
作者&投稿:钦洪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Rebuilding in Yushu began soon after the earthquake, it will (last) long into the future。

** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】

选D。前面一句的意思是不要试图一次性做每一件事,那么就可以推出是要分次做。at a time是每次的意思,整句的意思是每次做一点。A是有时,间或;B是在那时; C是在任何时候 。每个套进去后你就会找到最佳答案的。其实Take it a bit at a time是固定句子的,最好背起来咯


slow short low four drawing going right worker


slow short know four draw goes righ worker


哪位英语高手能帮我做些英语整理!关于do,to do,doing,的句型!咧:like...
to do 是不定式,可用来做句子的主语,跟在实义动词后边做宾语或宾语补足语,be动词后做表语(将来时间结构),还可以跟在某些名词或形容词后做定语.在助动词或情态动词后要用do一起来构成复合谓语.使役动词(let,make,have,get等)以及感官动词(see,hear,watch,notice等)要用do做宾语补足语.感官动词还可...

请哪位懂英语的帮我个忙,非常感谢!一定是英语高手回答,不准瞎说!否 ...
Would you like后可以接两种:1. 某物:Would you like some tea \/ some coffee \/ an apple……2.to do sth.(就是你问的第二句形式):Would you like to go to the park with me?二、Would you like to后便只能接to do sth.如上边第二个例子。三、What would you like to是What wo...

哪位英文高手能帮我写一篇英语演讲稿3分钟 主题是责任
Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.First I want to ask you some questions:1、Do you kno...

A) put out B) make out C) come out D) think out 答案:b。make out :辨认出,理解。由于他说的一口方言,我实在搞不懂他想知道什么。Put out:使…灭;生产;公布。Come out:发现,出现,结果是。主语如果是人,则是出现的意思,除此外,主语一般为物或代词it。Think out:顾名思义是...

麻烦哪位英语高手 告诉我 红烧排骨的做法。用英语的 不要软件翻译的 可...
1 cup flour Salt and freshly ground black pepper 4 ounces peanut oil 3 pounds spare ribs, cut into bones 1 onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tablespoon cayenne 1 tablespoon ground coriander 1 tablespoon ground cumin 2 ounces tomato puree 2 ounces red wine vinegar 2 cups...

我需要英语高手的帮助! 诚邀,望能帮我!
我的 我需要英语高手的帮助! 诚邀,望能帮我! 100 先说明不要复制网上的内容,不然不会给分.我以前就很喜欢英语,但一直没有找到好的学习方法,所以一直没有进步.现在因为工作需要,必须要学好英语,我希望会英语的高手能帮帮我.救人一命胜... 先说明不要复制网上的内容,不然不会给分.我以前就很喜欢英语,但一...

第1段 draw attention to 这个短语很少用被动,别扭。改成given attention 稍好一些 various 用得有问题。估计你是不想总用different 想换换花样吧。但various 的含义是“多样”的,下文只提供了两方对立观点,实在谈不上“多样”。第2段 主题句里的it 指代不明。如果找到上文去,it 实际代的是...

从最左顺时针填: ?f?cab a. sweaty palm d. faster heart beating b.butterflies e.speed tremor?( not sure)c.memory goes blank f.dry mouth 参考下面的话:Ooh, I'm nervous!I'm scared to death.My heart is pounding like a drum.And I'm out of breath.Ooh, I'm nervous!I ...

how didi I fall in love with you 我究竟是怎么爱上你的 I hear your voive 只要一听到你的声音 and I start to tremble 我就开始紧张的颤抖 brings back the child that, I resemble 就象一个小孩子 I can not pretend that we can still be friend 我真的没办法装作我们还可以做...

东莞市19556823029: 急!请英语高手帮忙解答一下一个英语问题,在线等,非常感谢!不知道这个题是让干什么,请英语高手帮忙解答一下,并且翻译成中文,谢谢!Task:Study ... -
幸怕阿法:[答案] 是让修改病句1.We thought she was a very charming,intelligent,and capable young woman.2.Looked out of the window,the grassland stretches as far as the eye can see.3.when the teacher was entering the cl...

东莞市19556823029: 哪位英语高手来帮我解决一下这道题……Can you help clean the wimdow? - ______.A.I'd like that B.Sure,go aheadC.Sorry,but I have to meet my uncleD.It's none... -
幸怕阿法:[答案] 选C,一楼太搞笑了,英语很差还瞎回答.选C因为,BUT和前面的SORRY是呼应的回答方法,表示另有原因,并不需要回答一个BECAUSE,如果非要加应该这样说,Sorry i can't,because.补充:B sure go ahead 的语境是当人问你他能不...

东莞市19556823029: 请英语高手帮忙做一下这道题,谢谢when we talk about intelligence , we do not mesn the ability to get good scores on certain kinds of tests or even the ability ... -
幸怕阿法:[答案] 1:C 2:C 3:B 4:A 5:A 一看这么多,开始还没兴趣,不过想想,打这么多字也是也累得,也别有一番用心. 我的答案不一定全对,我也不是高手. 好好学习英语,不能靠别人,知道吗?好好学吧. 这篇短文不是很难得,就高中水平吧!

东莞市19556823029: 那位高手帮我做下这个英语试题Part III.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(20%)1.Clothes which has been worn only a few times has to be put ... -
幸怕阿法:[答案] no1. 仅穿一时的衣服因为时尚的改变不得不放在了一边. no2. 我们经常认为别人成功的原因归结于特殊独特的秘密或者是机... 它导致的结果可能就是政府首先控制出生率. 这应该是大学英语吧,出入是有的,帮助理解还可以

东莞市19556823029: 英语高手来帮我做一下题1.I'm not happy because i have many strict r() at home2.If he doesn't want to do the job,does anybody e() want to do it3.what are the ... -
幸怕阿法:[答案] ruleselsefightingoutsidehallto,in;foroutsideAtwithDon't listenhave tosports shoesWhat elsecan't,hallon->atcan't->don'tsomething elsequiet,please.直接去掉aremany->much

东莞市19556823029: 请各位英语高手帮忙做下这道选择题,谢啦~~ In summer the days ( ) and the weather ( ). -
幸怕阿法:[选项] A. get short;get colder B. get long;get hot C. get longer;get hotter D. get cool;get cold

东莞市19556823029: 请英语高手来做题.我自己不确定答案,所以想找位高手做一下让我参考,谢谢! 1. This TV program is very good. Everybody in my family - ___it.A. to watchB. ... -
幸怕阿法:[答案] 1. B一般现在时,主语为三单2. Afresh food 新鲜食物3. A句意都是指特指事物4. C一般现在时,主语为三单5. A序数词前一般有the6. C固定短语:come to an end 到了尽头/结束了7. Adust是不可数名词8. D从句意可知主语为...

东莞市19556823029: 求高手帮忙做道英语题 急!高手帮忙做一下英语改错题 老师明天讲 正确75%的给分 说一下具体怎么改 在括号里 垃圾自重 谢谢了 改错题如下 It was time for ... -
幸怕阿法:[答案] It was time for supper. The Bakers was sitting 1:( 第二个was改为were ) at the table and waiting their daughter Jenny 2:... ( the 改为a ) pushing the crowd ,and ran way .What could she do ? She 7:( pushing改为pushed ) had to ask a police on duty for ...

东莞市19556823029: 那位英语高手帮我做这道题?急...急...急.. -
幸怕阿法: 1. a) Remember him to tell me the story.b) I dislike her reading to me before i go to bed.c) I hate him (when he)treat me like that when he is drunk.2. a) The fearful Tom comes for the party.b) He is convinced of that his oral english will improve. c) ...

东莞市19556823029: 那位英语高手来帮忙做道题 -
幸怕阿法: 疑问句:直接将疑问词提前,其它相关部分略有变化 Can the little boy play chess? (这小男孩会下象棋吗?)选择疑问名:表示是或不是的选择 Can the little boy play chess or...

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