
作者&投稿:司矩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

①There are more than 3,000 different languages in the world. It seems that everyone thinks that his native language is the most important one, as it is their first language. For many people, native language may be even their only language all their lives.English, however, is thought to be the most widely used language in the world.

世界上有3000多种不同的语言。 看起来每个人都认为自己的母语是最重要的一门(语言),因为它是他们的第一语言。对于很多人来说,母语可能甚至是他们毕生的唯一语言。然而,英语被认为是世界上使用最广泛的语言。

②As a native language, English is spoken by nearly three hundred million people in Britain, the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.


③For people in India and many other countries and areas, English is often necessary for business, education, information and other activities. So English is the official language there.

对于在印度和其他许多国家及地区的人来讲,在商务,教育,信息以及其他活动中,英语常常是不可避免的。 所以,英语是那里的官方语言。

④As a foreign language, there is no other language studied or used more widely than English. We use it to listen to a radio, to read books or to travel. It is also one of the working languages in the United Nations and is more useful than the others.


⑤And now English is widely used in the world’s computer network.



在1991年建立, Karce小组主要地参与电子计算器制造和销售和电子组织者、导电性矽树脂橡胶键盘和电路板。

In 1998年, Karce International Holdings被限制的Company,小组的控股公司,是列出的在香港证券交易所。

Headquartered在有位于东莞的它的生产设备的香港,中国,小组有劳工6,000。 小组的高度集成与它的重点的制造过程、联结对质量和研究与开发,做了小组一在产业的最竞争的主要香港的制造商。

In 1994年,小组建立导电性矽树脂橡胶键盘事务垂直集成小组的制造过程和到变化它的proudct范围。 通过它的生产设施在Shatian镇,东莞,广东省,中国,小组卖并且制造计算机键盘的各种各样的键盘、电话、移动电话、遥远的控制器、电子游戏球员、计算器和数据库等等。 我们的产品由知名的国际公司使用包括锐利、索尼、东芝、Motorola、Chicony和Uniden。

The导电性硅橡胶键盘制造的生产设施包括3个工厂大厦、一个军用餐具大厦和4个块与21,000平方米一个被聚集的总房屋面积的职员处所并且使用900名雇员。 生产设备有65口气一个月度生产能力。 在1997年,生产设备被授予了ISO 9002质量证明。

The小组的电路板的(PCBs)生产设备位于Humen镇,东莞,广东省,中国。 生产计划包括二个工厂大厦和二个块职员处所并且使用600名雇员。 它制造唯一边和在各种各样的双重旁边PCBs精整。
The制造过程由位于Humen镇的电子计算器和电子组织者的小组的生产设施执行,东莞,广东省,中国。 生产设施在一块土地位于有站点面积的86,000平方米和当前包括二个工厂大厦、一个行政大厦、三个块职员处所,一个军用餐具大厦和有65,000平方米一个总总房屋面积的一个宾馆。 Karce的竞争优势是它的能力集成和协调它高技能的生产队、科技目前进步水平生产设备和老练质量管理提供最优质的产品和服务到我们的顾客。


bbd'smom是mad.his roomis amess !她说: “清洁您的room1 ”生化需氧量把他的玩具在他的bed.bod把他的脏衣服下,他bed.bod把他的著作在他的bed.he说, “我的房间是清洁现在“ 。

MAD这里是生气 发怒的意思

Bbd 的妈妈很生气,他的房间非常乱,她说:“清洁你的房间!”Bod把他的玩具放到床底下,Bod把他的脏衣服放到床底下,Bod把他的书放到床底下,他说“我的房间现在整洁了”

Bbd 的妈妈疯了,他的房间一团糟,她说:“清洁你的房间!”Bod把他的玩具放到床底下,Bod把他的脏衣服放到床底下,Bod把他的书放到床底下,他说“我的房间现在整洁了”


这是一个非常地道的美式口语表达。字面意思是“在...中间”,当你忙着做事的时候,不正好是夹在这件事情的中间吗?in the middle of后面还可以加doing sth.有时候 in the middle of是一个很实用的客套话,能帮你推掉一些无聊的社交邀约。而且用这个说法和美国人对话,就显得你的英语自然地道了。...

I'm busy now, wait chat please.

你先忙你的 用英语怎么说
一、你先忙你的英文:You are busy with yours first.二、busy的音标:英 ['bɪzi]、美 ['bɪzi]三、busy释义:1、adj. 忙的;繁忙的;热闹的;(电话)占线的 He was busy getting ready for his journey.他正忙于准备旅行。2、vt. 使忙于 To forget his trouble, he busied ...


Many people think the more time is spent, the (C. more ) work will be done. So students have to spend the whole (A. day ) doing schoolwork except the three meals. We can often see students struggling(挣扎) in a sea of school work both at school and at home.Modern ...

您拨打的用户忙用英语:The subscriber you dialed is busy.subscriber的意思是用户。(1)subscriber 英 [səbˈskraɪbə(r)] 美 [səbˈskraɪbər]n.用户,订户;定期捐款者;预约者;签署者。例句:Sorry, the subscriber is power-off.对不起...

英语连词成句 。帮一下忙啊!
1. We like football best.2. She never watches them.3. My dad always watches sport programmes,too.4. I also like basketball.5. My mum doesn't like sport programmes.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不会的欢迎再继续问我(*^__^*)...

迎奥运英语演讲稿 China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, People started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as the origin of Ancient football. So now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today.With a concept inspired by the ...

大家帮我个忙,翻译一下(英语)!!! 谢谢
In my leisure time (free time), I like to go swimming, playing basketball, climbing mountains, reading and watching movies.I read many ancient Chinese books.I like to watch French movies, I saw many, especially "This Killer is Not too cold".Also, I am very interested in ...

一只小猫 很久以前,有一只小猫,在一个阳光明媚的早上,小猫骑自行车到公园去,在他去公园的路上,他遇到了一只大肥狗,他骑车离开了,但是,他的自行侧坏了,他不得不坐公交车回家,当他回到家的时候,他非常饿,,他吃了一些面条喝了一杯牛奶,喝完牛奶他吧杯子打破了,他不得不打扫地板,当他...

南皮县19667784569: 帮一下忙,翻译成英文....
沃岩唯他: 1,With the development of science and technology 2,situatons 3,orderly arrangement 4.lag behind 5,people are aware of 6.make him delighted

南皮县19667784569: 大家帮一下忙解释翻译一个英语句子 -
沃岩唯他: 其实这个句子是把短语leave sth done /adj 变成了被动结构 . 句意 : 所有这些都还没有完全明确. incompletely修饰specified specified是形容词,作这个句子主语all of this 的补语.

南皮县19667784569: 帮一下忙英语
沃岩唯他: Friday= 星期五 june 30= 六月30号 for forty 我想应该是four forty=四点四十分

南皮县19667784569: 英文翻译!~帮一下忙..谢谢高手.. -
沃岩唯他: weather always rain heavy, these days always diligently force themselves to smile! ~ really remembers fondly beforehand me, did not have the melancholy `worry at that time. . . Will not be meets her me will not change, changes that heartless, felt will ...

南皮县19667784569: 大家帮一下忙“非常感谢你的祝福”用英语翻译一下 -
沃岩唯他: thank you for your best wishes.希望有用!

南皮县19667784569: 用英语翻译.帮一下忙 -
沃岩唯他: 1首先我需要一个桌子,这里有三罐饮料,咖啡 可乐 凉茶 First, i need a table. There are three cans of drink, coffee, Cola and cold tea.一样,我现在需要一名观众上来,上来之后我要请他随便选择一罐饮料 Then, now i need one audience to come...

南皮县19667784569: 请帮一下忙.. 用英语翻译一下
沃岩唯他: 1.属于我们的回忆,哪怕是黑白的,也是美好的. Even fading to monochrome, our memories are the most beautiful. 2.沉浸在悲伤的世界. buried in sorrow. 3. 亲爱的,那不是爱情. Dear, that's not love. 4. 谁离开,谁等待,谁用真心在表白. One leaving, one waiting, one self-revealing.

南皮县19667784569: 英译中 : 小短语!帮下忙,翻译一下,谢谢啦 O(∩ - ∩)O~a penetrating examination of your own beliefs and motives -
沃岩唯他:[答案] 只要吃透原意,其实并不难翻: 深刻地解剖你自己的信念和动机 深刻地检查你自己的信念和动机 如想用名词短语结果表达: 对你自己的信念和动机进行深刻的检查(或解剖)

南皮县19667784569: 中文翻译成英文,帮一下忙
沃岩唯他: 1.(Nevertheless)It's more than a park;it's rather a museum de facto. 2.Her dream of entering the university has realized. 3.Do whatever you think to be right no matter what others would say. 4.You will experience the happiness of success after hard ...

南皮县19667784569: 帮个忙,翻译一下(用英语) -
沃岩唯他: I am very excited and today mother took me to the playground and I'm so happy, I received the teacher's praise, I'm angry, the classmate my book broke, I was sad, my clothes dirty I am tired, play day, I today very boring, find something to do

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