
作者&投稿:衅胡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.你在想什么?你在想什么about_ _?点击看详细2.英文名字和中国人的名字是不同的。英文名称是不同的from_ _ _Chinese名。点击看详细3.格林先生做我们明天的报告。 Mr.Green将要give_ us_a报告_tomorrow。点击看详细4.你不上学下周,不是吗?花,正在,已经,班,每周不点击看详细你是不是有课,不是吗?点击看详细5.他昨天。与我们转发告别。花来了,在这里,我们点击看详细,他来到这里昨天告别我们。点击看详细6.当你洗的衣服?花钱的时候,光洁度,洗,衣服,点击看详细当将洗完衣服?


Oliver. Teweisite, is a Health and the House of orphans in the poor, hungry, been bullied, because she can not shop in the coffin, parish deacon Bangbu abuse of children, who fled to London alone and, unfortunately just arrived on a Cave cheated误入thieves. Thieves gang leaders do everything possible to the charges in an attempt to Oliver for his training for pickpockets driven. Oliver partnership with thieves, "Ji Linggui" and Betts took to the streets when he was mistakenly believe that he stole a gentleman named Brownlow (happens to be his father, his friends) the handkerchief was arrested by police. Shutan boss because of his proven innocent, that the thieves Lingyouqiren he were released. As he was seriously ill in coma, and his friends left looks like the portrait of a young woman, Brownlow receiving medical treatment at home, he obtained Brownlow and female housekeeper than Goldwyn wife meticulous care, the first to feel the earth Warmth. Oliver groups fear that thieves will reveal the secret groups, in charge of the instruction, Sussex and Nancy Feijinxinji, taking advantage of Oliver out for the return of Brownlow Shutan boss of books by the time of his return to the pirate cave. But when the costs of trying to punish severely beaten Oliver on time, to come forward to protect the Nancy Oliver. For the threats, inducements, such as means of instilling attempt to force Oliver to become a thief, a ready source of money for payment. Day night, Oliver in Sussex under the stress of a large house to participate in the burglary. Oliver ready to take advantage of legitimate climbed into the window of opportunity to master report, the housekeeper was found shot and wounded. Thieves flee to steer, Oliver discarded by the roadside ditch in. Oliver in the rain and snow in Daishang reptiles, inadvertently, also returned to the family house, fainted at the entrance to. Meili Fu masters of good intentions and their adopted daughter of Miss Luo Si and took refuge with him. No fragmentation of Qiao, who is Miss Luo Si Oliver's aunt, but the two sides do not know. In Meili Fu people, Oliver really enjoy the warmth and a beautiful life. However, charges can not let go of the gang Oliver. One day a名叫蒙克斯people came for gold, this is Oliver's half brother, because he's bad, his father's estate in probate to the will of all Oliver, Oliver and unless the monks Like the bad people, only legacy inherited by the monks. To this end monks to Gaojia Mai-fee payment, he should make Oliver become incorrigible criminals, in order to occupy the full name Oliver heritage, and vent the death of his father's resentment. While the monks Deyiyangyang talked about how he and his wife for working hand in glove Boer, Oliver can prove that destroyed the only evidence of the identity of the time, Nancy was heard. Nancy Xianyiyongwei, Oliver sympathy for the experience, to risk their lives, secretly find Miss Luo Si, she reported to all this.

While Miss Luo Si consider how to act, Oliver told her that he found Mr. Brownlow. Miss Luo Si and Brownlow deliberations on the approach. Miss Luo Si, accompanied by the Brownlow and Nancy again when he met Brownlow monks that he was informed that the late Egyptian friends in the temperature. Li Fu a bad son, decided to personally negotiate for monks, but their conversation was sent by the undercover agents for the hearing. Sussex on the brutal killing of Nancy. Nancy's death for the gang that was Miedingzhizai. The charges were arrested on after the Jiaoxing Jia, Sussex in the run in the fall by their own rope strangled. At the same time, monks were kidnapped Brownlow in the home, forced him供出all, the truth matters, Oliver was close to Brownlow adopted son, ending the suffering of his childhood. In order to monks of rehabilitation opportunities, and this should be to Oliver inherited the legacy of the half to him. But monks do not change the inferior of the family property squandering completely and continue to do evil, was finally jailed, died in prison. Bangbuerfu Wuyouwubao, leather to all his posts, the destitute, in their homes once Zuoweizuofu the poor spend the rest of his life.


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抱你满意,英语老师给的答案:1.我的名字叫李华.我是一名中学生.我出生于1990年3月10日.My name is Li Hua.I am a middle school student.I was born on March 10th,1990.2.我很努力学习.I worked hard at my courses.3.我很喜欢看书. --- reading books 是非常不地道的说法!!I ...

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1.For three days I dined alone on nothing more than humiliation, shame, and an assortment of junk food from a machine strategically placed outside my room.三天以来,我都一个人独自品羞怀愧,以从正巧在我屋外的自动售货机里各种各样的垃圾食品充饥 2 What I had interpreted as a ...

起初,这个复杂的问题使他们感到灰心丧气,但经过仔细思考后他们终于研究出了解决办法。AT first, they are upset and depressed by the complex issue. After several attempts and discussion, they came up with a solution.体育代表团团长在少先队员向他献上一束鲜花时愉快的笑了。the leader of the...

(12)“是宗六”句:意为自己有文名,为《南山集》作序,结果被牵连下狱,这跟宗六和尚所说的山有名则易遭败坏的道理相当。(13)雍正甲辰:雍正二年(1724)。 (14)“始荷圣恩”句:方苞在1713年(康熙五十二年)出狱后,家属族人被迫入旗籍,羁留北京,不得回乡。雍正皇帝即位后,特赦方苞族人归籍,1724年(雍正二年)...

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1. Where do you come from?你来自哪里?2. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?你家乡周围有些什么景点?3. What do you do during the Spring Festival?春节期间你有些什么活动?4. Tell me something about the customs of your hometown.告诉我一些关于你家乡的习俗.5. Could you ...

可以这样译:随着科技的发展和社会的进步,教育越来越影响人们的生活。所以教师这个行业越来越受到人们的重视。With the development of the technology and the advancement of the society ,the education will influence\/effect people's life in a deeper and deeper way. so\/therefor, teacher as a ...

和林格尔县13143497738: 翻译下面句子? -
励易复方: (1)沿着山向东走,有稍稍偏北的地方,又一百丈瀑布. (2)山上有八九个弯道,每个弯道就有谭.潭水深的地方,用绳子系石坠入五丈,还到不了底.

和林格尔县13143497738: 求翻译下面的句子 -
励易复方: During the early 1970's, International Business Business (IBM) centralized its corporate management but at the same time gave its subsidiaries a degree of autonomy to ensure timely...

和林格尔县13143497738: 翻译下面的句子 -
励易复方: Everybody tries to avoid him, because he would talk his head off whenever he has the chance. 每个人都在避开他, 只因每次他发言时都会语无伦次.[他庆祝本周他30岁的生日] 建议改写为: 本周他庆祝了他的30岁的生日

和林格尔县13143497738: 求助翻译下面句子 -
励易复方: But the results don't prove that TV is the cause and don't ride out that already poorly motivated youngsters may watch lots of TV.但结果并不能证明电视是事实,不要骑车,因为那些动机不足的青少年可能会看电视.

和林格尔县13143497738: 用英文翻译下面的句子 -
励易复方: 1.punctuality 2.by3.There was a shoe factory4.did this university establish5.so important that6.7.to buy8.pround to be the best one9.but not to keep10.should be pretect

和林格尔县13143497738: 翻译下面句子,请说清楚句型结构和主谓宾等各种成份. -
励易复方: 主语Its effect 谓语is like 该主句中没有宾语,that---me是表语,that指代effect. 翻译:就像是更高深的思想或更浓烈的情感慑服了我,此时我认为我思维得体,做法得当.

和林格尔县13143497738: 翻译下面的句子 -
励易复方: 句中的 pull way back on 是从 pull back 一词变化而来.pull back on 是 "撤回、反悔" 的意思.在pull 与back 之间加上个 way 字只是加重语气.所以 pull way back on 的意思是 "大...

和林格尔县13143497738: 谁可以用英语帮我翻译下面的句子1.我还没看过这部电影?2.他已经
励易复方: 首先,翻译这些句子应该看到句子中一些关键的词,比如“几次”“已经”“还未”等,因此判断这些句子都应该使用现在完成时来翻译. 1.我还没看过这部电影? I ...

和林格尔县13143497738: 急!!!在线等,帮忙翻译?翻译下面句子:1得知女儿在地震前就离
励易复方: 1. What a relief it was when she learned that her daughter has left the city when the earthquake struck. 2. The negotiation between the employer and employees on salary ...

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