
作者&投稿:里垂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  1. By way of illustration I'll refer to the behavior of rabbits.


  2. He exemplified the use of the word.


  3. I say so by way of example.


  4. The examples will make this clear.


  5. To give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use.


  6. It is better to convince by argument than seduce by example.


  7. Mr Johnson particularizes the general points he wants to make.


  8. Please amplify your remarks by giving us some examples.


  9. You can't depend on her: for instance, she arrived late yesterday.

  她靠不住: 举例说, 昨天她就来迟了.

  10. To illustrate the foregoing analysis, consider a linear elestic solid.

  为了举例阐明以上的分析, 我们考虑一种线性的弹性固体.

  11. George Bernard demonstrated how ridiculous some spelling rules are.


  12. We now illustrate the entire procedure in solving a plane stress problem.


  13. The following example illustrates a typical method of solution.


  14. I'm going to exemplify one or two of these points.


  15. The speaker said he would endeavor to illustrate.



  1. 给我们举例说明一下好吗?

  Give us an illustration, will you?

  2. 你能否举例说明你将怎样去做?

  Can you give an example of how you would do that?

  3. 这个规范包括举例说明如何避免使用反对成分。

  Definitions of elements and attributes clearly indicate which are deprecated.

  4. 最后举例说明了桁架结构随机可靠性分析的全过程。

  The process of trusswork reliability is opened out by the last examples.

  5. 我们现在来举例说明解一个平面压力题的全部过程。

  We now illustrate the entire procedure in solving a plane stress problem.

  6. 先举例后动情

  Let the example precede sentiment.

  7. 常用词语举例你能原谅我昨天不可饶恕的举动吗?

  Can you ever forgive me for my indefensible conduct yesterday?

  8. 下面举例说明其不足之处。

  These defects can be brought out by the following illustration.

  9. 请举例描述你是怎样说服那些不太情愿的顾客购买产品的。

  Describe an example of how you persuaded a reluctant customer.

  10. 该芯片丑闻举例说明了体制的许多短处。

  The chip scandal illustrates many shortcomings of the system.



  I say so by way of example.


  The examples will make this clear.


  For example, I have problems with proofreading.


  For instance, I hate cleaning my kitchen, but I do it because I like the sight of a clean kitchen.


  There can be many variations of winning results, but for the example, let's say a winning result isthree matching results on the payline.


  For example, I can imagine a conversation with someone.


  An intervention could be, for example, to give some patients an electric toothbrush that helpsthem care for their mouths better, while other patients just get a regular toothbrush.


  This can help you determine whether one person, for instance, expects half your time—andwhether the other three expect that as well.


  Then, it explained how these functions helped you to solve the problems discussed before and gave an example for each scenario.


  For this example, you will first create your own category, then you will associate the rule with thatcategory.


翻译“例如” 英语短语,要较长的
例如 1.for instance 2.for example (e.g.)3.such as 例句:1.For instance, you may be able to move, copy, or create a symbolic link.例如,你可能要选择移动,复制,或者是创建一个符号连接。2.Look at something else, for example, a radio.请看一看别的东西,例如,收音机。3....

我已经理解了for instance和for example这两个短语的区别。通常,for instance用于提供一个具体的例子,用来支持或说明前面所述的内容;而for example也是用于举例的,用来引出一个或多个例子,以便更好地解释或阐述某个概念。为了让大家快速掌握这两个词的特征,我简洁地归纳了它们的含义、发音和用法,...

“例如”可以用英语表示为such as,for instance和for example。such as的意思是“例如;像;象…这样;诸如…之类”,其通常用来修饰主词,让主词的内容更丰富。for instance的意思是“例如,譬如”,instance通常是指某个特定情况的例子,当你想用英语对某些特定情况举例,就可以用这个短语来描述。for ...

在特定语境中,可以使用不同的表达方式。 "Individual case"意思是指特殊的、独特的相关案例,表示一个特定人或者特定事物。"Specific case"也表示特定的案例,用于特别描述某个个体、某个群体或某种现象情况。另外,有些情况下,也可以使用 "particular case" 来表达。这三个短语的区别并不是非常明显,...

for example.这份报告不完整,例如在法国的销售情况就没包括进去。近义词 case 英[keɪs]美[keɪs]n.具体情况;事例;实例;实情;事实;特殊情况。v.奏爵士乐,跳爵士舞;游荡;使活泼。[例句]Ten new cases of bird flu were reported yesterday.昨天新增十例禽流感病例报告。

初中英语常用短语是初中英语学习中必须掌握的重要内容。以下是一些常用的初中英语短语及其用法:Look forward to:期待、盼望。例如,“I am looking forward to the summer vacation”(我期待着暑假的到来),“She is looking forward to seeing her family”(她盼望着见到她的家人)。Get along with...

3. 扩展你的思维宽度 而 such as 则列举一系列同类事物,像:"That store specializes in camping gear, such as tents, backpacks, and sleeping bags." 这种用法让你的描述更具细节和范围。总的来说,理解并熟练运用这些"例如"的英文短语,不仅能让你的英语表达更加地道,还能让你在交流中更加自如...

初中英语短语带例句会让大家更加容易清楚其用法。下面是我给大家整理的初中英语短语大全带例句,供大家参阅!初中英语短语带例句1 1) all the year round 一年到头 例:Waikiki is neither too hot nor too cold all the year round.She is happy all the year round.2) work as 从事...(工作...

能用英语写出关于交通规则的短语!!(十句)急需,能帮帮忙吗??快点,十分感谢... 能用英语写出关于交通规则的短语!!(十句)急需,能帮帮忙吗??快点,十分感谢 展开 5个回答 #热议# 有哪些跨界“双奥”的运动员?念鸿飞qq 2019-11-19 · TA获得超过1475个赞 知道答主 回答量:38 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:...

居巢区19730945585: 用作举例的英语词组 -
野晶黄藤: such as, for example, like, for instance, suppose, say,

居巢区19730945585: 英文写作时举例用到的短语?英文写作时举例用到的短语有哪些呢?要academic的,除了for example, for instance, such as这些用烂掉的.谢谢帮忙~0~ -
野晶黄藤:[答案] case in pointwe ought to follow their examplanother representative caseanother typical casethe next example illustratethe other parallel case is given that.暂时就这么多.你看行不?希望能帮上忙~这可是咱...

居巢区19730945585: 英语所有表示举例的单词或词组如(for example,such as,like,namely,that is,as)等的各自的区别请把这些单词或词组一一罗列(谢谢了) -
野晶黄藤:[答案] ‍ 1、for example副词短语,用作插入语,列举代表同类事物性质或一般规律的典型例子,也可以用拉丁语缩略形式e.g.(exempli gratia)取代. Many factors are important,for example class,gender,age and ethnicity.许多因素都很重要,如阶级、性别、...

居巢区19730945585: 关于举例的单词,词组 -
野晶黄藤:[答案] such as,for example,for instance 例如, 1、当与别人交往时我会感觉害怕,我意识到我害怕的是自己. For example; I used to be afraid to be myself when I socialized with anyone. 2、这些物质有时可与其他化学品化合,例如氯. These substances are ...

居巢区19730945585: 英文写作时举例用到的短语???? -
野晶黄藤: case in point we ought to follow their exampl another representative case another typical case the next example illustrate the other parallel case is given that....暂时就这么多...你看行不?希望能帮上忙~这可是咱一字一句想出来的....

居巢区19730945585: 关于举例的单词,词组 -
野晶黄藤: such as,for example,for instance例如, 1、当与别人交往时我会感觉害怕,我意识到我害怕的是自己.For example; I used to be afraid to be myself when I socialized with anyone.2、这些物质有时可与其他化学品化合,例如氯.These ...

居巢区19730945585: 词组:“举一个例子”用英语怎么说 -
野晶黄藤: 举一个例子: for examplefor example 二、 知识总结与归纳 ...over 超过 = more than 超过 most of …大多数的…… for example 举一个例子 ... -举一个例子来说…: For example

居巢区19730945585: 两个英语短语such as和for example都是举例子的意思.他们有什么区别?老师说的其中有一条是such as加两个或两个以上的例子,可是题中只有一个.such as... -
野晶黄藤:[答案] such as 后面直接跟接名词 for example 后面只能举一个例子(一个句子)且要用逗号隔开

居巢区19730945585: 英语如何在句中举例子? -
野晶黄藤: 这两个短语都可以表米“例如”,但含义及用法不同.l)for example强调“举例”说明,而且一般只举同类人或物中的一个作为插入语,且用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末.如:Many people here, for example, John, would rather have ...

居巢区19730945585: 请问短语“拿.作为一个例子”用英语怎么说? -
野晶黄藤:[答案] “拿.作为一个例子”可以是 Take .as an example

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