
作者&投稿:佘冯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

床下有好几只鞋 但没有成双的
Bright医生给病人做检查的时候总是很细致 对病人非常关心照顾
我觉得是那件事的结果而不是而不是后来发生的事 证明我是错的
已经训练了这么久 纽约篮球队在世界比赛中有很大胜算
审判时 Bob的老师作为他性格的证人被传唤 证实他是一个本分的孩子 从不惹事

好了 大方点 再给点吧~~


Today is 2009 A.D, I have always wanted to write a story about myself, but I don’t even know where to start. Perhaps there is just too much to say.

When time starts passing by us quicker than ever, when we are no longer young, looking up I suddenly remembered many things about the past.

Love, is the one thing live is nothing without. Everyone hope to have they kind of feeling, and it really only belongs to ourselves, maybe it was romantic, maybe it was sad, or maybe it was just plain……just like a fish is nothing without water.

人,离得开爱情吗? 失去后才珍惜,还有什么意义,还是有人不肯去忘记,忘不了那一段回忆。
People, can they really leave love behind? Only after it’s gone will people start cherishing it, then what meaning is there, or are there people unwilling to forget, forget that particular piece of memory.

At that moment, I start doubting myself, my life is like a movie, it kept playing and playing before me, the intangible feeling and inescapable trap, those messy strands of feeling, how do I sort out this sort of entanglement?

Love always shows everyone its true side before its departure, letting each person know the mistakes they made, and how to let go, how to make up, all the pieces of scars vaguely passing by…

The summer of 2002, many fond memories of student life. We are just like the other lovers, falling in love like in those cliché movies. She gave me a lot of help.

The one thing I look forward to the most is opening my eyes and seeing her. She has been my firsts, for a lot of things…her name was Yu Zhe!

The summer of 2004, a girls somehow fell in love with me. She was no beauty to the eye, but she was a kind hearted soul.

She was not impudent, but a very sedated person, she is a constant giver. If I were ever given the choice to choose someone to fall in love and marry, doubtlessly it would be her, her name was Ge Qing.

April 15th, 2006 Weather: Sunny. Today I met a girl that even till today, I’m still in lover with, that night I did not return home.

I don’t know how to describe her. She is a bit bad, yet a bit refreshing and pretty, a bit literate too. She likes to wakeup early in the morning and turn on the TV to watch百家讲坛(怎么翻译你自己看吧), she doesn’t like to put on shower lotion when she takes a shower, she likes to eat the stir fried bitter melon I made (it actually tastes really bad), she likes to fold clothes like those ones on display in stores, her name was Gu Xiao Mu.

February 14th, 2007 Weather: Heavy snow. The story always keeps on going in such dramatic ways, an online chatting room started my next relationship

But this was before I could put behind my feelings from my previous relationship, we actually shouldn’t have started this in the first place. But I did hurt her.

I never could admit the hurt I brought upon her, it was because I was selfish. She is a bit cute and a bit smart, and has had some experience before. I like the feeling of her lips on mine, I like her sneaking out at night just to see me, I like that adorable look she has when she is sitting in front of the computer focusing on the screen. She was the first girl I gave flowers to, her name was Zhao Feng Tong.

September, 2008 Weather: sunny. Life is always so unpredictable, you will never know what’s going to happen to you tomorrow, and just like that, she came into my life.

Her personality is quite masculine, she’s bold, generous, kind-hearted, hard-working, virtuous. Even making me the woman in some cases. She doesn’t know how to do anything, but we were still very happy.

I think she may have found the true meaning of life. I feel so steady when I’m with her. But to me, she is only fit to be a friend, not a lover. Her name was Yi Ping.

One of the most often heard sayings about friendship is that friendship in its purest form can only be found in childhood.

Such a sad and dreary thing to say, yet so many people agree to it, you can imagine the hardships and loneliness in life.

I don’t quite agree with this saying. The friendship in childhood were merely happy giggles and play, it is unreal for adults to relay on things formed through past memories.

The real meaning of friendship forms years later in adulthood, it can not reach it’s best when the meaning of it is still unclear.

Accutallly, many people find themselves quickly growing up after a sudden emotional change.

It’s like some day, afternoon or night, a good friend of yours is in trouble and you feel this undeniable responsibility, you slow your steps to think, and start to understand the weight of life.

就在这一刻,你突然长大。 印象中有几个一辈子的朋友足够了,至于其他人对我来说根本不是很重要。关于亲情,在我来说以前和现在都是一样的,从来没有改变过。
And at that moment you suddenly grew up. Looking back, only a few lifelong friends are needed, the others are of no importance to me. When it comes to family, it is the same to me as before, it never changed.
也是唯一能让我欣慰的情感。人生一世,亲情、友情、爱情三者缺一,已为遗憾;三者缺二,实为可怜;三者皆缺 ,活而如亡。
And this is the only sort of emotional comfort I can get. One life time, family friendship, love, even if you lack just one, you will surely regret, if you lack two, then it is pitiful, if you lack all three, then your life would equal death.

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帮我将这篇中文短文翻译成英语短文! 急急急!
a doctor can get those who suffer from diseases away of agony, and at the same time make them healthy. I believe that helping others will make me happy as well. I hope I could become a doctor in future.您好,原文的英文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问,希望回答对您有帮助。


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5. 怎么才能把文言文翻译成英文 A:Can i help you B:yes,please.today is mother"s day.i am looking for a present for my mother,but i have no idea what to buy. A:Maybe you can buy her some flowers. B:great! 译:a:吾能助汝呼? b:是也,请今日乃母之日,吾正寻一币为吾母,然吾无...


艾文的英文为:Elvin ['elvin] 其他音译艾尔文 名字性别 男孩英文名。来源语种英。名字寓意喜欢自由和旅游,一直在追寻目标。相似英文名 Elva 艾娃、Elvira 埃尔维拉、Elvis 埃尔维斯 例句:And this is my mom and frank and lvan.译:这是我妈、法兰克和艾文。Elvin: Look! She pulled out ...


and without the chapter, called "wrong number"; cunning and lose, called "strange power".Don't wan, will case; do not hide, will pour out of; not cunning, will of the.Alas!Be with god!Wisdom can be!2. 有一段英文,被翻译成汉文,有古诗,文言文,赋 原文:You say that ...

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啜梵赛庚: 您好,这几句话翻译成英语就是: you are very welcomed to attend to my birthday party. please go straight forward when you leave your home,and turn left at the second cross. 翻译表述不唯一,这是个比较简单而且符合英文语言习惯的表述. 原创翻译,满意就采纳吧.

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