
作者&投稿:上寒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  《歌剧魅影》可以说是一部折射着后现代魅力的剧作,首先它成功的改编了加斯通·勒鲁(Gaston Leroux,1868-1927)的原作小说,既保留了原作的风格又使之更适合舞台演出,提升了作品的可看性,其次,巧妙的戏中戏令观众徘徊于现实与虚幻之间。尤其是追逐幽灵的那一场戏,整个剧院,台上台下、四面八方响起了幽灵的声音,使观众置身其中,因为那句“我在这里”似乎就在他们的身边,就在隔壁的包厢,而那幕吊灯突然坠落的戏也着实令气氛紧张刺激到极点,前排观众的惊叫与台上演员的呼声连成一片,在这方面,舞台设计玛莉亚·布琼森自然功不可没。
  安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber),1948年3月22日生于英国伦敦,音乐剧作曲家。

应该不算太长...英汉都有... 1、本片描述十九世纪发生在法国巴黎歌剧院的爱情故事。时值1882年,在歌剧院的地窖深处,传说住著一名相貌丑陋、戴著面具、却学识渊博的音乐天才,多年来他神出鬼没,躲避世人惊惧鄙夷的目光,被众人称之为「魅影」(杰瑞德巴特勒饰)。他动辄以鬼魅之姿制造各种纷乱,赶走他讨厌的歌手,甚至还干涉歌剧院的主角人选和剧码安排。
后来,戏院的投资人劳尔(派屈克威尔森 饰)认出克莉丝汀是他的儿时玩伴,两人坠入爱河。魅影发现后,自觉遭到背叛,怒而砍断舞台大吊灯的铁鍊,让整座华丽的水晶灯砰然粉碎在观众席上。随著魅影的破坏愈来愈血腥疯狂,克莉丝汀对他的感情也逐渐从迷恋转为恐惧、害怕和怜悯。

In English:
This piece describes for 19th century to occur in the French Paris opera house love story. When the value in 1882, in the opera house cave deep place, the fable lived a facial expression to be ugly, to wear the music talent which the mask, actually had great learning, for many years he has mysteriously appeared and disappeared, avoids the vision which the common people alarmed and afraid despises, is "the demon shade" (outstanding Swiss Germany Boteler plays the part of) by the numerous person. He frequently makes each kind of chaos posture of by the ghosts and demons, expels his repugnant singer, even also interferes the opera house lead candidate and play code arrangement. In having no intention, the demon shade discovered the small sign female singer gram Li silk 汀 (Ai Meiluo the woods play the part of) have the uncommon talent beautiful sound, lets him not adore already. Admires greatly -odd, the demon shade decided does not count all prices, 汀 trains the young appearance beautiful gram Li silk the chief soprano. However, most starts from to the spiritual stratification plane love of music, actually gradually transforms into intensely holds the desire. Overstates the demon shade by the practical action, sings all hindrances gram Li silk the enterprise person 11 to remove. Afterwards, theater investor Lowell (faction bent gram Willson to play the part of) recognizes the gram Li silk 汀 is his childhood plays the partner, two people fell deeply in love. After the demon shade discovery, determination encounters the betrayal, the anger cuts off the dance University of Taiwan hanging lamp the iron , lets the entire place magnificent quartz lamp crush with a crash in the auditorium. Is increasingly crazy along with the demon shade destruction rank smell of blood, the gram Li silk 汀 also gradually transfers the fear to his sentiment from the love, is afraid and pities. After half year, Lowell with the gram Li silk 汀 secret engagement, demon shade sudden this present existence to the opera house masked ball, the force opera house performs the opera which his personally spectrum does "the Tang Semi-annular jade pendant", and the designation 汀 holds the post of the leading lady by the gram Li silk. The confused gram Li silk , midnight rushes to the father grave in front of complains tearfully, Lowell then the pledge needs to fight to the bitter end with the demon shade. In "the Tang Semi-annular jade pendant" the first performance same day, the opera house all around covers entirely the police, 孰 the material demon shade unexpectedly kills the actor, changes by oneself plays the role of goes on stage, 汀 develops the match play with the gram Li silk. Develops when the play to the highest tide, the gram Li silk 汀 tears off his mask in the presence of the everyone time, the demon shade ashamed is brokenhearted, will begin the gram Li silk 汀 to seize to his underground secret room. Lowell traces to underground, launches with the demon shade to, actually is definitely used by him the rope to restrain, the demon shade takes advantage of this coerces the gram Li silk 汀 to comply to propose. In order to protect spousal Lowell, the gram Li silk 汀 resolutely leans the body, maliciously kisses demon shade that as if by the hell curse face. To this, this love victory and defeat has decided. Despairs the demon shade delivers this which tight supports to the lover, intrudes in front of the underground secret room in the police and the populace, quietly hides, only leaves behind a faint smile the miserable mask...
2、安德鲁-洛依德-韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)英国著名音乐剧作曲家。
In English:
The Andrew - Luo river depends on the German - Weber (Andrew Lloyd Webber) the English renowned musical composer. On March 22 of, 1948 was born to English London imperial family conservatory's family of professors and the piano teacher. His classical musical has "Cat", "Ai Weita", "Opera house Demon Shade", "Giant star Jesus Christ" and so on
3、这部电影刚刚在英国和北美亮相,就已经获得了包括最佳艺术片、最佳女主角和最佳电影音乐原创在内三项金球奖提名的殊荣。上映3周后,在北美取得的票房成绩为21,563,000美元,看上去并不多是吧?但这仅仅是600余家影院上映的结果。当《歌剧魅影》在全美3000多家影院全面上映之后的票房会达到一个什么样的程度呢? 可想而知。
This movie just declared a position in England and North America, already has obtained including the best artistic film, the best leading lady and best sound track three golden ball awards nominations great honor. After screens 3 weeks, obtains the box office result in North America is 2.1,563, billion US dollars, has a liking for are not certainly many? But this merely is a result which 600 theaters screens. When "Opera Demon Shade" comprehensively screens after in the entire American more than 3,000 theaters a what type can the box office achieve the degree? It can be imagined.

Now this "the bookworm" crosses the seas to cross ocean, lithely fellin the Chinese English study palm. "The bookworm" first will give youby to be self-confident, even if you at present only have severalhundred glossaries, actually was allowed not too to use energy readsthe world celebrated work. The bookworm also can use it thin cry crynot to stop is reminding you: Must relentlessly read, wants widely andrichly reads. Treats reads in the collection series to you last,perhaps can suddenly discover: Your like 蛹变 butterfly flew issame, flutters wants to fly in circles!
Zhan Nifu Basaite is an experienced teacher and the writer. She livesand works in the English north west German county.
You believe fishily? Certainly cannot believe. We like discussing theghost, likes narrating about the ghost story, but we really believe byno means fishily... ... Is not?
In 1880, has had an inconceivable matter in the Paris opera house: Adancer met the ghost in the dark corridor. It passes through the wallto arrive her front, on its face does not have the eye; A stage workersees the man which puts on the black evening dress, but he actuallyhas a deceased person's head, decadent face, and does not have thenose; The people hear to another room in the voiced sound, but thatroom actually is spatial.
This is the opera spirit... ...
A name called Gaies to force Rocks the French most early to createthis about the opera house spirit story. His book receives very muchwelcome, in 1925 it is cranked up an American silent film, is brightby the renowned actor 钱尼 acts the spirit. From then on, alreadyappeared many other movies and the play, as well as recently famousEngland which Weber created by Andrew the Lloyd 音乐片.

"The bookworm" is the Oxford University publishing house offers forworld English study big high-quality goods. The bookworm in Englishprobably is the quite lovable image, considers wants to sink as ifdeluded confuses to the books, diligently is chewing letter thatbookworm... ...
Now this "the bookworm" crosses the seas to cross ocean, lithely fellin the Chinese English study palm. "The bookworm" first will give youby to be self-confident, even if you at present only have severalhundred glossaries, actually was allowed not too to use energy readsthe world celebrated work. The bookworm also can use it thin cry crynot to stop is reminding you: Must relentlessly read, wants widely andrichly reads. Treats reads in the collection series to you last,perhaps can suddenly discover: Your like 蛹变 butterfly flew issame, flutters wants to fly in circles!
Zhan Nifu Basaite is an experienced teacher and the writer. She livesand works in the English north west German county.
You believe fishily? Certainly cannot believe. We like discussing theghost, likes narrating about the ghost story, but we really believe byno means fishily... ... Is not?
In 1880, has had an inconceivable matter in the Paris opera house: Adancer met the ghost in the dark corridor. It passes through the wallto arrive her front, on its face does not have the eye; A stage workersees the man which puts on the black evening dress, but he actuallyhas a deceased person's head, decadent face, and does not have thenose; The people hear to another room in the voiced sound, but thatroom actually is spatial.
This is the opera spirit... ...
A name called Gaies to force Rocks the French most early to createthis about the opera house spirit story. His book receives very muchwelcome, in 1925 it is cranked up an American silent film, is brightby the renowned actor 钱尼 acts the spirit. From then on, alreadyappeared many other movies and the play, as well as recently famousEngland which Weber created by Andrew the Lloyd 音乐片


英文缩写:LT 英文全称:Lead Time 中文解释:交期 缩写分类:经济管理 缩写简介:指从采购定货日开始至供应商送货日之间的时间长短。2、LT 英文缩写:LT 英文全称:LlineTerminal (Termination)中文解释:线路终端,用户终端 缩写分类:电子电工 3、LT 英文缩写:LT 英文全称:Litre 中文解释:公升 缩写...

LT指的是Lead Time的缩写。LT作为一个缩写,在不同的领域有不同的含义。以下是关于LT的详细解释:1. 工业制造领域:在制造业中,LT常用来表示“生产周期时间”或“前置时间”,即从一个产品的开始到结束所经过的时间。在这个过程中,LT涉及到材料准备、加工、质检等各个环节所需的时间总和。对于制造...

LT是什么意思的缩写?LT缩写来自于英语“limited time”(有限时间)一词,通常用于商业或促销活动中。当公司或品牌限制某个产品或服务的供应时间时,会使用LT缩写来表示这段时间是有限的。这种营销策略可以促使顾客更快地做出决策,因为他们知道机会有限。除了商业和促销之外,LT缩写还可以表示其他词组,例如...


首先,LT在数学和计算机科学中常常用来表示“小于”(Less Than)。例如,在编写程序代码时,程序员可能会使用LT来表示某个数值小于另一个数值。这种用法简洁明了,易于理解。其次,在商业和金融领域,LT常被用来表示“长期”(Long Term)。例如,在制定投资策略时,投资者可能会...

1、LT是动漫中《高达OO》洛克昂X提耶利亚这对CP的简称。2、LT是美军的陆军中尉和海军上尉的缩写,Lieutenant简称LT。3、LT在数学里,是Less Than的意思,相当于数学符号”<“。4、LT在预测微生物领域为Lag Time,即延迟期的时间。5、淋巴毒素(lymphotoxin,LT),也称TNF-β,为肿瘤坏死因子(tumor...

1. 在采购行业中,"LT"代表"Lead Time",即从订单下达至供应商到货物交付所需的时间。2. 供应商的交货准时性对于采购方至关重要,因为这关系到生产线能否按时运转,迟延交货可能会对采购方造成损害。3. 影响"LT"的因素多种多样,包括供应商的库存水平、制造周期、运输时间以及清关延误等。4. 除此...

LT,全拼为"Literature Technology",即现代文学技术。但在很多时候,LT也可以作为缩略词使用,例如在网络聊天和社交媒体等场合。在这些场合中,LT常常被用来代表"Long Time",即持续相当长时间。LT是什么意思?——在电子工业中重要的缩略词 除了网络聊天和社交媒体的场合,LT在电子...

是美军的陆军中尉和海军上尉的缩写,全称“Lieutenant”。 扩展资料 数学专有名词:“LT”在数学里,是“Less Than”的'意思,相当于数学符号”<“。预测微生物专有名词:“LT”在预测微生物领域为“Lag Time”,即延迟期的时间。

lt(LT)是缩写:立陶宛(Lithuania )的缩写; 书信电报(letter telegram)的缩写; LT是美军的陆军中尉和海军上尉(Lieutenant)的缩写,简称LT; 淋巴毒素(lymphotoxin)的缩写

徐汇区15217953071: 求<歌剧院幽灵>经典歌曲的英文歌词 -
闳耐复方: 《歌剧魅影》原声主题曲《The Phantom of Opera》 试听下载:http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=The+Phantom+of+Opera+%B8%E8%BE%E7&lm=-1歌词见:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/14752777.html?si=5

徐汇区15217953071: 歌剧院的幽灵英文读后感 -
闳耐复方: In the novel <The Phantom of the Opera>, there is a character who is very fascinating—Erik. People in the Opera House are afraid of him because they think he is a ghost. He kills Joseph because he doesn't like people taking about him. His ...

徐汇区15217953071: 请推荐几部英文的经典音乐剧 -
闳耐复方: 音乐剧四大剧目 《猫》(Cats) 《歌剧院的幽灵》(The Phantom of the Opera) 《悲惨世界》(Les Miserables) 《西贡小姐》(Miss Saigon) 其他重要剧目 《蜘蛛女之吻》《象棋》《南太平洋》《屋顶上的提琴手》《你好,多莉!》 《卡米洛特》《旋转木马》《吉普赛》《我和我的姑娘》《如何成功》《天使之城》《国王与我》《芝加哥》《九岁》《生活》《滑稽女郎》《窈窕淑女》《音乐之声》《菖与英》《吉屋出租》

徐汇区15217953071: 《歌剧院的幽灵》读后感(英文)怎么写? -
闳耐复方: The ghost of the opera theatre The story was written by a Franch author who was named Guyston Lerocs. the silly story was about a famous actor who was disfigured .He lived along in the basement ,and he built a country for himself,he was a sick ...

徐汇区15217953071: 求书虫系列《歌剧院里的幽灵》英语读后感初中水平60 - 70子 -
闳耐复方:[答案] 1 Everyone at one point in their lives has heard of the story of The Phantom of the Opera whether it is the oringal novel version...who is being haunted by a mysterious "ghost" in her dressing room.The plot moves as anyone would suspect when ...

徐汇区15217953071: 歌剧院的幽灵英文读后感
闳耐复方: In the novel &lt;The Phantom of the Opera&gt;, there is a character who is very fascinating—Erik. People in the Opera House are afraid of him because they think he is a ghost. He kills Joseph because he doesn't like people taking about him. His ...

徐汇区15217953071: 经典歌剧<歌剧魅影>是谁的作品? -
闳耐复方: 歌剧魅影(The Phantom of the Opera)是一部安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)作曲的百老汇音乐剧. 又译:歌声魅影、剧院魅影或歌剧院的幽灵.原著:《歌剧幽灵》作者:加斯通·勒鲁

徐汇区15217953071: 跪求“书虫·牛津英汉双语读物”的配套MP3朗读 -
闳耐复方: 1.歌剧院的幽灵http://zhangmen.baidu.com/promotion/10018/275788.html?pz=1 抱歉,我只找到了这一个!

徐汇区15217953071: 书虫系列《The Phantom of The Opera 歌剧院的幽灵 》读后感【中英文对照】如题.最好有中文翻译.最好是原创.(有语法错误都可以,只要错的不离谱0字数... -
闳耐复方:[答案] The ghost of the opera theatre The story was written by a Franch author who was named Guyston Lerocs.the silly story was about a famous actor who was disfigured .He lived along in the basement ,and he...

徐汇区15217953071: 谁有歌剧院魅影的主题曲歌词?
闳耐复方: Phantom Of The Opera 歌手:Michael Crowford & Sarah Brightman 专辑:The Phantom Of The Opera(剧院幽灵) The Phantom Of The Opera From "The Phantom Of The Opera" Phantom: Michael Crowford Christine: Sarah Brightman In ...

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