
作者&投稿:贲贫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

 英文电影观后感 篇1

  he story is about a young princess (公主) (Hepburn) named Ann, making a goodwill (善意的) tour of Europes capitals. She is tired of the responsibility (职责) and demands of the role she has been born in to and longs to experience the every day pleasures of an ordinary person. In Rome she finally rebels. Waiting until after everyone in the embassy (大使馆) where her party is staying has gone to sleep, she slips out a window and finds herself alone on the streets of Rome.

  She is found by Joe Bradley (Peck) , a hardened (坚毅的) and somewhat cynical (愤世嫉俗的`) reporter, on his way homefroma late night card game. Not knowing who she is but seeing that she has no place to stay he takes pity on her and invites her to his apartment for the night. In a ical (滑稽的) scene, he offers her a pair of his pajamas (睡衣) and points to the couch where she can sleep. Innocent (天真的) aristocrat (贵族) that she is, she asks for a nightgown and help undressing. Bradley helps her take off her tie and then leaves the room. When he returns a few minutes later he discovers her sound asleep on the bed, leaving him the couch (沙发) .

  Leaving her sleeping the next morning, Bradley shows up late for work and tries to cover himself by saying that he had an interview (采访) with the princess. But his editor shows him a newspaper with her picture and headline stating that she was taken ill the night before and canceled all appointments (安排) for the day. Bradley immediately realizes who he has in his apartment and gets the editor to agree to pay $5, 000 if he can get a real interview with the princess. On the way out Bradley contacts a photographer (摄影师) friend, Irving Radovich (Albert) and arranges for him to met him later with his camera for a big scoop.

  Returning to his apartment, Bradley picks up the princess for their planned tour of the city. Bradleys real aim is to get the pictures and story he promised (答应) his editor. But the innocent charm of the princess softens him and the two start to fall in love. Theyendup having a good time and some ical adventures (冒险) . Bradley conceals the fact that he is a reporter who knows who she really is and she doesnt tell him that that she is a royal princess. But in theendthe truth es out and the princess realizes that her duty to her country and family e first and she reluctantly (不情愿地) returns to her official role.

  The two meet briefly at theendduring her press conference with other reporters. She addresses Bradley as Mr. Bradley just like the others. As he is leaving, Bradley, quietly slips her the photos that his friendIrving had taken and lets her know that his story and pictures of their time together will never be published (公布) .

  The charming Audrey Hepburn plays a modern princess who takes a day on Rome. She meets up with reporter Peck and wise-cracking photographer Albert. Peck and Hepburn fall in love, though Peck plans to sell an exclusive story with the princess. Roman Holiday is a fun romantic edy, but stays realistic (现实) with its mentary on society and royalty.

  英文电影观后感 篇2

  I am honored today watched the United States, 3D cartoon animated film

  The story is the old man Carl and his wife Eliza has always been thought of children in South America, waterfall wonderland adventure, resulting from the failure to move forward in life, Elizas death, and Carl has been depressed forever because he thought at this age it is impossible to go sing. Later, builders want to demolish his own house, old people are very angry, sad, and he whim, with tens of thousands of balloons tied to the house, the cottage is really uprooted overfly, and mistakenly entered his house with a stupid Russell flew with the boy in South America. Journey, they funny bird, simple and honest and courageous dog overe difficulties together with round after round, after untold hardships, taking advantage of their wisdom to defeat the ferocious vicious Symonds, the little boy Russell has also been a result

  The film, there are old-fei Xia, children dream, a decisive battle between good and evil, obstacles and difficulties, the whole process of whimsy, thrilling, enjoyable, funny funny to see, after guffawing, shouting quickly, really Very good read!!

  Movies, not just give us joy, more are touched by the story inside us understand a truth: Only those who are strong beliefs, are likely to succeed

  英文电影观后感 篇3

  Gongfu panda is a lazy panda, he worked in a samll shop, one day he went to a temple to take part in a choose of the dragon contender, unexpectedly the lazy panda was choosen as the dragon contender, at first everybody doesnt like the panda, because he is very lazy, a few days later the mob master die, the panda study at the palm civet master . The panda is dragon contender!at first he doesnt like to study anything of the Gongfu, the palm civet master had no way to do with him .

  A few days later palm civet master discover the panda only like one thing -------eating, the panda was very very like eating . for eating he can do anything, he can break xylograph and then palm civet master using eating to induce the panda study gongfu . Finally the panda became a gongfu master and then he beated depravity white leopard and be the best of the gongfu master and be the first of the gongfe.

  Watch theI thought everybody can be the first as long as make great efforts

  The movie Kung Fu Panda looks like a kung-fu novel, in accordance with Chinese-style plot development. It is mainly about a fat pandas dream to bee a master of kung fu, and a coincidental let that dream bee a reality. Of course, Po (the panda) has gone through a series of twists and turns before reaching success.

  Impressed me most is a series of Chinese elements in the film,fromthe name we can know it is the film for Chinese - kung fu and panda. It is not just kung fu and panda. There are other Chinese elements in it. Such as the Chinese mandarin, the Chinese house, acupuncture, erhu, calligraphy and so on.

  Of course, that it can bee North Americas box office leader and could attract foreigners are not only those causes. In this film, everywhere is full of philosophical dialogues. The turtle said There are no accidents. Pos father, described in the mysterious soup, said To make something special, you just have to believe its special. That I like the most is Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why its called the present. It tells us to make good use of today.

  2008is a Chinese year, Kung Fu Panda also allow international friends to learn more about Chinese culture and connotation.

第四:抒发自己的感想,叙述一下你为什么支持或者反对这个人或者这件事,表达一下你对他们这样做有什么看法。第五:最重要的一点,写观后感一定要根据影片客观现实,积极向上、有道理、能让别人也受到共鸣、能从你的文章里得到启发,这才是一篇完美的观后感,也是写观后感的意义所在。如何写好电影观后感 许...

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