“go through”是什么意思?

作者&投稿:布义 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
go through是什么意思~


1.经历 (尤为艰难时期)

例:He was going through a very difficult time.


2. 检查

例:It was evident that someone had gone through my possessions.


3.  通读; 查阅

例:Going through his list of customers is a massive job.


【go through】用法
1.pass through穿过
The rain has gone through my overcoat.雨水渗透了我的大衣。
The material is so stiff that even the thickest needle won't go through.这种布料太硬,连最粗的针也扎不进去。
A new idea went through his mind.他脑子里有了一个新的主意。

We must go through the account books together;there's still some money missing.我们必须检查所有账簿,因为还有部分款项无着落。
I will go through your papers.我将审阅你们的论文。
We have gone through the details of the plan to make sure tere are no loopholes.我们仔细地审查了计划的每一个细节,以确保没有任何漏洞。
The lawyers went through the evidence.律师们核查了证据。

3.be put into effect完成
After months of efforts the work finally went through.经数月的努力,工作终于完成。
Are they going through with their plans to build a new home?他们将实现他们的计划,建立一个新家吗?
Let's go through all the exercises before we go out.我们出去前把练习做完。
It requires courage and patience to go through the undertaking.要完成这项工作,需要耐心和勇气。

He has gone through such a lot since his wife died.妻子死后他经受了不少苦难。
You will never know what she went through to educate her children.你永远也不会知道她为了教育孩子,吃了多少苦。
My grandfather had gone through a long illness before he breathed his last.我祖父去世前遭受疾病的长期折磨。
They went through many hardships during the war.他们在战争年代里历尽千辛万苦。

5.be satisfactorily concluded;be passed;be accepted得到圆满的结论;被通过;被认可
If the deal doesn't go through,they'll be ruined.如果这笔交易做不成,他们就要破产了。
The law has now gone through.这项法律已获通过。
I was told that the deal went through.Congratulations!我听说那笔生意成交了。恭喜!
At the meeting the managers went through the items one by one.在会上,经理们把研究的项目逐一讨论通过了。

6.do what one is supposed to do;do what one promised做应该做的;履行手续;履行诺言
I have gone through my part of the bargain,but you haven't gone through your part.这笔交易我已履行了我的部分,但是你还没有履行你的部分。
We have all gone through the required formalities.我们已履行完毕一切必要的手续。
Applicants for party membership must go through the procedure for admission.申请入党的人必须履行入党手续。

7.do or use all of;use up;consume用完;消耗
We went through all our money at the circus.我们在马戏团把钱全部花光了。
He has gone through two pairs of shoes this year.今年他已穿坏了两双鞋。
I've gone through too much money this month.这个月我花的钱太多了。

The Customs went through all our luggage at the airport.在飞机场,海关把我们的行李都检查了一遍。
The police went through the suspect's clothes.警察搜查了嫌疑犯的衣服。

9.be published in出版;发行
This dictionary with bilingual explanations was warmly received by the reading public and went through two editions within a year.这本双解词典很受读者欢迎,一年之内已经出了两版。

10.discuss carefully详细讨论
The pros and cons of the issue have been gone through again and again,but we still haven't reached a conclusion.这个问题的正反两方面意见已被研究了一遍又一遍,可是我们还没有得出结论。
Let's go through the details of the examination.让我们详细讨论一下有关考试的具体问题吧。

go through




1.The agent entrusted to go through the related procedures shall abide by all the provisions of these Regulations pertaining to his client.

2.However, she knew that she had got to go through all the difficulties with her family.

3.As the bank manager, I can help you to go through the procedure for foreign currency deposit.

4.At the review points the team should go through a bit of soul-searching and review its accomplishments to date.

5.At the hotel , help him to go through formalities and tell him about the next day's program.

常宁市19748068629: go through 有哪些含义 -
澹垂乌拉: 1go through sth经受,经历(坏事,苦难) 2用光,花完.3 (法律)被通过 4(交易或协定)获得正式认可 5 磨穿,磨破 6练习,排练 7仔细检查(寻找) 8从头到尾

常宁市19748068629: Go through - 搜狗百科
澹垂乌拉: v.经历,经受,仔细检查,用完,被通过,参加,搜查,履行 参考例句 We have to go through with the book first. 我们首先要把这本书完成. The piano will barely go through the door. 钢琴刚好能从门洞通过. After dinner we go for a stroll through the village . 饭后我们散步穿行村庄.

常宁市19748068629: go through的全部意思 -
澹垂乌拉: 参加;经受;仔细检查;被通过参加;经受;仔细检查;被通过 participate in, take part in, undergogo through用光;穿过go dig through all翻遍pass [go] through经过let-go-through current故障时通过的电流go public through buying a ITll买壳上市go ...

常宁市19748068629: go through什么意思?
澹垂乌拉: 请提供上下文语境理解 ==== 金山词霸 go through v. 经历, 经受, 仔细检查, 用完, 被通过, 参加, 搜查, 履行 ---------------- Hongen词典 通过;穿过;透过 pass through; pierce;penetrate · It took us a whole week to go through one of the ...

常宁市19748068629: go through的意思 -
澹垂乌拉: go through: 仔细检查 | 参加 | 被通过 | 经受 well, i enter it when i go through this side. 当我通过这边的时候,我就可以进入了积分区域.

常宁市19748068629: Go through有哪几种意思? -
澹垂乌拉: go through 用光 ; 穿过go dig through all 翻遍pass [go] through 经过

常宁市19748068629: go through有哪些意思? -
澹垂乌拉:[答案] 经历The country has gone through too many wars. 这个国家经历了太多的战争. 2.被通过The new law did not go through. 新法案未能通过. 3.讨论Let's go through the argument again. 让我们再来讨论一下这一论点....

常宁市19748068629: go through 什么意思 -
澹垂乌拉: go through是通过,但是它是从中间穿过

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