view这个词和什么动词搭配?比如 take a view,have a view可以吗?

作者&投稿:除凯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
with a view of和with a view to的区别 详细点哦~

with a view of和with a view to的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。
1、with a view of:以...为目的
2、with a view to:目的在于...
1、with a view of:基本意思是“目的,意图”,指某人做某事所要达到的某一特定目标,也可指某一事物在某一活动或另一事物中所起的“作用”。

2、with a view to:作“以…为目标”“计划”“打算”解时抱有很明确的目的,并常指正为之努力或争取。或者以某物作为其既定的目标、目的。
1、with a view of:with a view of (sth) 后面加事情。
2、with a view to:with a view to (doing stn) 后面加动作。

英汉翻译 英英翻译 view [vju:] n. 视野,风景,见解 v. 看,考虑 [ 过去式viewed 过去分词viewed 现在分词viewing 第三人称单数views 形容词viewable ] . 展开《21世纪大英汉词典》
. 折叠《21世纪大英汉词典》
view [vju:] n. 1. 看,观看,览 2. 视力;视阈,视野 3. 景物,景色,风景 4. 风景画;风景照片 5. 观念;印象 6. 意见;见解,看法;观点 7. 目的,意图,意向 8. 概观,概括,梗概 9. 【建筑学】视图 vt. 1. 观看,眺望;看见: 例句: We will go and view the house before we buy it.
在买房前我们先去看一看房子。 2. 观察;视察;检查: 例句: The police viewed the scene of the crime.
警方检查了犯罪现场。 3. 看待;认为;考虑;估量: 例句: They viewed his actions as unnecessary.
他们认为他多此一举。 How do you view the situation?
你对目前形势有什么看法? 近义词: prospect . scene . vista . 短语 1. air one's views公开发表意见 2. at first view一见就…,乍看 3. bird's-eye view
a. 鸟瞰;鸟瞰图 b. 概要,大纲 4. burst into view突然出现在眼前 5. extreme views过激的观点 6. in view
a. 在视野范围内,看得见 b. 在考虑中的 c. 作为目标;作为希望;指望中的 7. in view of
a. 由于;鉴于,考虑到 b. 在看得见…的地方;在…能看见的范围内 8. keep in view
a. 一直注视着 b. 以…为目标;打算;计划 c. 念念不忘,放在心上 9. on a long view从长远看 10. on a short view从短时期看 11. on view在展出 12. point of view看法,观点 13. private view
a. (在公开展览之前举行的)预展 b. 非公开展览 14. short views短浅的眼光 15. side view侧面图,侧视图 16. take a dim view of
a. [口语] b. 对…持怀疑态度;对…抱悲观看法 c. 不赞成 17. take a jaundiced view of对…存有偏见 18. take a view of视察;检查 19. to the view公然,公开地 20. with a view to
a. 为了…,目的在于… b. 关于 c. 鉴于;由于考虑到 以上来源于: 《21世纪大英汉词典》 英汉翻译 英英翻译 view [vju:] n. 1. a way of regarding situations or topics etc. 例句: consider what follows from the positivist view
2. the visual percept of a region 例句: the most desirable feature of the park are the beautiful views
3. the act of looking or seeing or observing 例句: he tried to get a better view of it
4. the range of the eye 例句: they were soon out of view
5. a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty 6. a message expressing a belief about something; the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof 7. purpose; the phrase `with a view to' means `with the intention of' or `for the purpose of' 例句: he took the computer with a view to pawning it
8. graphic art consisting of the graphic or photographic representation of a visual percept 例句: figure 2 shows photographic and schematic views of the equipment
9. the range of interest or activity that can be anticipated 10. outward appearance 例句: they look the same in outward view
v. 1. deem to be 例句: She views this quite differently from me
2. look at carefully; study mentally 例句: view a problem
3. see or watch 例句: view a show on televisionview an exhibition
以上来源于: WordNet 网络释义 展开 折叠 view.. 1. 视图外模式又称为用户模式,是数据库用户和数据库系统的接口,是数据库用户的数据视图(View),是数据库用户可以看见和使用的局部数据的逻辑结构和特征的描述,是与某一应用有关的数据的逻辑表示. 基于7149个网页 2. 总缆,指示,观察词汇术语网 - 专业词汇术语,翻译词汇,词汇翻译,... ...
vierendeel truss 空腹桁架
view 观察;视图
village flood protection works 乡村防洪工程 ... 基于613个网页 3. 查看英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(V)—生命经纬 ...
view text file 查看文本文件
view 查看
viewdata 可视数据 ... 基于607个网页 4. 三维图形的视角控制博客分类 ...
ver 版本信息的获取
view 三维图形的视角控制
voronoi Voronoi多边形 ...

KK: []
DJ: []
1. 视力;视野[U]
Victory is in view.
2. 观看;眺望[S][(+of)]
There's a fine view of the lake from our hotel window.
3. 景色;风景画,风景照片[C]
4. 看法,观点[C][+(that)][(+about/on)]
She tried writing out her views.
5. 观察,展望,概观[S1][(+of)]
1. 观看;查看;察看
2. 看待;考虑;将...看成是[O][(+as/with)]
These people were viewed as their most dangerous rivals.

KK: []
DJ: []
1. (粗略地)看一下,一瞥;扫视[Q][(+at/round/over/through)]
He glanced round the conference room.
He glanced at the envelope and recognized his uncle's handwriting.
2. 简略提及;影射[(+at)]
His book glances at the burial customs of the Indian tribes.
3. 闪烁,闪耀
Their bayonets glanced in the sunlight.
1. 用(眼睛)扫视;瞥见
2. 擦过;使擦过
The bullet glanced the tree.
1. 一瞥;扫视[(+at/into/over/through)]
Have you got time for a glance at this report?
2. 擦过,掠过
3. 闪烁,闪耀,闪光

KK: []
DJ: []
1. 瞥见;一瞥
She drew aside the window-curtain and had a glimpse of the river.
2. 模糊的感觉
I had a glimpse of her feeling.
3. 微露;少许[(+of)]
There was a glimpse of truth in what he said.
4. 微光,闪光
1. 看一眼,瞥见[(+at)]
He glimpsed at my new watch and said it was a good bargain.
1. 瞥见
They glimpsed a village through the trees.

KK: []
DJ: []
1. (戏剧的)一场;(电影、电视的)一个镜头[C]
2. 场面;事件[C]
3. 景色,景象;(舞台)布景[C]
What a fantastic mountain scene!
4. (事件发生的)地点,现场;(戏剧等的)背景[the S][(+of)]
The criminal fled the scene.
The scene of this play is set in Ireland.
5. 【贬】当众吵闹[C]
They made a scene of trifles.
6. 【口】活动领域[S]
7. 【俚】爱好[S]

iew:信息工程学工作分部;情报与电子战。scenery:风景;景色。两个单词是完全不一样的意思。iew词组 1、this iew 解释:该平面 造句:this iew is used for measurement of transverse cerebellar diameter ( TCD ) and cisterna magna ( CM ) .该平面用来测量小脑横径(TCD)和颅后窝池(CM)。2...


view 与 scenery 的区别
scenery "风景;景色”(总称),尤指美丽开阔的乡村 view 是指某个地方可以看到的部分 scenery, 尤指美丽乡村的景点,风景画(或照片)scene 与 view 可互换,但 scene 大多包括了其中的人及其活动


grew(grow的过去式)new we ice tew ring twice crew tiger tig tie it wet wing wring 实在想不出来了..

write 写 第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!

ctiew可以组成单词“twice”。单词发音:英 [twaɪs]、美 [twaɪs]单词释义:adv. 两次;两倍。单词短语搭配:1、think twice:重新考虑;仔细考虑。2、once or twice:一两次, 几次。单词造句:1、The Metro rode as well as some cars of twice the price.乘坐地铁和乘坐贵一倍的...

组成单词:“twice”读音:英 [twaɪs]、美 [twaɪs]。表达意思:两次;两倍 词性:通常在句中用作副词,修饰主语或宾语。固定搭配:twice a week 每周两次 例句:She's backpedalled twice already.她已经两次改变主意。

drawer 英音:['drο:ə]volleyball 英音:['vɑli,bο:l]sound 英音:[saund]美音:[saund]club 英音:[kl∧b]美音:[kl∧b]interesting 英音:['intəristiŋ]boring 英音:['bo:riŋ]collection 英音:[kə'lekə∫n]furniture 英音:['fə:nit...

review 英[rɪˈvju:] 美[rɪˈvju]n. 回顾; 复习; (报刊的) 评论; [法] 复审;vt. 评论; 复习; 复查; 检验;vi. 复习功课; 写评论;

阿图什市15924546273: view这个词和什么动词搭配?比如 take a view,have a view可以吗?还有glance,glimpse,scene等等. -
招娴复方:[答案] view KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 视力;视野[U] Victory is in view. 胜利在望. 2. 观看;眺望[S][(+of)] There's a fine view of the lake from our hotel window. 从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到湖的美丽风光. 3. 景色;风景画,风景照片[C] 4. 看法,观点[C][+(that)][(+about/on)]...

阿图什市15924546273: view这个词和什么动词搭配 -
招娴复方: on view 展览着,陈列着 in view 已提出的,计划好的 in view of由于,鉴于 keep in view 把某人〔某物〕放在心里

阿图什市15924546273: view这个词和什么动词搭配?比如nbsp;takenbsp;anbsp;view,havenbsp;anbsp;view可以吗?
招娴复方: viewKK:nbsp;[]DJ:nbsp;[]n.1.nbsp;视力;视野[U]Victorynbsp;isnbsp;innbsp;view.胜利在望.2.nbsp;观看;眺望[S][(+of)]There'snbsp;anbsp;finenbsp;viewnbsp;ofnbsp;thenbsp;lakenbsp;fromnbsp;ournbsp;hotelnbsp;window.从我们旅馆的窗...

阿图什市15924546273: 关于单词view词义 词性 用法 要例子 -
招娴复方:[答案] n. 视野, 风景, 见解, 方法, 检查 vt. 把...视为, 看, 考虑 例句与用法: The valley was hidden from view in the mist. 溪谷隐没在雾霭之中, 看不见了. His view of life is different from yours. 他的人生观与你的不同. 词形变化: 动词过去式:viewed ...

阿图什市15924546273: view的动词形式 -
招娴复方: 其实...VIEW有名词意思也有动词的意思.. 名词是见解,观点什么的.. 动词就是观看咯~~

阿图什市15924546273: vision与view同翻译为风景时有什么区别 -
招娴复方: 它们在名词上为同义词,都可译为风景,景色.区别是在动词上,vision具有前瞻性的意思,经常译为预见,预兆,预料,预知多指比较独特的看法和观点. 而view就是实义动词,表示看,望,鉴赏,泛指看待问题的观点或立场 当然具体使用哪个词就要根据语境的意思来选择了. 例句: It causes blindness or serious loss of vision. 这能导致失明或视力严重受损. I take the view that she should be stopped as soon as possible. 我认为应该尽快阻止她.

阿图什市15924546273: scene, scenery ,view ,sight,spot,这几个词做"风景"讲时有什么不同 -
招娴复方: View(n.)---“景色”.普遍用语.指目中所望见的景色. Scenery(n.)---“景色”,“外景”.指一个地方乃至一个国家的整个外景或外貌. Scene(n.)---“景色”.可与view通用,但多包括了其中的人及其活动. Sight(n.)---“光景”.多指人工的...

阿图什市15924546273: re+动词=动词的单词 -
招娴复方: re+view=review re是个前缀,表示重复的意思,比如repeat;view有看的含义,因此反复看就是复习了

阿图什市15924546273: 英语疑问句中什么时候用助动词,什么时候用be动词 -
招娴复方: 1、be动词的用法. be am / is are 现在时was were 过去时单数 复数 英语中,be动词选用单数还是复数,要由主语来定,主语是单数,就用单数,反之用复数. ◆ 句中含有be动词时: 肯定句: 主语+be + 其他 否定句: 主语+ be + not + 其他 ...

阿图什市15924546273: 2013扬州中考英语第80题.不翻译.view不是不可数名词吗,为什么标准答案有views? -
招娴复方: change作为名词的时候是可数的,发生的变化通常不止一处,因此用复数.比如bike 你可以是ride a bike 或者ride bikes 但不能是ride bike

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