[翻译]Kent - Palace & Main 的歌词翻译(瑞士语)

作者&投稿:惠官 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
summer palace中文翻译~




I shot a DJ late yesterday 我昨晚射杀了一位DJ
The blood was sprinkled a pollack in his crib 血从他的胸腔里溅出
I flee through a corridor 我从走廊上匆忙逃逸
My indiehjärta pounding and pounding and strikes 我的心狂跳不止
I stand at an airport 我站在机场
And waiting for the feeling 等待恐惧感过去
A man at a ledge 机翼底下的一个男人
A gelid Michael Caine 宛若冷冰冰的迈克尔·凯恩(美国演员)
And everyone who loved you 每个爱你的人
Has hate me for fear 都因恐惧而憎恨我
For that I will see them 因此我视他们为
As victims at the Palace & Main 宫殿里的受害者

I shoot everything in front of me 我把碰见过的人都干掉
As Robin Wright-Penn do in the State Of Grace
就像《魔鬼警长地狱镇》的Robin Wright-Penn (曾扮演《阿甘正传》的珍妮)一样
You have everything I said on tape 你把我所说过的话录了下来
So you think you have a future without me 所以你认为你可以抛弃我

I stand at an airport 我站在机场
And waiting for the feeling 等待恐惧感过去
A man at a ledge 机翼底下的男人
Förklädd to Michael Caine 宛若冷冰冰的迈克尔·凯恩
And everyone who loved you 每个爱你的人
Has hate me for fear 都因恐惧而憎恨我
For that I will see them 因此我视他们为
As victims at the Palace & Main 宫殿里的受害者

I stand at an airport 我站在机场
And waiting for the feeling 等待恐惧感过去
A man at a ledge 机翼底下的男人
A gelid Michael Caine 宛若冷冰冰的迈克尔·凯恩
And everyone who loved you 每个爱你的人
Must learn to wait 必须学习等待
My plan is to wait 我的计划是等待
Yes I am waiting at the Palace & Main 是的,我在宫殿里等待…

舒兰市18492976188: 白宫用英语怎么说 -
俞连复方: 不骗你,就是WHITE HOUSE

舒兰市18492976188: 求助:视频 - 十年英超人之亨利 海布里之王的光阴故事的背景音乐 -
俞连复方: KENT Palace & Main 瑞士的一个乐队

舒兰市18492976188: “博物馆”英文怎么说? -
俞连复方: 博物馆的英文是museum,读音为英 [mju'ziːəm] 美 [mju'ziːəm] museum 英 [mju'ziːəm] 美 [mju'ziːəm] n. 博物馆;展览馆 例:The museum displays the specimen of ancient Chinese porcelain. 这个博物馆展出中国古瓷器标本. ...

舒兰市18492976188: "餐厅"的英文翻译 -
俞连复方: 外面的餐馆:restraurant 学校或者单位,集体的食堂:canteen/dining hall 家里的餐厅:dining room

舒兰市18492976188: 托雷斯这个视频里的歌曲叫什么? -
俞连复方: 第一首 Palace&Main - Kent 简介: 瑞典乐队 Kent 的歌曲 Palace&Main 试听地址: http://www.51t.com/ting/ebfc47e4/5aaf0eea/ 第二首 Before It's Too Late - Goo Goo Dolls 简介: 热门电影「变形金刚」主题曲 试听地址: http://www.nowok.net/Music/1777bd2c14510a08.shtml 所有歌都给你吧

舒兰市18492976188: 英文版的童话故事《精卫填海》和翻译 -
俞连复方: Legend has it that Emperor Yan had a daughter called Nvwa, who was lively, lovely, smart and kind. One day, when she went swimming in the sea, she was engulfed by the wind and waves and sank to the bottom of the sea forever. The girl is not ...

舒兰市18492976188: “承受巨大压力”英语怎么说? -
俞连复方: “承受巨大压力”的英文:under great pressure pressure 读法 英 ['preʃə] 美 ['prɛʃɚ]1、n. 压力;压迫,[物] 压强 2、vt. 迫使;密封;使……增压 短语: 1、pressure vessel 压力容器 2、high blood pressure 高血压 3、water pressure 水压力...

舒兰市18492976188: “风能进,雨能进,国王不能进.”的英文翻译 -
俞连复方: 原文是这样的: The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the crown. It may be frail - its roof may shake - the wind may blow through it - the storm may enter - the rain may enter - but the King of England cannot enter.源于William Pitt, 也叫Pitt the Elder的一段话

舒兰市18492976188: 求这个视频的背景音乐 (托雷斯) -
俞连复方: Kent 的palace & main http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/oyHMRV7oopg/ http://www.mytlsp.net/agenow/jamlee/05-kent-palace_och_main.mp3

舒兰市18492976188: 介绍北京的英语作文 80词左右就行 ZY最好有翻译 -
俞连复方: The Imperial Palace is located in downtown Beijing, formerly known as the forbidden city. In the Ming Dynasty Yongle built eighteen years, is the Ming, Qing two generations of the palace, incomparable masterpiece of ancient architecture, the world'...

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