
作者&投稿:申曹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Kyoto, Tokyo, Imperial Palace and Park Sunpu History: Japan's ancient capital of Kyoto, similar to China's Xi'an, the historical and cultural heritage more, retained a large number of temples, shrines and other religious facilities, have relatively famous Kiyomizu-dera, high-Tak Temple, etc. now as a tourist resource development and utilization of well. In the history of Japan is a relatively backward country, to the 18th century, entered the era of the Meiji Restoration, Japan a radical reform, the backward direction by the powerful, the capital moved to Tokyo from Kyoto, the Emperor's palace is now located in downtown Tokyo, the Second re-bridge, and has been retained to the present. Now the Royal Palace in the capital of Japan before the screen times the strength of families to send characters - General Tokugawa Ieyasu palaces, after Tokugawa Ieyasu moved the capital from Tokyo to move to the city center is now the largest park in Shizuoka - Sunpu Park location, and later and now developed into the general scope of Shizuoka Prefecture. Historical and cultural heritage: a lot of Japanese people are very ancient temples of worship, belief in the gods, such as spiritual support, and has a special memorial day to worship, they promised desire to pray the gods bless, let the freedom of religious belief.译文:京都、东京皇宫及骏府公园的历史:京都为日本的古都,类似我国的西安,历史文化遗产比较多,保留了众多的寺庙、神社等宗教设施,比较有名的有清水寺、高德寺等,现在作为旅游资源得到很好的开发利用。


历史文化遗产:很多日本人十分崇拜古老的寺庙,信奉神灵等精神寄托,有专门的朝拜祭日,他们许下心愿,祈求神灵保佑,宗教信仰自由吧。 你还可以介绍一下他的文化生活。







中英文对照的,楼主觉得长可选一段,满意记得给个小旗哦``` Korea(韩国): Main Korea Republic food and drink characteristic: High protein , much vegetable , happy event delicate , abstain from greasy food, sense of taste is burned with the cold give first place to. Korean regards rice as staple food down the ages. Cooked food gives first place to stewing to cook and to roast system , is not used for a hot dish mainly. Korean likes to eat noodles , beef , chicken and dog's meat , does not like to eat steamed bread , mutton and duck meat. 韩国饮食的主要特点:高蛋白、多蔬菜、喜清淡、忌油腻,味觉以凉辣为主。


韩国人喜欢吃面条、牛肉、鸡肉和狗肉,不喜欢吃馒头、羊肉和鸭肉。 Japan(日本) Cooking culture introduces Japan Mention food and drink , be that food , vegetable , fish and flesh are that Japanesque non-staple food meal burns, and the Western Europe meal popularizes also very much like not only give first place to rice, before Japan can sample to rich various meal food. Japan is a very rich countries of high grade water resource , hygiene facilities improves and perfects also very much , drinks therefore running water is in any Japanese place being able to. Modern Japan culture is furthermore colorful. Girls are in the culture studying time-honoured Japan tradition, if sado , the ikebana simultaneous, also jump disco. The scene bordering but building the browse downtown area , antiquited temple and tower is not strange. Therefore modern Japan culture is antiquited have been tied in wedlock. 日本饮食文化介绍 说到饮食,不仅是以大米为主食、蔬菜、鱼与肉为副食的日本式餐点,而且西欧中国餐点一般也很普及,在日本可以品尝到丰富多样的餐食。



故而现代的日本文化是结合了古老的、新兴的、西洋的和东洋的文化而形成。 That Japanese loves the birthday department who raw fish is used for food , is covering up with sashimi as a result monly is the most popular Japan in the homeland food. The Japanese cuisine is particular about the plain taste keeping food very much , does not encourage have added a condiment, use delicate give first place to. The color to cooked food has the very good request especially face to face, not only using all kinds of form , arrangement , colour collocation that the very delicate vessel does load food, to food to have very exquisite thinking also. Be taking a look on that is so meticulous that the day style being just like landscape painting-like takes care of , sometimes cannot bear to destroy that share for the first time to Japanese visitor beautiful. 日本人普遍爱食用生鱼,因而盖着生鱼片的寿司是日本国内最流行的食物。





在约3万4千年前,从日本列岛华北地区传来被称呼为小刀型石器的石器,在列岛全区被广泛的使用,但在约2万年前由西伯利亚过来新的称呼为细石刀片的石器主要在东日本传开。 伴随着从东亚迁入日本的渡来人,日本在弥生时代初期出现陶器、铁、铜器以及水田等文化,逐渐成为一个农业社会,同时一些如奴国等的小国也开始与中国发展外交关系。

587年,豪族苏我氏的头目苏我马子击败物部守屋,又在592年暗杀崇峻天皇、立女皇推古天皇为帝,圣德太子摄政,日本进入飞鸟时代。 710年,元明天皇迁都平城京,日本进入奈良时代,律令制国家也日益成熟。

大和政权的版图在这时也逐渐扩张,征服东北地方部分地区和南九州。 平安时代末期,出现以东国为势力范围的源氏和以西国为势力范围的平氏两个庞大的武家势力。

平氏被赶出京都,将朝廷迁往福原京,之后于1185年在坛之浦之战中彻底覆灭。 1192年,武家首领源赖朝被封为征夷大将军,创建镰仓幕府,并展开幕府统治,开始日本600多年的幕府时代。

1867年末代江户幕府将军德川庆喜迫于情势主动大政奉还,以明治天皇为首的新 *** 正式成立,江户时代结束。 1894年8月1日,中日两国互相宣战,甲午战争正式爆发。

1895年2月,清军溃败,清廷被迫派李鸿章代表清廷向日本求和,并以战败国身份在日本威逼下签订了条件苛刻的不平等条约《马关条约》。 日本于1910年并大韩帝国入版图,是为日韩合并;并在第一次世界大战中投向协约国,向同盟国宣战,以获得德国在中国山东半岛的殖民地。

1914年9月,日本向德国宣战,发动青岛战役,11月攻占青岛。 1931年,日军发动九一八事变,入侵中国东北,扶植傀儡国家满洲国;再于1932年,在上海发动一·二八事变。

1941年12月,日军偷袭夏威夷的美军基地珍珠港,并正式向美国、英国和荷兰宣战,同时开始进军东南亚等太平洋地区。 从1945年9月2日战败到1952年4月28日《旧金山和约》生效期间,日本被盟军军事占领,由美军为首的驻日盟军司令部(GHQ)统治,实行财阀解体政策,对垄断资本进行大规模重组;日本除了失去所有属地,也暂时被迫移交小笠原诸岛与琉球(原冲绳县)予美国军政管理。

进入21世纪初期,日本经济透过往新兴市场出口出现小波段复苏的伊邪那美景气,但是2008年发生全球金融海啸,索尼和丰田等指针性大企业纷纷出现巨大亏损。 扩展资料日本文化: 日本为一岛国,地处东亚大陆的东北面,与朝鲜半岛、满洲及西伯利亚相隔着日本海,特殊的地理位置使其文化一直与东亚大陆文化保持着自身独特性。





Kyoto, Tokyo, Imperial Palace and Park Sunpu History: Japan's ancient capital of Kyoto, similar to China's Xi'an, the historical and cultural heritage more, retained a large number of temples, shrines and other religious facilities, have relatively famous Kiyomizu-dera, high-Tak Temple, etc. now as a tourist resource development and utilization of well. In the history of Japan is a relatively backward country, to the 18th century, entered the era of the Meiji Restoration, Japan a radical reform, the backward direction by the powerful, the capital moved to Tokyo from Kyoto, the Emperor's palace is now located in downtown Tokyo, the Second re-bridge, and has been retained to the present. Now the Royal Palace in the capital of Japan before the screen times the strength of families to send characters - General Tokugawa Ieyasu palaces, after Tokugawa Ieyasu moved the capital from Tokyo to move to the city center is now the largest park in Shizuoka - Sunpu Park location, and later and now developed into the general scope of Shizuoka Prefecture.

Historical and cultural heritage: a lot of Japanese people are very ancient temples of worship, belief in the gods, such as spiritual support, and has a special memorial day to worship, they promised desire to pray the gods bless, let the freedom of religious belief.








中英文对照的,楼主觉得长可选一段,满意记得给个小旗哦``` Korea(韩国): Main Korea Republic food and drink characteristic: High protein , much vegetable , happy event delicate , abstain from greasy food, sense of taste is burned with the cold give first place to. Korean regards rice as staple food down the ages. Cooked food gives first place to stewing to cook and to roast system , is not used for a hot dish mainly. Korean likes to eat noodles , beef , chicken and dog's meat , does not like to eat steamed bread , mutton and duck meat. 韩国饮食的主要特点:高蛋白、多蔬菜、喜清淡、忌油腻,味觉以凉辣为主。


韩国人喜欢吃面条、牛肉、鸡肉和狗肉,不喜欢吃馒头、羊肉和鸭肉。 Japan(日本) Cooking culture introduces Japan Mention food and drink , be that food , vegetable , fish and flesh are that Japanesque non-staple food meal burns, and the Western Europe meal popularizes also very much like not only give first place to rice, before Japan can sample to rich various meal food. Japan is a very rich countries of high grade water resource , hygiene facilities improves and perfects also very much , drinks therefore running water is in any Japanese place being able to. Modern Japan culture is furthermore colorful. Girls are in the culture studying time-honoured Japan tradition, if sado , the ikebana simultaneous, also jump disco. The scene bordering but building the browse downtown area , antiquited temple and tower is not strange. Therefore modern Japan culture is antiquited have been tied in wedlock. 日本饮食文化介绍 说到饮食,不仅是以大米为主食、蔬菜、鱼与肉为副食的日本式餐点,而且西欧中国餐点一般也很普及,在日本可以品尝到丰富多样的餐食。



故而现代的日本文化是结合了古老的、新兴的、西洋的和东洋的文化而形成。 That Japanese loves the birthday department who raw fish is used for food , is covering up with sashimi as a result monly is the most popular Japan in the homeland food. The Japanese cuisine is particular about the plain taste keeping food very much , does not encourage have added a condiment, use delicate give first place to. The color to cooked food has the very good request especially face to face, not only using all kinds of form , arrangement , colour collocation that the very delicate vessel does load food, to food to have very exquisite thinking also. Be taking a look on that is so meticulous that the day style being just like landscape painting-like takes care of , sometimes cannot bear to destroy that share for the first time to Japanese visitor beautiful. 日本人普遍爱食用生鱼,因而盖着生鱼片的寿司是日本国内最流行的食物。




Japan is a very beautiful and modern country. Its image is a *** all island country with popular natural site such as FUJI mountain and so on, fashionable persons and buildings,advanced science and technology as well as interesting animation and ic. People in japan just work very hard so that they make their country bee one of the strongest developed countries which is poor in natural resource.And this spirit is that we need to learn most about this wonderful country 。




O.E. cnawan (class VII strong verb; past tense cneow, pp. cnawen), from P.Gmc. *knoeanan (cf. O.H.G. bi-chnaan, ir-chnaan "to know"), from PIE base *gno- "to know" (cf. O.Pers. xšnasatiy "he shall know;" O.C.S. znati, Rus. znat "to know;...

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通道侗族自治县17840072827: 日本的历史用英语介绍一下,250个字左右! -
禄马曲匹: Kyoto, Tokyo, Imperial Palace and Park Sunpu History: Japan's ancient capital of Kyoto, similar to China's Xi'an, the historical and cultural heritage more, 字数有限 看下参考资料

通道侗族自治县17840072827: 关于介绍日本的英语PPT -
禄马曲匹: 帮你找到一个 http://www.japaneselifestyle.com.au/travel/traveltojapan.html 你可以看到他有很多小分类,地理,历史都有了.

通道侗族自治县17840072827: 求英文版日本概况(包括政治经济文化历史等方面常识)感激涕零!
禄马曲匹: Geography:JapanIslandnationinthenorthwestPacificOceanoffthecoastofeastAsia,... -被迫开放的历史:Japan'sportswerefirstopenedtoWeste...

通道侗族自治县17840072827: 求用英文做个介绍日本的PPT幻灯片(最好是中英文对照的)
禄马曲匹: 放一张大便的图片在上面就好了,或者介绍日本最有特色的AV事业!

通道侗族自治县17840072827: 日本历史的英文介绍 只要精华部分 不需全面 但要有趣 250词左右 急用 -
禄马曲匹: 版本很多,有种玄奥的,说几亿年前的动植物化石就看到人类脚印,你信不信?

通道侗族自治县17840072827: 用英语简要介绍一下日本文化 -
禄马曲匹:[答案] 中英文对照的,楼主觉得长可选一段,满意记得给个小旗哦``` Korea(韩国): Main Korea Republic food and drink ...antiquited have been tied in wedlock. 日本饮食文化介绍 说到饮食,不仅是以大米为主食、蔬菜、鱼与肉为副食的日本式餐点,而...

通道侗族自治县17840072827: 关于日本文化的简述,用英语 -
禄马曲匹: The culture of Japan has evolved greatly over millennia, from the country's prehistoric Jomon culture to its contemporary hybrid culture, which combines influences from Asia, Europe and North America. After several waves of immigration from the ...

通道侗族自治县17840072827: 有谁能用英语叙述日本动漫发展史 -
禄马曲匹: The begining of the anime of Japan,the time of this is so long.There are 6 steps of those stuff1:The start before the war(1917-1945)the style of anime was propagate the patriotic of Japanese.2:The probe after the war(1945-1947)In this step,...

通道侗族自治县17840072827: 我要做一个关于日本江户时代的人文历史的ppt,我改怎么做啊 -
禄马曲匹: 首先你要选几个人物,然后就对每个物具有特色的几个方面做个介绍, 就可以啦,每个人物两三张;如果有必要,还可找一些人物相关的视频, 在演示PPT时播放,效果会更好.

通道侗族自治县17840072827: 急求一篇关于日本历史的英语作文 要求长一点的 -
禄马曲匹:[答案] 仅供参考: The second Monday of January is Coming-of-Age Day, a national holiday to encourage those who have newly entered adulthood to become self-reliant members of society. The holiday used to be on...

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