
作者&投稿:拱俘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一小段一小段地发 :(笑)
休巴克:下午好!也许你会在思量奥林匹克运动会(奥运)的重要性和它对运动员们的意义。嗯,那三个“聪明人”应该是知道的,应为他们已经度过了十二个奥运会。那么,就让我们说(那个“let's say”不会翻啊泪!)我们在这里,北京。我们现在正处于这巨大的九万一千座的体育馆。它是国家体育馆;它被人们亲昵地称为“鸟巢”。我们正准备着它所承诺的(翻成被动很怪的~),一个真正壮观的开幕式。它将会在它所承诺的八点钟开始(翻not until也很怪啊可恶!)当地时间2008年8月8日8点(是晚上八点啊但是这外国人没说明)。所以你不会错过任何细节。(a thing 应该是细节吧?)
但是直到现在,体育与政(啊)治有着这样的不稳定的失衡。(这句也是有点怪,不要谈政治行不?)政治冲突,国际争辩和环境威胁依然存在。并且,自从中华人民共和国在2001年取得奥运的举办权以来,一直存在许多争论。休(Huw),世界在注视着北京为首的中国(什么是chian around beijing?),你能够为我们从政治的层面解释一下奥运吗?(意译啊意译)
休 爱德华斯(Huw Edwards):嗯,休(Sue,指休巴克),这事很不容易。基本上,中国正在对世界这样说的:我们是二十一世界的超级大国;我们能够做史上最好的奥运。他们在奥运上花费了400亿美元。只要他们关注的,没有东西能够出差错。
嘉莉 雷格斯(Carrie Gracie):噢,就我所看到的,这里的人们真的隔离于(=没有被影响)我们刚刚提及的负面信息:那些抗议,环境威胁,严峻的安全问题。大多数人妄自尊大。经过七年的筹备,他们的(奥运)盛会已蓄势待发。
休 巴克:还有其它事情杂夹其中呢,迈克尔(Michael)。譬如说,为了今晚的开幕式,总统布什正在现场。这是美国总统首次到别的国家观看开幕式。美国国内对此是如何反应呢?(完成时没翻出啊泪)
迈克尔 约翰逊(Michael Johnson)(奥运四面金牌得主(1992-2000)):我想人们不会真的惊讶于他决定来这里,并且我认为他的觉得没有那么政治化。我想,不管国内人们是怎么想的,他所以作出这个私人决定,可能是因为他想利用这个机会来这里,看看这个(开幕式),成为开幕式的一份子。
休 爱德华斯:这就是第二十九届奥运会的开始。(how没了……)。2008位鼓手正在用前所未有的方式敲打着,倒数着。这些鼓手正营造一种超凡的如电子般(electrifying?)的效果。
休 巴克:这些大鼓让人想起2008位4000岁的先人。
休 爱德华斯:他们等待着一个信号。北京长达七年的等待的最后倒数。还剩一分钟。
休 爱德华斯:携带着精准信息的鼓手们,他们的活力充满鸟巢体育馆。。
休 巴克:是的,这信息来自于2500年前孔子的话:“有朋自远方来,不亦说乎。”
休 爱德华斯:这是穿过北京中心鸟瞰的景象。烟花以燃烧着的足印的形状,从天安门广场开始,沿着中轴线,向奥体公园和新国家体育馆迈进。

休 巴克:这里,很多象征帝国时期中国的意象。(意译啊)孔子,革(-)命时期的象征(of course没了),现在,以他特有的形式回来了。通过紫禁城(故宫)这些帝国时期通途和所有标示5000年统一帝国历史的特殊标识,也以它们的形式回来了。
休 爱德华斯:这个开幕式将会用两万枚烟花,光尘(?dust)将用于制作奥运五环。五环代表五个大陆,象征奥林匹克(大家庭?)的团结,体育活动中人类的团结。
休 巴克:你可以看到表演者悬浮着,利用连接这个体育馆顶部的粗线浮在空中,缓缓降落。值得注意的一点是,这是一种21世纪所继承的的 敦煌石窟里佛教形象(you find on 没了)。这反映出唐朝中国西北部开拓的丝绸之路。
休 爱德华斯:魔法般用光尘制作的五环,不知不觉在这个体育馆升起。(now不见了),预示着中国奥林匹克运动会的到来。
休 爱德华斯:他也说到中国对它的5000年文明非常自豪。它不怕现代化(的改造)。

嘉莉 格雷斯:嗯,是的,那是我们在这个开幕式将要说到中国共产主义。旗上的五颗星象征国家的团结和中共党的领导地位。但是我们将要更多的提及传统物的代表,(例如)书法,文化,以及中国古代的诡辩论(思想)。
休 爱德华斯:诚然。这里的表演即将开始,我们将会享受到中国不同历史阶段,不同方面的中国历史。它们有些相对平和,有些(却是)非常震撼。(意译)
嘉莉 格雷斯:我们正要说到中国唐朝时代发展的水墨画。首先,艺术家们滴几滴水在砚台上,打圈磨墨,然后用毫毛笔或马毛笔作画。
休 爱德华斯:随着作画的继续,一股显示中国历史进程的文化象征在画卷上流动。做得非常好。
嘉莉 格雷斯:这个时候,我们还听到的了古琴,古代七弦乐器。在这个开幕式里,我们将会看到许多中国乐器。这个(古琴)是在中国人看来最和谐悦耳的乐器之一。整个开幕式的主题就是 和。
休 爱德华斯:这古琴,正如中国人所说的那样,有3000年的历史背景。他们声称这是世界上最古老的弹拨乐器。我肯定存在着其它的说法,但这是目前的说法。
嘉莉 格雷斯:这些是孔子的“三千弟子”。他是否真的有三千弟子?那并不重要。在这个演出中,他确实拥有三千。他们咏唱着孔子最有名的著作,论语中的句子:“四海之内皆兄弟。”
休 爱德华斯:他们秉持竹简,一种刻写竹片 以线连结成的书。同样,体育馆内,这些人的气势非凡。
孔子的三千弟子政治赞美知识,赞美中国的哲学。当然,这些知识以书本和纸张形式呈现,以 我们将要看到的——印刷体 的形式呈现。
嘉莉 格雷斯:无论是否受欢迎,孔子习惯于对权贵说真话。——这里我们有第一个活字印刷术的例子。大约在公元1041,中国摆脱陶片,创造了活字印刷。而在欧洲,(直到)13世纪50年代的欧洲,才出现活字印刷,渐渐地,人们把翰尼斯 古腾堡发明的活字印刷当作活字印刷术的独立发明。(希望我理解没错)

休 爱德华斯:桃花,浪漫而喜庆,在中国代表着甜蜜,和平和爱。


专题解说词:(这个video很好看,建议去look look)
The footprints in their history stretch back 5000 years,
but for the world's greatest wall builders,
makers of a forbidden city,
what happens tonight is not merely a small step,
but a great leap.
China is welcoming the world.
Who will they be when this is over?
The clock of their lives has been beating with a screaming urgency.
They have pushed themselves to be as sharp as a razor's edge,
for this summer,
to be here,
and nowhere else.
Beijing, the first ever Olympics for the world's most populous nation,
1.3 billion who framed the front-page story of the 21st century,
a China both outside time
and bursting every which way in a bewildering rush of transformation.
在令人目眩的冲劲中 爆发改革(这两句不会翻,下面应该是在说运动员们的)
They have made themselves anew,
so they might, on these days (if you want)
step into history.
They've submitted to an uncompromising search for mastery,
他们已经开始了一个 为熟练技艺 永不妥协的探索。
repetitive motion, technique polished toward an impossible(guys) ideal.
get up.
It's not the triumph,but the struggle.
It's not the triumph,but the struggle.
It's not the triumph, but the struggle.
Not the triumph,but the struggle.
Why did they begin?
Why do they endure?
It is time for the colorful clash of a universe of shimmering, still to be written biographies.
It is time to chase eternal youth.
Time to defy public heartbreak, laws of gravity.
Time for a Jamaican lightening bolt,
California brilliance.
It is time for the sweetly engaging gymnast from West des Moines,
and the poised daughter of a decorated Olympian.
It is time for the one who has endured the grinding burden of mind-blowing expectations.
Time for the headliner of the Athens games to play superman all over.
Are we about to see the fastest race ever?
A dynasty confirmed?
A victory cheered by a billion voices?
They have pushed themselves to be as sharp as a razor's edge,
for the scintillating prospect of enduring accomplishments,
to leave these games as the greatest Olympic champion of all time.
They have made themselves anew,
for this summer,
for Beijing,
for this


Olympic Games
Have you go to Beijin?It's beautiful and famers city.twenty eight Beijing conductd Olympic Games.Do you ging thier?The Olympic Games is very spectacularity.It has Bird's Nest and Water Cube.Bird's Nset and Water Cube. And their have one handred eighty-six world everywhere country come take part in.
你去过北京吗?那是个既著名又漂亮的城市。2008年北京举办奥运会了,你去那里了吗?那里有鸟巢还有水立方。鸟巢和水立方的景象非常壮观。 那时有186个国家从世界各地来参加比赛。






In recent years, many newspapers and magazines focus on the activities of film stars, pop singers and some other famous men and women. Reporters disguise their identities, infiltrate the subject's business and family, or even bug and wiretap them——to get the news by whatever means are necessary.

It is not difficult to explain the reason for their surprising amount of interest in famous people's lives. They are in the spotlight, renowned or notorious, they are the topic of ordinary people who like to know everything about them. To satisfy their curiosity, or “the people's right to know”, journalists often find it their duty to report their activities.

More over, what matters to a newspaper or a magazine is the number of readers. A large readership means the rise in the circulation of their publications, hence a huge profit. Since film stars and pop singers are newsworthy figures, and their stories draws far more attention than those of other people, it is natural that the press tries to attract them to buy their magazines by featuring private lives of famous people.

How ever, those exposed people can be severely injured by such press attention. Sensational stories about their private lives cause great unhappiness to them. To escape reporters, they can't even lead a normal life. Sometimes their lives will be in danger. For example, Princess Diana died in a car accident as she attempted to escape photographers in a chase through Paris.

Famous people are also citizens. They have the right to keep their own privacy like ordinary people——the basic right which should be respected, protected and guaranteed by our laws in whatever circumstances.

Simply said: "When the nest far into the periphery, the heart is a feeling of excitement and can not say to the excitement. After all, the 29th Olympic Games was held in Beijing, the capital of. Into the nest, by the hope of Next is the opening ceremony, look up to the rise of fireworks filled the head of color, people Liulianwangfan and then use the ancient culture embodied the spirit of the Olympic Games in Beijing culture. These in fact sufficient to carry forward the dissemination of Chinese culture, more people can remember Culture and history. Let me after the most shocking: "Li Ning" his age is 45 years old, but also insisted the Olympic Games, Xiangyun adhere to hold high the torch, hanging wires; vacated in the nest on the wall of Huazhou on the run. At this juncture, the sacred flame has been ignited, but the nest site, the friends of the feelings of excitement or not dispersed.

The people who gets up , is unwilling to act as a slave, builds our flesh and blood becoming our new Great Wall, ,'' PRC national anthem makes a sound having got up , make people not be so same as to have remembered upcoming Beijing in 2008 Olympiad , also same have remembered you. Athens Olympiad in 2004 sage fire is extinguished juat now, Olympic Games five rings flags rise soon in Chinese Beijing in 2008! The sky looking back upon previous term or session Olympic Games history , Beijing is a scene of jubilation, that raising the head and looking being Chinese because of innumerable hopes that and cries out; Athenian sky so-called sky blue, that is the infection because of soaring fighting spirit. The Olympic Games contend is fierce and cruel as well, the success or failure sometimes depends on a thread between, the Chinese athlete selected for a sports meet exceeds oneself with matchless being confident with courage , the field triumphing over the opponent , conquering match, let the Five-Starred Red Flag rise time in Australia , let March of the Volunteers play a bang time at the whole world Chinese's heart. All Chinese are proud , all all people of Chinese descent are uppish! The sage gets angry , five is encircled by , China prints, ... In 2008 Beijing Olympiad is Yue Lai Yue close to us. Cheer for a saltation in places in China , uncounted teenager children , raise the head and look looking forward to Beijing Olympiad in 2008. And not only, the Olympic Games good athlete , all strong and healthy , have stout physique, be full of confidence. Though they come from Hungary , New Zealand , USA , Taiwan, ... But, have the common target and common movement spurts towards the champion. Finish having as the saying goes: "In the Changjiang River the waves behind drive on those before , strolls in the front according to arriving at, ,'' I believe in at my heart extremely wonderful , be just like Heaven in my eye. The Green Olympics is being confident by person , successful, give person new enjoyment; The athlete defeats oneself , exceeds oneself on the arena, struggling being that Olympic Games overcomes motion is vigorous. Beijing Olympic Games develops "high , quicker " purpose of Olympics , become the most sacred moment. Beijing Olympic Games has promoted "peace , friendship , progressive " target , has reached the eternal subject that human being runs after. Lu Xun had once spoken: "The winner is no doubt respectable, but those fall behind but still run to continuous destination athletics person, the sum has seen such athletics person but the respectful block of wood has laughed at to look at a visitor, be indeed to exactly be Chinese backbone with the future". This exactly is the spirit constantly striving to become stronger , I hope that every people who one cares for Olympic Games needs to have this spirit. In 2008 Beijing Olympiad , your general are to open to the outside world , unite. Successful Beijing bid for hosting Olympic Games one aspect explains that the world requires that China , China need the world. Another aspect has also demonstrated our national power big and powerful. The people feeling of loving self's country , dream of the powerful country and sports are not always secretly detachable. By flexible the whole people bid for hosting Olympic Games carrying out,I have known Olympic Games , have known Olympic Games. One gun rings since Los Angeles Games on July 29 , 1984 , Xu Haifeng , breaks the Chinese Olympic Games gold medal already getting through 20 since "zero"'s notes. This is to reform and open in 20, in 20, under the leadership of the Party, national power of our country has strengthened , sports cause has also been developed vigorously , has become the universally accepted sports power of international. Beijing Olympiad will arrive at the whole world people coacervation in 2008 together, will reinforce our country and the world further other country's association, let more people know China , love China heartily. In 2008 Beijing Olympiad , your general are to be full of sapiential , green's. After Olympiad will bring image to image the whole world people opening birthday gift package in 2008, that is pleasantly surprised. The International Olympic Commi appraises what committee says exactly as , the Beijing Olympiad will be that China and world athletic sports leave unique inheritance in 2008. I am deeply convinced , our motion good athlete is able to use wisdom and courage to sweep away Olympiad surpassing field, let the Five-Starred Red Flag rise time in Beijing. Be till looking at Beijing in the distance , in a flash in 2008, I have been full of scheduled time at heart hope that. I look forward to the contribution being able to be that Beijing Olympic Games makes self out in 2008 , I am looked forward to can watch Olympiad in 2008 to Beijing, I look forward to self become a pillar of the state soon. Your job is take a heavy burden and embark on a long road , great but arduous, spirit based on Olympics in the athlete who is symbolizing that light, unites , friendship , peace , justice are hit by every country spares no effort to make progress, faster , higher , stronger, exactly as, the most important thing is not victory, but is in life fight with, be not conquering , but sparing no effort to go all out! Five is encircled by blue , black , red , yellow , green composition Olympic Games , it represents the Olympic Games good athletes who come from all corners of the country , is meets by chance together in Beijing Olympiad in 2008 , is meets by chance together under Olympic Games banner. Oh! Beijing! I hope that Beijing Olympiad becomes the most outstanding Olympiad since the beginning of history from the bottom of self's heart , become one very splendid grand gathering. Oh! Beijing you are motherland's hope, future being a motherland. Chinese People almost all entrusts all hope to the care of you on one's body, therefore saying , you must make great efforts to go all out , be a credit to motherland. Oh! Beijing! Pray for you gain bigger gains and wonderful bar in 2008 that you gain bigger gains and wonderful bar in 2008! Be looking forward to this a day early arrival! ! !

ghsxrhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnzst rtrtrsg rtsrfdbvcnzxsdn rh srhsrhrhr rsh srhsbr drhh dhfdh dh

关于2008北京奥运会开幕式的作文 400字
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奥运会开幕式观后感 急

08奥运会开幕式观后感拜托了各位 谢谢
永远的北京,我们期待着感动 全世界人民翘首以待的奥运盛会今天已拉开帷幕.我从开始的倒计时看到结束,2008年奥运今天终于迎来!作为一个中国人我无比激动和自豪,今天的奥运会开幕式办得很成功! 这次奥运会开幕式的“含金量”可以说非常高,从开始的中国文化开始,非常有创意.全都是人控制灯光和动作....

盛世华章,中华崛起——2008奥运会开幕式 2008年8月8日晚,北京奥林匹克体育中心,全世界的目光聚焦在这里。这一晚,中国举办了历史上规模最大、最壮观的奥运会开幕式。盛大的场面、精彩的表演、高超的技艺,让全世界为之惊叹。筹备工作 筹备工作从2001年开始,历时7年。在这期间,中国投入了大量的人力...

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对CCTV NBC BBC 奥运会开幕式的评价.

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56个民族的孩子举着国旗来到了鸟巢,子弟兵接过国旗,用矫健的步伐迈向鸟巢正中,国旗升起了,五星红旗在世界面gw9080 .com带前展现中华风采。奥运改写历史,华夏重树国威,世界瞩目中国,中国震撼世界。主题歌《我和你》唱完后,204个国家和地区的运动员纷纷入场,同一个世界,同一个梦想,奉献奥运,...


壶关县17052919276: 英语翻译先生们和女生们:下午好,今天我演讲的题目是《北京奥运会感想》.2008第29届北京奥运会刚刚落下帷幕,我国的奥运健儿取得了很好的成绩.在... -
虞谈博维:[答案] 下午好,今天我演讲的题目是《北京奥运会感想》. Good afternoon.The topic of my speech today is "Reflections on the Beijing Olympics" 2008第29届北京奥运会刚刚落下帷幕,我国的奥运健儿取得了很好的成绩.在奥运会中,我国奥运健儿共取得...

壶关县17052919276: 北京奥运会比赛观后感英文,每篇100字左右,三篇· -
虞谈博维: I think hosting the Olympic games 2008 will have a positive effect on the Chinese economy. First, there will be millions of foreigners come to China to see the Olympic Games, these foreginers will consume during their staying in China, for example, ...

壶关县17052919276: 2008奥运会开幕式观后感(英文)把翻译打上
虞谈博维: 环境友好型奥运,科技奥运的权力和文化丰富的奥运'是三个概念,北京奥运会的. '快!高!更强! -奥林匹克的格言 奥运戒指象征:欧洲=蓝色黄色=亚洲和非洲黑人=绿色=大洋洲红色=美国 奥运吉祥物-福娃(友爱) 2008年奥运会的口号:同一个世界同一个梦想! 北京的申办口号,新北京新奥运 2008年北京奥运会是第29届奥运会

壶关县17052919276: 北京奥运会英语作文100词加翻译 -
虞谈博维: 英文: Olympic Games as the Olympic Games, which will include Xiaao, the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Green Olympics and Special Olympics. International Olympic Committee is sponsored by the project include a variety of international ...

壶关县17052919276: 描写北京奥运会开幕式 英语作文 -
虞谈博维:[答案] 1、But we have many problems.The duty is not just for the Chinese governmental Chinese people should do their best to welcome the beginning of BEIJING OLYMPIC GAMES!2、It's the polluted world,a dirty ...

壶关县17052919276: 北京2008奥运会开幕式观后感(400字) -
虞谈博维: 中华梦想,百年圆梦---北京奥运会开幕式观后感 北京时间2008年8月8日晚上8时,万众瞩目的北京奥运会开幕式终于在全世界人民的期待下缓缓拉开了帷幕.纵观正常开幕式的节目,作为一个中华儿女,作为一个龙的传人,我们不得不说它是一...

壶关县17052919276: 求一篇关于北京奥运会开幕式的英语作文拜托各位了 3Q如题 希望是不要太难 简单一点就好 符合高二水平就可以啦 可以就其中一点写 再谈谈感受就好了 如果... -
虞谈博维:[答案] 不好意思,打字中出了点马虎,我改下:第一段最后一句and the whole country of China was celebrating this exciting ... 第三段倒数第二句:I believe our country will be stronger and stronger.以下是改完后的文章 The Beijing Olympic Opening ceremony ...

壶关县17052919276: 请大家帮我完成一个英语小短文,关于这次奥运开幕式的The29th
虞谈博维: The 29th Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony is a wonderful and unforgetable performance which shows the unique and amazing culture of both ancient and modern ...

壶关县17052919276: 英语翻译:北京奥运会开幕式展示了丰富多彩的中国文化 -
虞谈博维:[答案] The Beijing Olympic opening ceremony shows rich Chinese culture.

壶关县17052919276: 写2008北京奥运会的左右英文作文,单词不要过于生硬,要求翻译,切记
虞谈博维: The 2008 Olympics have been hold successfully.We are all excited about it because it's the first time for China and all Chinese to hold the Olympic games. Our great country has made a lot of preparations for the games since 2001.We students have ...

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