
作者&投稿:蓬奇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

再次,经过我想了几秒钟,我想可能是你打错了题目,正确的题目可能是:She is telling the children a story___Chinese. 所以,在这个假设的基础上,答案为 B。 in Chinese, in English ...表示以某种语言。题目意思:她正在给孩子们讲一个中文故事/她正用中文给孩子们讲故事。

help sb do sth是大家比较熟悉的结构,通常也可说成help sb to do sth,其意为 “帮助某人做某事”,两者常可通用——即其中的不定式符号to可以省略,也可以保留。如:
We helped her (to) find her things. 我们帮她找东西。
I helped him (to) repair his bike. 我帮他修自行车。

late作为形容词一般是放在名词前面的,例如late come;同时它也可作为副词放在句子结尾,比如Sorry,I am late.
lately是副词,通常放在一句话末尾;John come lately.
later意为稍晚,作为副词放在句尾,像I will call you later.也可作为形容词比较级来用,You're later than him.
latest意为最近的,只做形容词用。如Do you have the latest news?

lately 和latest意思比较接近,都是最近。但是lately只用作副词,均放在句尾;而latest只用做形容词,修饰名词放在名词前面。


late [ leit ] . .
a. 迟的,晚的,已故的
ad. 很晚,很迟,晚
[ 形容词比较级later 形容词最高级latest 副词比较级later 副词最高级latest 名词lateness ]

lately [ 'leitli ] . .
ad. 最近,不久前

later [ 'leitə ] . .
a. 更迟的,后面的
ad. 稍后,后来

later [ 'leitə ] . .
1. coming at a subsequent time or stage
later developments
同义词: future(a) | ulterior
2. at or toward an end or late period or stage of development
a later symptom of the disease
同义词: late
1. happening at a time subsequent to a reference time
he's going to the store but he'll be back here later
同义词: subsequently | afterwards | afterward | after | later on
2. at some eventual time in the future
I'll see you later
同义词: by and by
3. comparative of the adverb `late'
he stayed later than you did

later :
1. 过一会,过后

latest [ 'leitist ] . .
a. 最近的,最新的

1. Every student has to carry ___bag.A.hers own B.his own C.their own's D.one's 答案:B 翻译:每一个学生都得带上他\/她自己的包。解析:固定短语:one's own + 名词,意思是“某人自己的某物”,排除CD;其中one's指的是形容词性物主代词,排除A(hers是名词性物主代词)。2...

-Tom,___ there any story books in the shop?- No,there are ___ left.A.is,nothing B.is,no one C.are,none D.are,nobody 答案是C,但我选A C是对的,因为后面是story books ,所以前面要用are提问而不用is.nothing通常用于说“没关系、没什么”,说没东西,一般不用这个,用none....

一些英语题目 (4道) 1.That was a good idea(改为感叹句...
正确答案如下:1.That was a good idea(改为感叹句)( What ) ( a ) ( good ) idea it ( is ) !2.他把水泼在衣服上来保护自己(翻译)He ( poured ) water ( into ) clothes ( to ) ( save ) ( himself ).3.他用湿毯子把火扑灭了,帮助老太太逃了出来.(翻译)He ( put ) ...

1There are many beautiful flowers. I love them( A )A.all B.everyone C.both D.each 前面说many flowers, 应该说的是 我全部都喜欢,用all做同位语 2It ( D ) rain this afternoon but I'm not sure A.will B.can C.must D.may 选A语法也没错误,主要是根据I'm not sure(...

【解析】major不及物动词,要加介词in,表示主修哪一门科目。题中用了过去式 翻译:她大学时主修数学。I am too tired___.A.to walk on 【解析】和第一题类似,too...to...结构 翻译:我太累了,再也走不动了。He was't dead after the traffic accident and still ___now.C.alive ...

My watch ___ three o'clock now.A tells B says C talks D speaks 解答:答案为B, 我手表现在指示是三点钟, 主语接具体时间点,需用SAY, 如果抽象内容用TELL tell 及物动词 vt.1.讲, 告诉,告知 I have something to tell you.我有件事要告诉你。Tell me what...

1两个铅笔盒 two pencil-boxes 2男医生们 The men doctors 3女教师们 The women-teachers 4一条裤子 a pair of trousers 5三副眼镜 three pairs of glasses 6五双鞋 five pairs of shoes 7一瓶牛奶 a bottle of milk 8两杯水 two glasses of water 9.一篮子的苹果 a basketful ...

两道初中英语题目 我感觉很容易混
1. Mr.Smith won't be here next week and his wife won't either.答案:his wife won't either 解析:A. his wife won't neither 不正确,用 heither 表示“也不”的句子必须倒装,另外 neither 已经有了否定的含义,用 won't 否定重复,正确的说法是 Neither will his wife.B. his ...

5B 当一个朋友给了他一张比赛门票时,他不能不\/不得不去了 couldn't help (to) do sth 不能帮助做某事 couldn't help doing sth 忍不住做某事 couldn't help but do sth 不能不\/不得不做某事 6B all做主语要看它指代的是什么来确定谓语动词的单复数形式 从句中可以明白它是指"所有...

C、D。9---Mother's Day is celebrated in the USA ---Yea,it is also a holiday in some___countries.A.the other B.another C.others D.other 选D others是名词。the other指两个中的另外一个,显然不符合题意。another指非具体的另外一个,也不合适。以上没有一位全部做对的。

普定县19737031359: 一道英语题 -
祢巩比适: 1.为定语从句可以改为:I came to this town on this bus.因为有介词on所以定语从句的引导词which前要加上 on2.也是定语从句可以改为:The accident happened on this bus.(事故发生在车上)此时也可以用w...

普定县19737031359: 一道英语题~ -
祢巩比适: 1. 答案:C. 2. 翻译: --从学校到这儿有多远? --有3公里远. 3. 解释: 1)3 kilometers long的意思是“3公里长”,指物体的长度; 2)“A地离B地很远”是:A be far (away) from B 但是如果有了具体的数量和单位时,结构必须改成: A be + 基数词 + 距离单位(复数) + away from B 3)该题后面省略from here,其实away也可以省略

普定县19737031359: 一道英语题 -
祢巩比适: chardly表示否定因而用any,意思是任何deer是鹿,且是可数名词但他的复数形式是原型,和sheep一样

普定县19737031359: 一道英语题 -
祢巩比适: B chance,give sb a chance. 给某人机会

普定县19737031359: 一道英语题 -
祢巩比适: 第一句话是对的.分析:①这是句【倒装句】百度百科词条:http://baike.baidu.com/view/84467.htm#3②改为陈述句:The students come here.(学生们过来了.) 这时你应该能看懂了吧?主语是The students,谓语动词当然要用come了,所以上述两句话中的第一句是对的.

普定县19737031359: 一道英语题 -
祢巩比适: 您好!I am a little f(at ).So I can't run f(ast ).

普定县19737031359: 一道英语题 -
祢巩比适: 这是同位语从句.what is actually going on in the classroom是idea的同位语从句.如果选A或D,就变成了定语从句,那么that/which在定语从句中就要充当主语成分,并且指代前面的idea.这句定语从句的...

普定县19737031359: 一道英语题 -
祢巩比适: 这个句子的主语是Tom, 所以应该是He was delighted at the sensatiion.省略前面的He was.

普定县19737031359: 一道英语题 -
祢巩比适: 1. 答案:A.2. 翻译:如果你不想要再次迟到的话,你最好早点做好清扫/清洁工作.3. 解释:1)breakfast不能和make搭配,如果是have an early breakfast就对了.2)此处的clean-up是个复合名词,意思是...

普定县19737031359: 一道英语题 -
祢巩比适: Da ten-minute's walk或者 a ten minutes' walk

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