东方卫视 喝彩北京奥运 23号晚上 庾澄庆唱的那首英文歌曲是什么名字

作者&投稿:红维 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Breathing - Lake

I will ask for

The one you see

For the blessing

On my knees

So if you say

You've been here before

I won't doubt that

It's all through the door

I can see through

More than I see

I can breathe in

Into my veins

So if you want other day

So if you want

It's all the same

Oh ahh

Oh ahh






经典英文歌曲:YMCA(Village People)
提起YMCA,估计80年代以后出生的朋友们大多不甚了了;而对于生于70年代或者更早一些的朋友来说,印象最深的大概莫过于那首存在众多不同语言翻唱版的Y-M-C-A以及那双手高高举过头顶(Y)、双手弯曲置于双肩(M)、双手向右(C)、双手面前交叉(A)的标志性集体舞蹈动作。当年这首歌曲在DISCO的流行程度至今让人难以忘怀,全场上下整齐一致的动作,将氛围急速推升至最HIGH点 ~~~

所谓YMCA,其实是Young Men's Christian Association 的英文简写,中文名“基督教青年会”;它是一个遍布全世界的基督教青年组织,发源于英国伦敦,是由一位英国基督徒青年侨治威廉(George Williams)于公元1844年所立的。

YMCA是Village People最著名也是最经典的歌曲。


young man, there' no need to feel down.

i said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.

i said, young man,'cause you're in a new town

there's no need to be unhappy.

young man, there's a place you can go.

i said, young man, when you're short on your dough.

you can stay there, and i'm sure you will find

many ways to have a good time.

it's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.

they have everything for you men to enjoy,

you can hang out with all the boys ...

it's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.

you can get yourself cleaned, you can have a good meal,

you can do whatever you feel ...

young man, are you listening to me?

i said, young man, what do you want to be?

i said, young man, you can make real your dreams.

but you got to know this one thing!

no man does it all by himself.

i said, young man, put your pride on the shelf,

and just go there, to the Y-M-C-A.

i'm sure they can help you today.

it's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.

they have everything for you men to enjoy,

you can hang out with all the boys ...

it's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.

you can get yourself cleaned, you can have a good meal,

you can do whatever you feel ...

young man, i was once in your shoes.

i said, i was down and out with the blues.

i felt no man cared if i were alive.

i felt the whole world was so tight ...

that's when someone came up to me,

and said, young man, take a walk up the street.

there's a place there called the Y-M-C-A.

they can start you back on your way.

it's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.

they have everything for you men to enjoy,

you can hang out with all the boys ...

刚刚换频道时好像有听到几句= =|||


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皮宗化积: 北京奥运即将到来,各大卫视争相抢占“奥运荧屏”.昨日记者获悉,SMG新娱乐将推出大型节目《喝彩!北京奥运》.节目组负责人对记者表示,“此次明星阵容非常强大,不比央视春晚逊色.节目形式也非常特别,希望让观众每天都像过...

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曲周县18972136051: 明天东方卫视《喝彩,北京奥运》有重播吗?
皮宗化积: 没有啊

曲周县18972136051: BOBO最近哪有节目,,?
皮宗化积: 明天晚上的东方卫视《喝彩北京奥运》的直播节目 有BOBO 这是最近的节目了 要了解他们的行程 可以去BOBO组合吧 里面有详细的行程安排 不断更新

曲周县18972136051: 东方卫视每晚7点半的为奥运喝彩第二天有重播吗?什么时候重播? -
皮宗化积: 重播时间是第二天的9点开始,9点半开始是现场明星版本的

曲周县18972136051: 东方卫视奥运整点播报前的歌曲
皮宗化积: Tubthumpinghttp:// http://www.supernb.com/ash/vol11/mp3/Chumbawamba-Tubthumping.mp3

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皮宗化积: 8月8日,北京奥运将正式拉开帷幕.举国同庆之时,电视荧屏也一片欢腾.8月9日起,由SMG新娱乐打造的大型综艺节目《喝彩,北京奥运》将于每晚19:30在东方卫视直播.届时,赛场上体育健儿为国努力拼搏,赛场下文娱明星为北京奥运喝...

曲周县18972136051: 北京奥运会21、22、23号都各产生几块金牌?
皮宗化积: 21号产生23块金牌 22号产生20块金牌 23号产生31块金牌

曲周县18972136051: 东方卫视主持人陈蓉的资料 -
皮宗化积: 陈蓉,女,浙江宁波人, 上海东方电视台新娱乐频道主持人.陈蓉上海戏剧学院电视艺术系95级(主持人本科班)毕业,后在上戏艺术系副主任吴洪林老师的引导下取得了硕士学位. 曾接替和晶与...

曲周县18972136051: 东方卫视 喝彩北京奥运 -
皮宗化积: 8月12日那场是第三场.嘉宾有林峰,张铁林,何润东,焦恩俊,张峻宁,牛萌萌和阿牛.只有一个女嘉宾.

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