
作者&投稿:邴砖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.One word,One drem.2.更高,更快,更强 .3.奥运会不仅仅是一场体育京技更是一场人类文明的盛宴 . 4.科技奥运人文奥运绿色奥运.

1.Walk to the office.
2.Do exercise at least 3 times per week.
3.Maintain adequate sleep.
4.Bring a bottle of water at any time.
5.Eat often and little.
6.Take fruits as snacks.
7.Take nutritious breakfast.
8.Breath with abdomen.
9.Take stretching exercise every morning and evening.
10.Make sure the stoop postures be proper.

China refueling, the Olympic refueling 中国加油,奥运加油
The 29th Olympic Games opening ceremony on August 8, 2008 in Beijing, China held the nest 第29届奥运会开幕式于2008年8月8日在中国北京鸟巢举行
The 29th Olympic Games in Beijing, China held a complete success 第29届奥运会在中国北京举办圆满成功
China in the 29th Olympic Games achieved excellent results with 51 gold medals ranked first gold medal 中国在第29届奥运会取得优异的成绩以51枚金牌位居金牌榜首
Beijing Olympic Games has left us with a much better 北京奥运会给我们留下了太多的美好
China's diving team in successive Olympic Games made outstanding achievements known as Dream Team 中国的跳水队在历届奥运会取得优异成绩被称之为梦之队
The Olympic Games in Beijing, in the minds of people throughout the country 奥运在北京,在全国人民的心中
In Beijing Olympics athletes who break world records a lot of 在北京奥运会上运动健儿们打破了很多世界纪录

1,THE final curtain fell last night on a frantic Chinese opera that lasted 17 days, cost more than $40 billion and boasted a cast of more than 1 billion.
2,Now the world can close its eyes, lie down for four years and think of England.
3,China, the biggest factory on the planet, produced the goods.
4,In just two weeks it delivered the fastest men on land and water - Usain Bolt and Michael Phelps.
5,In a fortnight it pumped out hundreds of gold medallists and an endless array of human triumph and tragedy.
6,In less than a decade it transformed itself from an also-ran on the medal tally to the most powerful sporting nation on the planet.
And given the most difficult and complex event on the planet to stage, China manufactured the best organised Olympic Games in history.
7,As a London bus drove into the stadium last night, transformed itself into a stage and gave soccer superstar David Beckham a platform to bend a ball toward the Games of 2012, the message was clear. The Poms have a lot of work to do to match Chinese ingenuity.
8,Yet it was the host nation that stunned the rest of the world. China had always been expected to excel. But no-one ever dreamed it would be so dominant and powerful. Its favourite son, hurdler Liu Xiang, might have reduced his country to tears when he withdrew with injury. But as always in China, there was a production line of replacements in waiting.

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北京最有名的八个庙会 是什么
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在北京,历史与童话交织出一幅梦幻画卷,今天,让我们一起探索这八个如宫崎骏动画般奇妙的童话小镇,带你走进一个梦幻的现实世界。1、#顶秀美泉小镇 —— 阿尔卑斯的浪漫印记<\/这里是怀柔雁栖湖畔,宛如欧陆风情的小镇,风车、涂鸦和古典钟楼诉说着异国情调,地址位于范各村庄,交通便利,公交936\/916快车...

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曲沃县15547819582: 20句2008奥运英语句子(不要抄的)跟2008北京奥运有关的比如ONE WORLD ,ONE DREAM.同一个世界,同一个梦想(要讲到2008的,要翻译的 -
产凌澳达:[答案] 一、比赛What sports do you like?你喜欢什么运动? I thought the match was really exciting.我认为比赛非常精彩. The new stadium looks fantastic.新体育场看起来棒极了 I want to get tickets for the swimmi...

曲沃县15547819582: 关于奥运会的英语句子,帮忙找一找
产凌澳达: 1:北京奥运会是中国人的骄傲: The Beijing Olympic Games is the pride of Chinese people 2:奥运吉祥物是福娃Olympic mascots are 5 Fuwa 3:它们的名字分别是:贝贝.晶晶.欢欢.盈盈.妮妮 Their names are Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan,...

曲沃县15547819582: 北京奥运会的英文宣传标语 -
产凌澳达: The success of the Games depends on me! 奥运成功有我份! Beijing will present a wonderful Oympic Games to the world 北京将为世界呈现一届精彩的奥运会. Let's stretch our hands and welcome friengs from all over the globe 让我们一起伸出...

曲沃县15547819582: 关于奥运的优秀英语短文 -
产凌澳达: 给你三篇: 希望能帮助到你 1 Being a volunteer is great! No. 1 Middle School is home to three special young people: Xiao Hong, Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang, who spend several hours helping other people every week. Xiao Hong loves reading, so ...

曲沃县15547819582: 关于奥运会的英语句子谁能提供一些或者帮我翻译下这段话.中国队在这次奥运会上得到了最多的金牌.中国队在这次奥运会上上取得了非常好的成绩.这次奥运... -
产凌澳达:[答案] Chinese team won the most gold modals in this Olympic Games. Chinese team made a great acheivement in this Olympic Games. The Olympic Games bring us a lot of wonderful moments.

曲沃县15547819582: 那位同学能用我爱奥运来写一段8句的英语小短文?
产凌澳达: As you know, the 29th of summer will be held in Beijing of China in the year 2008.众所周知,2008年北京将举行第二十九届夏季奥运会.My classmates and I are so exciting and We want to learn more about Olympic .我和同学们都非常兴奋,并打...

曲沃县15547819582: 英语作文,关于北京奥运会,求助急用,英语翻译 -
产凌澳达: The Olympic Games The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, China in 2008. Beijing chooses five friendlies as Olympic mascots. They are Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying and Nini. They mean “Welcome to Beijing”. The Blue Beibei ...

曲沃县15547819582: 用英语翻译关于北京奥运会资料的句子 -
产凌澳达: Olympic game in Peking establishes 36 game places, 28 items, Respectively BE.... Have already made a contract with 88 cabarets, Have already specified 20 hospitals as specialized hospitals

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