
作者&投稿:迪何 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


"Selling hot dogs, sure, selling hot dogs la......" A crying attracted me, I turn head a see, was originally a Taiwan type lunch are soaring hot dogs. Many children held a money, while chanting buy a hot dog...... Selling hot dogs is a fat women, although busy trying, but her face smiling face still so feel happy.
Before you know it, I feel my hand of the money is the wife of shop-owner a fat hand take go to, I stood in the crowd, waiting for the wife of shop-owner to hot dogs. Buy a hot dog "rush hour" later, I still did not get, I doubt don't understand ground to ask: "aunt, my hot dog?" "You didn't give me how to give you money? Where have the world fell off the pie!" "I paid the money!" "You didn't pay!" Our argument attracted many bystanders. The fat woman improved tone: "everyone to review reason, the little girl didn't give money to also want to eat, a young girl how to do such a thing?" Bystanders are talking about it. Wife of shop-owner face not shows a color. "I really paid the money." I argued with trembling voice, but pale. "To say so I depend on you not to become? You said you had paid have any evidence?" That fat woman a torrent of asked me. "I...... I......" I at that time the sails.
While I'm so embarrassed when, suddenly spread a childish voice?????? "Aunt". The look of people moved from my face. I turned around and looked at the people around the?????? A about 10 year old boy hand a hot dog and her expression like have made mistakes like. At this time, see his timid to fat woman say: "aunt, just I didn't give money, you give me to hot dogs, not complain of the elder sister." Day! The original problem in him, and I make nearly pig eight quit the mirror?? It isn't a person. I gave him a poisonous look. Fat woman openings: "you this little head, how to do that, weren't coming, but, can you admit a mistake, or good boy......" "I'm sorry, the aunt, next time can't, this is a hot dog money." The boy put the money to her. Fat woman took the money smile to say to me: "little girl, wrong you, give, hot dogs." I received the hot dogs, there is a "freed" feeling.
People scattered, spirit blunt bluntly I catch up with the boy, "and so on, you TanBianYi little thing!" Didn't think he was all smiles said to me: "my hot dog is paid the money, but I don't believe you will do a thing like that, to pay a also nothing important!"
!!!!!He threw a big lie, he would rather pay a money, for I change to return to the dignity. Looking at his that lovely smile, and I don't know what to say...
意思是 “卖热狗啦,卖热狗啦……”一阵叫卖声把我吸引住了,我回头一看,原来是一家台湾式的便当正在热卖热狗。许多小孩都一手高举着钱,一边高喊着买热狗……卖热狗的是一个胖女人,虽然忙得不亦乐乎,可她脸上的笑容依然那么其乐融融。


1.Every dog has its day.


(又作All dogs have their days)

(2) If you lie down with dogs, you win get up with fIeas.

(3) It is easy to find a stick to beat a dog.


(4) You can't teach old dogs new tricks.

从以上的几则谚语我们可以观察到中西文化的一个有趣的区别。西方人经常用狗来比喻人,如,lucky dog(幸运儿),因为他们并不歧视狗。而在汉语中,有不少涉及狗的谚语和成语都是贬义的,如“狗改不了吃屎”、“挂羊头卖狗肉”、“狗仗人势”、“狗嘴里吐不出象牙”等。当然,英文中dog一词有时也带有贬义,但往往含义与中文不尽相同,我们使用时切忌望文生义。如It is a dog's life Chris is leading.某位教授认为“a dog's life”的意思是“悲惨的生活”,因而在一篇论及中英文化差别的文章中将其译成“过着牛马不如的生活”。其实“a dog's life”指的是“争吵不休,过着不安宁的日子”。这类成语很多,如 go to the dogs(每况愈下),dog-eat-dog (狗咬狗的,损人利己的),dog in the manger (占着茅坑不拉屎的人)。还有一些没有任何褒贬涵义的用法,如 dog days (大热天),doggy bag (餐馆里的打包袋),据说,早先人们碍于面子,不愿明说要把剩菜带回家吃,佯称要带给狗吃,所以叫doggy bag 。

英汉习语差异是多方面的, 最典型的莫过于在对狗这种动物的态度上。“狗”与“dog”在中西方文化中具有不同的价值观念。狗在汉语文化中是一种低微的动物。对中国人来说, 大多数情况下, 狗是令人讨厌的东西, 其形象是肮脏、龌龊的。汉语与狗有关的习语大都含有贬义, 如“狐朋狗党”、“狗急跳墙”、“狼心狗肺”、“狗胆包天”、“狗嘴里吐不出象牙”等等。而在西方英语国家中, 狗被认为是心爱的东西或人类最忠实的朋友。欧美人爱狗如爱子,

经常让它与人平起平坐, 把它看作家庭的一员。英语中有关狗的习语大都没有贬义, 如topdog (最重要的人物) ,

lucky dog (幸运儿) 。在英语习语中常以狗的形象来比喻人的行为。如Every dog has his day (人皆有得意之时) , Theold dog will not learn new tricks (老人学不了新东西) , Dogdoes not eat dog (同类不相残) 等。形容人“病得厉害”用sick as a dog ,“累及了”是dog tired。

= = 5000 论文也不是这么写的吧?


become rarer, be on the decline 有助于:help to solve the problem, contribute richly\/enormously to a better understanding of 重要的是:What really counts is 不很重要:make little\/no difference,

在英文论文中,“Introduction”是引言部分,其主要作用是向读者介绍论文的主题、背景、目的和研究问题,以及相关领域的研究现状和研究空白。具体来说,引言部分的主要功能包括:1. 引出论文主题:引言部分通常会简要介绍论文的主题或标题,让读者对论文的研究方向有一个初步的了解。2. 背景介绍:引言部分会...

有悬赏分哦!英语论文中的thesis statement是什么?应该处于论文的什么...
thesis statement“主体论述,论证过程”,常常处于论文的中间。Thesis statement is a statement or illustration of the thesis,that is the author's view,by means of some examples and expatiation and conclusion(阐述和推断),normally the statement of thesis is arranged in the intermediate para...


另外英语中的noon和midnight 可分别直接表示白天和夜晚的12点:It's(twelve)noon.现在是中午十二点。It's (twelve)midnight.现在是半夜零点。七、大约时间:It's almost two.马上到两点了。It's not quite two.还不到两点。It's just after two.刚过两点。八、若想表明是上午,可在时间后加...

论文中数字 1. 在正文中,数字10以下用英语拼出,10以上(包括10)用阿拉伯数字。如:the 10th lunar month, the second lunar month 2. 带小数点的数字全部用阿拉伯数字表示。如:3.1416和0.35等。3. 句首的数字一定要用英文拼出。数字超过1000,必须表达为1,000。4. 数字不转行。5. 长度...

一、英语论文中引用名人名言的格式通常分为直接引用和间接引用。 1、直接引用先介绍名人的来历,后面直接引出名人的原话。 例如:According to Francis Bacon, a renowned British writer and philosopher, "Money is a good servant and a bad master." 翻译:英国著名作家和哲学家培根(FrancisBacon)说:“金钱是一个...

英语论文三个字跟建议有关 propose suggest recommend 看语境。。

摘要: Abstract 关键词: Key words 参考文献: Reference

英语专业毕业论文中 关于翻译著作的英文参考文献
A Practical Guide for Translators G. Samuelsson-Brown 《译者实用指南》Can Theory Help Translators? A Dialogue Between the Ivory Tower and the Wordface A. Chesterman & E. Wagner 《理论对译者有用吗?象牙塔与语言工作面之间的对话》Corpora in Translator Education F. Zanettin et al.《...

秀屿区19694265253: 求一篇英语作文关于狗的优点和缺点的. -
长孙钟复方: 我最喜欢的宠物是狗My favorite pet is a dog.它很可爱和聪明. The only thing that is always bite shoes, black nose,长长的耳朵, it is called XX, it is very small, very short limbs, yellow skin,它叫XX,它很小,四肢很短, beautiful eyes, and always ...

秀屿区19694265253: 关于狗的英语作文 -
长孙钟复方: 1.Dogs(狗) Dogs belong to the canine. When a dog follows its nose, it's actually being led by thee key senses. Sight:a glimpse of the enemy saves them barking up the wrong tree. Sound: a bark can be a fierce threat, but it's also how canines...

秀屿区19694265253: 我需要一篇猫和狗的英语论文,必须要猫好.急急急 -
长孙钟复方: What is learning - East vs. Western views 2011-01-25 that is when we say: an old dog cannot learn a new trick; right? I ... Ming and Qing Dynasties Gold Cicada on... 2011-02-18 dog bites, etc. Vinegar can relieve fatigue, delay senility, prevent obesity...

秀屿区19694265253: 写一篇关于狗与人类的英文文章 -
长孙钟复方: Dog is man's best friend. A dog is very helpful to people, for example, people use dogs to gurad their houses. Some dogs can be used as seeing dogs for blind people. They can not only guide the blinds, they are also able to help them when they are in danger. So I like dogs very much.

秀屿区19694265253: 有关狗的英语作文(50个单词左右) -
长孙钟复方: Dog is a tiny cute animal.You can tell from the appercance when you first meet a dog,it will accompany you with its tails swinging up and down.It can amuse you by some gestures and you can cultivate your character by raising a dog.

秀屿区19694265253: 写篇关于狗的特点的英语作文不少于45个单词.要简单 -
长孙钟复方: Do you have a pet with you?If no,why not try to have a dog?As we know,dog is a kind of loyal pets,it always ready to play with you .Every time you will find it is excited all the time.It has a keen sense of smell and sensitive hearing.What a good dog!

秀屿区19694265253: 找一篇关于狗的英语文章?
长孙钟复方: My dog My dog returned love for my cruelty.(以德报怨).Several years ago, my brother brought a small, thin and dirty dog back. It looked ugly and I didn't like it. My brother gave him the name "Jackie". Although he soon became the pet in the ...

秀屿区19694265253: 写一篇关于宠物狗的英语作文,要用上好的句型.80字 -
长孙钟复方: My Pet Dog I have a pet dog. Its name is Bob. It is two years old. It is yellow and very fat. It has two big eyes. And it wears a black coat. I always play with it. My mother and my sister look after it every day. When I come back from school, it often walks ...

秀屿区19694265253: 关于dog的英语作文 -
长孙钟复方: 我喜欢狗许多人喜欢狗.狗和人的朋友.一些狗狗也做不同的工作联系.狗被用来监视.他们告诉人们当dangeris未来.som狗被用来保障人们的安全也被用来移动动物,像绵羊或山羊.som狗用于不同类型的狩猎和som狗用于不同类型的狩猎和som的狗帮助警察.

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