小女子跪求Taproot - Calling的完整歌词。

作者&投稿:枝备 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求一首英文歌 歌词大概有这些关键词oh yes we go far~

不清楚 但我给你介绍几首歌吧

maria arredondo的 《burning》嗯,这首歌陪我度过了一整个夏天,现在都还在听,演唱者的声音很有感染力。。

2.christine glass 的《My Love Will Get You Home》是一首女声慢歌,声音很飘渺,很有FEEL..

3.groove coverage的《上帝是个女孩》满老的歌,也许你听过,还是推荐下。。

4.sarah connor 的《from sarah with love》这是著名蓝调天后出道后的成名作啊.她的声音既细腻,很好听。。

5.the weepies的《gotta have you 》说真的,忧伤的旋律,听的时候有种触动灵魂的感觉。。


1回答者: 嫣雨霏 - 下位魔导士 七级 2009-9-12 16:57



你在呼喊我 但是我听不见你
你即将坠落 但是我救不了你


你在呼喊我 但是我听不见你
你即将坠落 但是我救不了你


你在呼喊我 但是我听不见你
你即将坠落 但是我救不了你

你在呼喊我 但是我听不见你
你即将坠落 但是我救不了你


Your face is burned inside my brain
I lost my way
Your taste of stale flows through my veins
The cost of hate
愠ause you抣l never understand me
You want me to stay

You抮e c-c-c-calling but I can抰 hear you
I抦 not listening anymore
You抮e subject to falling but I can抰 save you
I don抰 see you anymore

The race of slowing down the pain, I found a way
The pace of speaking so mundane, the sound of gain
But you抣l never make me happy
So I抳e extinguished the flame

You抮e c-c-c-calling, but I cant hear you
I抦 not listening anymore
You抮e subject to falling, but I can抰 save you
I don抰 see you anymore

And what you want me to say I抣l never say
You抮e playing the game that I抣l never play
So what do you want from me?
Now I抳e extinguished the flame

Your c-c-c-calling but I can抰 hear you
I抦 not listening anymore
You抮e subject to falling but I can抰 save you
I don抰 see you anymore
You抮e c-c-c-calling but I can抰 hear you, I抦 not listening anymore
You抮e f-f-f-falling, but I can抰 save you
I don抰 see you anymore

Artist: Taproot
Album: Blue-Sky Research
Year: 2005
Title: Calling

Your face is burned inside my brain
I lost my way
Your taste of stale flows through my veins
The cost of hate
‘Cause you’ll never understand me
You want me to stay

You’re c-c-c-calling but I can’t hear you
I’m not listening anymore
You’re subject to falling but I can’t save you
I don’t see you anymore

The race of slowing down the pain, I found a way
The pace of speaking so mundane, the sound of gain
But you’ll never make me happy
So I’ve extinguished the flame

You’re c-c-c-calling, but I cant hear you
I’m not listening anymore
You’re subject to falling, but I can’t save you
I don’t see you anymore

And what you want me to say I’ll never say
You’re playing the game that I’ll never play
So what do you want from me?
Now I’ve extinguished the flame

Your c-c-c-calling but I can’t hear you
I’m not listening anymore
You’re subject to falling but I can’t save you
I don’t see you anymore
You’re c-c-c-calling but I can’t hear you, I’m not listening anymore
You’re f-f-f-falling, but I can’t save you
I don’t see you anymore

Taproot - Calling Lyrics

Your face is burned inside my brain
I lost my way
Your taste of stale flows through my veins
The cost of hate
'Cause you'll never understand me
You want me to stay

You're c-c-c-calling but I can't hear you
I'm not listening anymore
You're subject to falling but I can't save you
I don't see you anymore

The race of slowing down the pain, I found a way
The pace of speaking so mundane, the sound of gain
But you'll never make me happy
So I've extinguished the flame

You're c-c-c-calling, but I cant hear you
I'm not listening anymore
You're subject to falling, but I can't save you
I don't see you anymore

And what you want me to say I'll never say
You're playing the game that I'll never play
So what do you want from me?
Now I've extinguished the flame

Your c-c-c-calling but I can't hear you
I'm not listening anymore
You're subject to falling but I can't save you
I don't see you anymore
You're c-c-c-calling but I can't hear you,
I'm not listening anymore
You're f-f-f-falling, but I can't save you
I don't see you anymore

Your face is burned inside my brain
I lost my way
Your taste of stale flows through my veins
The cost of hate
‘Cause you’ll never understand me
You want me to stay

You’re c-c-c-calling but I can’t hear you
I’m not listening anymore
You’re subject to falling but I can’t save you
I don’t see you anymore

The race of slowing down the pain, I found a way
The pace of speaking so mundane, the sound of gain
But you’ll never make me happy
So I’ve extinguished the flame

You’re c-c-c-calling, but I cant hear you
I’m not listening anymore
You’re subject to falling, but I can’t save you
I don’t see you anymore

And what you want me to say I’ll never say
You’re playing the game that I’ll never play
So what do you want from me?
Now I’ve extinguished the flame

Your c-c-c-calling but I can’t hear you
I’m not listening anymore
You’re subject to falling but I can’t save you
I don’t see you anymore
You’re c-c-c-calling but I can’t hear you, I’m not listening anymore
You’re f-f-f-falling, but I can’t save you
I don’t see you anymore

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禾路速力:[答案] 男生原来占1-7/12=5/12,后来占1-3/5=2/5 因为男生人数没变,多了15人使男生乘12/5得到总人数变成乘5/2,多了1/24 故用15除以1/24=360,男生人数为150人. 算式:1-7/12=5/12,1-3/5=2/5,15除以(5/2-12/5)=360,360x5/12=150

南郊区13793504205: 某科技兴趣小组中女生占7/12,后来又转来15名女生,这样女生占总人数的3/5,这个兴趣小组原有学生多少人某科技兴趣小组中女生占 7/12 ,后来又转来了... -
禾路速力:[答案] 360正解! 设科技组原有男生x人,有女生y人,则: y/(x+y)=7/12 (y+15)/(x+y+15)=3/5 解二元一次方程得x=150,y=210 于是兴趣小组原有学生人数x+y=360 希望能帮到到你~!

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禾路速力:[答案] 家庭小民族,民族大家庭,团结你我奋发向上 课堂小研究,研究大课堂,发掘真理继续前进 ①(家庭)小集体,集体大家庭,尝遍生活酸甜苦辣 ②(课堂)小天地,天地大课堂,做透学问甲乙丙丁

南郊区13793504205: 应用题:小分队有12人栽树,男生每人栽3棵,女生每人载2棵,男女生共栽了32棵,有男女生各多少人? -
禾路速力:[答案] 男生x人,女生(12-x)人 3x+2(12-x)=32 3x+24-2x=32 x=8 12-x=4 男生8人,女生4人

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禾路速力:[答案] 男生人数不变 原来女生占男生的:3/8÷(1-3/8)=3/5 现在女生占男生的:4/9÷(1-4/9)=4/5 男生:4÷(4/5-3/5)=20人 现在总人数为:20+20*4/5=36人

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禾路速力:[答案] 假设12人全部是男同学,则女同学有 (12*3-32)÷(3-2) =4÷1 =4(人) 12-4=8(人) 答:男同学有8人,女同学有4人. 故答案为:8,4.

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禾路速力:[答案] 取反面----没有一名女生当选:(7/10)*(6/9)=7/15 所以至少有一名女生当选的概率为:1-7/15=8/15

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禾路速力:[答案] 设男孩为X,女孩为Y,由题意得可得可得 X+1 3= Y 2,① X−3 5= 4 Y,② ①÷②得: X+1 3= 2X−6 5, 5X+5=6X-18, X=23;③ 把③代入①,得: 23+1 3= Y 2, 3Y=48, Y=16; 答:做游戏的小朋友有23个男孩,16个女孩. 故答案为:23,16.

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禾路速力:[答案] 解法如下: (1) 中国队在小组赛中比赛6场(和其他6个队各比赛一场) (2) 7*(7-1)/2=7*6/2=21或:6+5+4+3+2+1=21∴整个小组一共赛21场 希望能够帮到你~~

南郊区13793504205: 凤凰小学六年级学生中女生占7/12,后来又转来了15名女生,这样女生占六年级总人数的3/5,求原来 -
禾路速力:[答案] 5分之3-12分之7=60分之1 15÷60分之1=900(人)

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