
teach taught
am/is Was
Lose Lost
think thought
are Were
Make made
cut cut
become Became
Meet met
put put
break broke
Send Sent
read read(注意发音是/red/,和red一样)
choose chose
Sweep swept
set set
draw drew
Tell told
shut shut
fall fell
Feel felt
let let
drive Drove (注意这个不是drave是drove,你给的是错的)
Say Said (是said不是sait)
hit hit
Ride rode
Catch caught
cost cost
swim Swam
Build built
do Did
begin began
Bring brought
come Came
drink Drank
Sell sold
give gave
sing sang
Lend lent
know knew
fly Flew
Keep kept
blow blew
forget forgot
Hold held
throw threw
wear wore
Mean meant
show showed
write wrote
Look! The boys (are swimming)in the river. 注意有are!
2)Listen! The girls (are singing)in the classroom.
3)What (is) he (doing)now? 注意前面有is!
4)There (are)many apples on the tree.
5)He (walks)to school every day. 注意三单!
6) (Don’t sit)on the desk!
7)I (am making)a toy car for my little brother. 注意不是I making啊!
8)—What’s the weather like today?
9)My sister (was)at home yesterday evening.
10)—What (do)you do every morning?
—I (do)morning exercises in my school.
11)—Who’s (calling), please?
—This is Jack (speaking).
12)I’m (going)to visit a flower show tomorrow afternoon .
13)These cups (are)very nice.
14)Look ! The kite (is flying)in the sky.
15)My mother (likes)chocolate.
16)She can (speak)English very well.
17)—What (does)he do?
—He (is)a teacher.
18)I (am waiting) for Bob now.
19. Look at the picture. This (is) a picture of my family.
1.We (were) in the meeting room one hour ago.
2. Did you go (shopping) last Sunday?
3. I (did not watch) TV last night.
4. Mary often (had)a party last year.
5. What (did) you (do) last weekend? 注意前面有did!
a) He (saw) a talk show on TV yesterday.
b (Is) she (watching) a movie now? 注意前面有Is!
8.Our teacher often (tells) us stories.
9.Look! Someone (is swimming) in the pool.
10.We often (played) games together last year.
11.He (lived) in English in 1989. (这句话是错的,不是English,是England)
12.What (did) you (do) the day before yesterday?注意前面有did!
13.Lucy (did not do)her homework yesterday.
14.Can you read a story for me? I want (to sleep).
15.I (had) many homework last night.

原形 过去式 原形 过去式 原形 过去式
Buy Bought win Won Take took
Find found sit sat Eat Ate
Get got sleep slept Go Went
Have had spend spent see Saw
Hear heard stand stood speak spake
Leave left teach taught am,is Was
Lose Lost think thought are Were
Make made cut cut(一样) become Became
Meet met put put(一样) break broke
Send Sent read read(一样但不同音) choose chose
Sweep swept set set(一样) draw drew
Tell told shut shut fall fell
Feel felt let let(一样) drive Drave
Say Said(楼主打错了) hit hit(一样) Ride ride(一样)
Catch caught cost cost(一样) swim Swam
Build built do Did begin began
Bring brought come Came drink Drank
Sell sold give gave sing sang
Lend lent know knew fly Flew
Keep kept blow blew forget forgot
Hold held throw threw wear wore
Mean meant show shown write wrote

1)Look! The boys are swimming(swim)in the river.
2)Listen! The girls are singing(sing)in the classroom.
3)What is he doing(do)now?
4)There are(be)many apples on the tree.
5)He walks(walk)to school every day.
6) don’t sit(not sit)on the desk!
7)I am making(make)a toy car for my little brother.
8)—What’s the weather like today?
9)My sister is(be)at home yesterday evening.
10)—What do(do)you do every morning?
—I do(do)morning exercises in my school.
11)—Who’s calling(call), please?
—This is Jack speaking(speak).
12)I’m going to visit a flower show tomorrow afternoon.(go)
13)These cups are(be)very nice.
14)Look ! The kite is flying(fly)in the sky.
15)My mother likes(like)chocolate.
16)She can speak(speak)English very well.
17)—What does(do)he do?
—He is(be)a teacher.
18)I am waiting(wait)for Bob now.
19. Look at the picture. This is(be)a picture of my family.

1.We were(be) in the meeting room one hour ago.
2. Did you go shopping(shop) last Sunday?
3. I did not watch(not watch) TV last night.
4. Mary often had(have)a party last year.
5. What you did(do) last weekend?
a) He saw(see) a talk show on TV yesterday.
b She is watching(watch) a movie now?
8.Our teacher often tells(tell) us stories.
9.Look! Someone is swimming(swim ) in the pool.
10.We often played(play) games together last year.
11.He lived(live) in English in 1989.
12.What you did(do) the day before yesterday.
13Lucy did not do(not do)her homework yesterday.
14Can you read a story for me? I want to sleep(sleep).
15.I had(have) many homework last night.

原形 过去式 原形 过去式 原形 过去式
Buy Bought ,win Won ,Take took,
Find found,sit sat, Eat Ate ,
Get got,sleep slept, Go Went ,
Have had,spend spent, see Saw ,
Hear heard/heart,stand stood,speak spoke,
Leave left,teach taught, am,is Was
Lose Lost, think thought,are Were ,
Make made,cut cut/cutted,become Became ,
Meet met, put put/putted,break broke,
Send Sent, read read, choose chose,
Sweep swept,set set, draw drew,
Tell told,shut shut,fall fell,
Feel felt,let let, drive Drave ,
Say said, hit hit, Ride rode,
Catch caught ,cost cost,swim Swam ,
Build built,do Did ,begin began,
Bring brought, come Came ,drink Drank ,
Sell sold ,give gave, sing sang,
Lend lent,know knew,fly Flew ,
Keep kept,blow blew,forget forgot,
Hold held,throw threw,wear wore
Mean meant, show shown,write wrote

1.Look! The boys are swimming in the river.
2.Listen! The girls are singing in the classroom.
3.What is he doing now?
4.There are many apples on the tree.
5.He walks to school every day.
6. don’t sit on the desk!
7.I am making a toy car for my little brother.
8.—What’s the weather like today?
—It’s windy.
9.My sister is at home yesterday evening.
10.—What do you do every morning?
—I do morning exercises in my school.
11.—Who’s calling, please?
—This is Jack speaking.
12.I’m going to visit a flower show tomorrow afternoon.
13.These cups are very nice.
14.Look ! The kite is flying in the sky.
15.My mother likes chocolate.
16.She can speak English very well.
17.—What does he do?
—He is a teacher.
18.I am waiting for Bob now.
19. Look at the picture. This is a picture of my family.

1.We were in the meeting room one hour ago.
2. Did you go shopping last Sunday?
3. I did not watch TV last night.
4. Mary often had a party last year.
5. What you did last weekend?
a) He saw a talk show on TV yesterday.
b She is watching a movie now?
8.Our teacher often tells us stories.
9.Look! Someone is swimming in the pool.
10.We often played games together last year.
11.He lived in English in 1989.
12.What you did the day before yesterday.
13Lucy did not do her homework yesterday.
14Can you read a story for me? I want to sleep.
15.I had many homework last night.

take-took find-found sit-sat

瓦房店市17017642268: 英语高手请进!帮我解决一下一般过去式的问题! -
招凡七味: 这样都是不对的 不给你讲太麻烦 什么主语啊谓语之类的像第一个句子 :Miss Wang went to see a new film last night. went是过去时 和last night对应,后面不用saw是因为语法是go to do sth.也就是说后头要用原型,一个过去式句子中只需要一个...

瓦房店市17017642268: 英语高手进 小五水平 填空题 -
招凡七味: 1.It was (be) windy yesterday. 2.Did you study for the math test yesterday? (study) 3.--- When did you have the meeting(会议)? ---- We had (have) it last week. 4.Mr Black came(come) to China with his family in 1990. 5.Why were(be) you away from...

瓦房店市17017642268: 英语高手请进 -
招凡七味: 其实很简单啦!一般疑问局用yes或no回答就好了啦,特殊疑问局看着办喽 答案:1 NO,I don't . 2I usually read books. 3Yes,because I think the rainy days are beautiful. 4Yes,I do. 5,Sorry,I can't sure. 6Yse,there is.

瓦房店市17017642268: 过英语六级高手的请进,求过的方法,急!!! -
招凡七味: 六级和四级题2113型完全一样,无疑听力,阅读是重点.和四级区别最大的是阅读,那是有相当的难度的,在做模拟题的时候,文章基本看5261不懂,很是灰心.当然,真题没这么难.在我看来,阅读是最值得重视的,我在这次六级考试中在4102阅读上就花了不少时间,以至于放弃了完形填空,都只有瞎蒙.当然,阅读的了不少分数223 听力也是一个重点,主要是1653多听,泛听.听力有很多变数,我这次听力就很失败,值得了145,有一部分原因也是耳机出了问题,声音太小.在准备的过程中争取把单词看一两遍,我是勉强版看了一遍.考试前做十来套试卷,多把MP3塞耳朵里听英语,不管权什么内容,英语就行,网上很好下的.剩下的就听天吧\

瓦房店市17017642268: 英语高手请进 翻译一段话(汉译英) 急! -
招凡七味: Until now,I haven't receive any information about the project,...

瓦房店市17017642268: 英语高手请进
招凡七味: He used to be a nobody without very high degree, but by his own efforts ,he has acquired today's brilliant achievements.

瓦房店市17017642268: 英语高手请进!帮我解决一下一般过去式的问题! -
招凡七味: 用电话打.9600130然后有提示就行了, 上面有好多业务可以开通的.

瓦房店市17017642268: 英语高手请进
招凡七味: He ()as soon as he lay down.意思是:他躺下后,很快就睡着了.从后面的lay,它是lie的过去式

瓦房店市17017642268: 英语高手请进! -
招凡七味: 亲爱的小明: 你好!我叫jim,很高兴认识你.有个笔友是非常令人兴奋的! 在美国,8:30上课.所以我经常7:00左右起床.我7:30吃早餐,但要在我洗完澡之后.我喜欢历史,因为他真的很有趣而且我喜欢我的老师,white先生.你最喜欢的学科是什么? 我4:00上最后一节课,并且放学后我喜欢打篮球.你可以玩篮球吗? 我也可以弹吉他,但我弹不好.因为我认为他们很无聊. 在美国,我们有很多事件.我最喜欢的事件是独立日.你最喜欢什么事件? 请写并告诉我关于你的中国生活. 最美好的祝愿 jim 注:第四行my like subject is history中like应为favourite

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