
作者&投稿:桂寇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

表示位置低:below 、 under 表示后面:next 、following 表示下级:lower level

在??下面的英文:under、below、underneath。重点词汇:1、under读音:英['_nd_(r)]美['_nd_r]prep.低于;在...下;在...内;在...控制下。adv.在昏迷中;在...下。adj.下面的;从属的;少于的。2、below读音:英[b_'l__]美[b_'lo_]rep.低于;在...下面。adv.在下面;向下。3、underneath读音:英[__nd_'ni_θ]美[__nd_r'ni_θ]adv.在下面n.下部;底部prep.在...下面。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com

This May, a terrible earthquake hit my hometown but fortunately no one in my family got hurt during the earthquake.

There was an huge earthquake occured in my hometown in May this year. Fortunately, my family is safe.

May this year, my home in a big earthquake, I was lucky the family without incident!

In May, my hometown has had the big earthquake, what is lucky is my family members is well

This May, there was a big earthquake in my hometown. It was lucky that all my family are safe. 四楼的翻得很好~~

A powerful earthquake hit my hometown in May this year,fortunately,my family were all safe and sound.


面条的英文单词是noodles,读音为英['nuːdlz],美['nuːdəlz]。 noodles解析如下: 一、读音 英式发音:\/ˈnuːdlz\/ 美式发音:\/ˈnuːdlz\/ 二、释义 n. 面条 三、词形变化 原形:noodle 四、常用短语 instant noodles - 方便面 egg noodles - 鸡蛋面 rice noodles - 米粉 五、用法 noodles作为...

面条的英语是: noodle(s)面(一面,两面): side, way 页面是: page

面条的英语单词是noodles,音标是英 [ˈnu:dlz]美 [ˈnudlz]。 词汇分析 单词:noodles 音标:英 [ˈnu:dlz]美 [ˈnudlz] 释义:面条,挂面 短语 Seafood noodles 乌龙面 ; 黑龙面 ; 榨菜肉丝面 ; 海鲜面 Chinese noodles 中国面条 ; 中式面点师 ; 中式炒面 cellophane noodles 粉丝 ; 冬粉 noodles sou...

面条的英文是:noodle,noodles是它的复数。词语分析:音标:英 ['nuːdl]     美 ['nuːdl]n. 面条 过去式: noodled 过去分词: noodled 现在分词: noodling 第三人称单数: noodles 短语:beef with noodles 牛肉面条 例句:I usually have noodles for breakfast.早饭我通常吃面条...

面的英语单词怎么写 面的英语怎么说
1、面 face,读音:英[fe_s];美[fe_s]。2、例句:(1)Her opponent called her a liar to her face.她的对手当着她的面叫她骗子。(2)How many faces does a cube have?立方体有几个面?

你好!面 face 英[feɪs] 美[fes]n. 脸; 表面; 面容; 方面;vt. 面对; 面向…; 正视; 承认;vt. (感到不能) 对付; (明知不好办而) 交谈; 必须对付(某情况); 面临…;[例句]He rolled down his window and stuck his face out 他摇下车窗,把头探了出去。

“面条”的英文单词是noodle,noodle有两种读法,英式读法是[nu:dl],美式读法是['nudl]。noodle作为名词使用时意思是“面条”,作为动词使用时意思是“(乐师)弹拨乐器;(即兴)演奏;[口语]长时间地思考;反复酝酿”。常见例句 Chinese food is often served with rice or noodles.中餐常有...

noodle face

“face”用英语说是“英 [feɪs]     美 [feɪs] ”。下面我带大家来了解一下face的其他详细内容,希望对您有所帮助:一、单词音标 单词发音:英 [feɪs]     美 [feɪs]二、单词释义 n. 表面;脸;表情 v. 面对;面向;朝 三、词语用法 n. (名词)face的...

惠农区19345346047: 下面的英文怎么说? -
芷劳益平:[答案] 下面 adv.beneath,under, below adj.next,the following,what comes after,what appears later prep.under,below, beneath (位置较低的地方) below; under; underneath: 大桥下面 under the bridge 图片下面的说明 the caption below the picture 站在高墙下...

惠农区19345346047: 下面的 用英语怎么说? -
芷劳益平: 1 there will be a lot of followers focusing on me 2 i will stay at home to write articles alone 3 enjoy the interests of writing articles 声明一下,决非机译!!!

惠农区19345346047: 下面的怎么用英语说?
芷劳益平: the males have their own responsibility to strive for life.

惠农区19345346047: 下面的用英语怎么说? -
芷劳益平: at that time can't discern "c" and "g" Deceives somebody to make something Striving for Design

惠农区19345346047: “下面的面条”用英语怎么说帮下忙``` -
芷劳益平:[答案] 面条 noodles 煮面(下面条):cook noodles 煮面:stewed noodles (已经煮好的面) 你要特别指称你所谓“下面的面条”,那就在前面加“the” = the noodles

惠农区19345346047: “下面的面条”用英语怎么说 -
芷劳益平: 面条 noodles 煮面(下面条): cook noodles 煮面:stewed noodles (已经煮好的面) 你要特别指称你所谓“下面的面条”,那就在前面加“the”= the noodles

惠农区19345346047: 谁帮我翻译下下面的英文呢?
芷劳益平: Because camela have great power to walk on the desert, they are called "the ship of the desert" by people. They can walk on the desert because they have the instinct of getting used to walk on the desert and their unique bodies' formation. Its ...

惠农区19345346047: 下面的话英语怎么说? -
芷劳益平: Could you adjust the time of your English classes? Because as I have seen you don't have a fixed timetable for your classes. Sometimes you have classes on Monday sometimes on F...

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