
作者&投稿:龙质 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

How you monitor and predict earthquakes , how you ' ve made such strides in researching the cause and treatment of cancer
他们向中国学习如何监测和 预报地震 ,学习中国在研究癌症的病因和治疗方面是如何取得这么多成就的。

How you monitor and predict earthquakes , how you ' ve made such strides in researching the cause and treatment of cancer
他们来中国学习如何监测和 预报地震 ;学习中国在研究癌症的病因和治疗方面是怎样取得如此巨大成就的。

Ideally , one day , researchers will know enough about the genesis of earthquakes and the nature of particular faults to predict quakes directly
最理想的情况是,有朝一日研究人员能够对地震的成因及具体断层的性质有足够的了解,从而能够直接 预报地震 。

But we can identify earthquake zones even if we cannot predict earthquakes and we can look forward to summer even if we cannot forecast the weather on 4 june next
但是` ,即使咱们没法 预报地震 ,也能确定地震带;尽管咱们没法预测明年6月4曰的天气,但却能预见夏天的到来。

Tokyo ( ap ) ? it ' s still beyond the reach of science to predict exactly when an earthquake will strike , but japan will soon get the next - best thing ? televised warnings that e before anyone feels the ground shake
东京(美联社) :科学尚未达到准确 预报地震 发生时间的地步,但日本很快将做到仅次于次:在人们感觉到地震之前以电视广播发布预警信息。

The system ? the first of its kind in the world ? does not predict quakes , but officials say it can give people enough time to get away from windows that could shatter , or to turn off ovens and prevent fires from razing homes
这个全球首创的系统并不能 预报地震 ,但是官方宣称它能给人们足够的时间从易坏的窗户逃离,或关闭烤炉而防止家里发生火灾。

The beginning and development of monitoring and predicting earthquake from 1970 to 1976 in sichuan province and the typical example for the protecting against earthquakes are described in this paper
摘要记述了1970 ~ 1976年四川地震群测群防的兴起和发展,介绍了四川群测群防、专群结合预测 预报地震 的典型事例,特别对松潘平武7 . 2级地震预测预报群测群防的作用作了反映。

Combined with some previous results , we have generapzed prepminarily the dynamic evolution characteristics of stress field in the focal region and its adjacent area before moderate and strong earthquakes , and tried to give out the judgement index of earthquake prediction with the prehensive mechani *** solution of *** all earthquake
结合前人的有关研究成果,综合归纳了中、强地震前震源区及附近应力场的动态演变特征,并尝试给出了小震综合机制解参数 预报地震 的判据指标。

(七) Before how to prepare for earthquake's 怎样做好地震前的准备 1 .Understands the earthquake knowledge, grasps the quakeproof emergency procedures了解地震知识,掌握防震应急措施。 2. Believes the science, opposes to blindly believe, does not readily believe the earthquake rumor相信科学,反对迷信,不...

高分 急需关于地震的 要用英语的
要地震的成因前兆破坏防震减灾的要英语的最好还能有汉语急需啊急需不是单词翻译啊!~要的一段一段的英语... 要 地震的 成因前兆破坏防震减灾 的 要英语的 最好还能有汉语 急需啊 急需不是单词翻译啊!~ 要的一段一段的英语 展开 2个回答 #热议# 已婚女性就应该承担家里大部分家务吗?zhangyushi1996 2008-...

At 14:28 on May 12, 2008 in Wenchuan County, Sichuan 8.0 earthquake occurred, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guizhou, such as provinces and cities nationwide have felt. As at 12 o'clock on June 17, four Chuan Wenchuan earthquake has caused 67,172 people dead, 17,420 missing ...

发生地震 Earthquake occurred 重点词汇释义 地震earthquake; earthshock; earthdin; temblor; cataclysm

一篇关于地震的英语短文 200词以上
An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. The seismicity or seismic activity of an area refers to the frequency, type and size of earthquakes experienced over a period ...

1、dì zhèn。2、地震(英文:earthquake),又称地动、地振动,是地壳快速释放能量过程中造成的振动,期间会产生地震波的一种自然现象。地球上板块与板块之间相互挤压碰撞,造成板块边沿及板块内部产生错动和破裂,是引起地震的主要原因。3、地震开始发生的地点称为震源,震源正上方的地面称为震中。破坏性...

YUSHU, Qinghai - About 300 people have been killed with 8,000 injured and more others buried under the toppled houses after a 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit northwest China's Qinghai Province early on Wednesday, officials said.Many others are still buried under the debris of collapsed...

"这次地震对于四川的人们来说是一个沉重的打击,到目前为止,地震已造成32477人遇难 220109人受伤,并且人数还在增加中,发生的余震至少超过4000次,据估计余震期将持续1-2个月,我们所有的人正忙于救灾中"This earthquake is a significant shock to the Sichuan people which has killed 32477 lives and ...

四川地震的英文文章 初中的
A powerful earthquake in China is feared to have killed thousands of people in the southwestern province of Sichuan. The official news agency Xihua says nearly ten thousand people may have died, with many more buried and injured. In one county, most of the buildings are reported to...

有关地震的英语句子2句 一定要手翻,
It took only minutes on Saturday June 23rd for a powerful 8.1 earthquake to rip through southern Peru,…… 在六月二十三日星期六,一次强烈的8.1级地震只用了几分钟时间就波及秘鲁南部(全境)…… (秘鲁的国土以狭长著称)The quake leveled entire towns,flattening the simple adobe,brick ...

贞丰县18681196111: 预报的英文单词怎么写? -
祗狄复方: forecast

贞丰县18681196111: predict用英语解释并造句!!! -
祗狄复方: predict say sth before it happpened vt.1. 预言;预料;预报[+that][+wh-] He predicted that an earthquake was imminent.他预言即将发生地震.He predicted a good harvest.他预言丰收.vi.1. 作预言;作预料;作预报

贞丰县18681196111: 地震的前兆 英文 -
祗狄复方: 地震有先兆 一次地震,特别是一次强烈地震之前,大都会出现一些异常现象.这些与地震的发生有密切联系的异常现象叫做地震前兆.地震前兆的一个共同特点,就是它们都表现为自然界突然发生的某种与地震发生有关的变异,是地震前大自然...

贞丰县18681196111: 据说预报这几天会有地震翻译成英文 -
祗狄复方:[答案] It's reported that there will be an earthquake recently.

贞丰县18681196111: 地震的预兆用英语回答 -
祗狄复方: the sign of the earthquake 这是最简单的一种说法

贞丰县18681196111: 关于地震灾害等英文词汇~~ -
祗狄复方: earthquake 地震 shake 震动;摇晃 tremor颤动;震动 temblor [美语] 地震 hit 袭击、打击,使遭受 strike 突然发生;打击 jolt 使颠簸,摇晃 rock 摇,摇动,使振动 roll across 波动,起伏,横摇 rip through 裂开,破开;突进,横撞直闯 damage 损...

贞丰县18681196111: “乌云和闪电预示着大雨的来临.”用英语怎么翻译? -
祗狄复方: Black clouds and lightning predict a heavy rain

贞丰县18681196111: 有没有有关地震的英文短文 大概300个单词就好 请大家帮帮我
祗狄复方: Write a passage with the words and phrases given: 用话和词语写一篇文章: take place, do something to protect, on the earth's surface, take precautionary mea sures, vibrations, "earthquake belts", have, likely to occur, tremble, to resist earth ...

贞丰县18681196111: 黄色预警 蓝色预警 红色预警 橙色预警 比如,地震红色预警、火灾黄色预警等.我想知道它们分别的意思,它们是用来表示什么的,它们可以用来表示哪些方... -
祗狄复方:[答案] 天气预报预信号颜色依次为篮、黄、橙、红色,同时以中英文标识,分别代表一般、较重、严重和特级严重.这个做法是我国沿袭欧洲和美国,在近两年才开始的.一般来说,在橙色信号以上,人们就不宜外出了,并且要做好防灾准备了. 以下是安徽省...

贞丰县18681196111: 中文句子翻英文1.通常地理课教有关地球科学的知识和自然常识.(science about the Earth and nature)2.你难以想象地震的破坏力囿多强.(can hardly imagine ... -
祗狄复方:[答案] 初三英语 中文句子翻英文10 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时1.通常地理课教有关地球科学的知识和自然常识.(science about the Earth and nature) usually science about the earth and nature are taught in geogra...

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