help!!!!translation of the following information!!thank you

作者&投稿:仪进 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
help me translate the following sentences,thank you~

we have created是定语从句,修饰the situation.that we are now living in the house we have built是宾语从句,其中,we have built是定语从句,修饰the house.

It is known that the animals are our human being's friend.Do you know what's my favorite animal?The answer to the question is pandas.
I like many animals, Such as dogs,pandas and monekys ,but pandas which have black and white bodys are my favorite. The size of the panda is usually small,but it looks very cute and lovely.


Zheng He is the great navigator, in China's history and the forerunner of the world cultural exchanges. In 1405-1433, 28 years, Zheng He led seven of the Western world fleet, and expand the way China, Asia and Africa more than 30 countries and regions marine traffic to the world maritime industry development and the exchange of peoples made an indelible contribution. .
Zheng He had seven times to the Western world, his largest rate of over 200 ships, 27,000 personnel of people, the main route up to more than 400, a 160,000-mile journey, is the largest in the world of ancient navigation history, the widest range of offshore sailing action. Zheng He in 1405, the first Western world than Columbus discovered America 87 years before Columbus, 92 years earlier than Vasco read the Cape of Good Hope, 114 years earlier than Magellan global navigation, he undoubtedly in the history of human civilization and the world, writing a glorious page in the history of navigation. .
Zheng He seven times to the Western world, combed through Asia and Africa more than 30 countries and regions in international transport from China to be opened along the Red Sea and East Africa to the first fairway. In his fifth of the Western world, to the tender red Haikou, East Africa Ma Lin, wood bones are beams, El gill Oh, gill withdrawal;
In the sixth, Western world, and the Arabian Sea to the ancestral law abuse;
In the seventh, Western world, has also dispatched Tongshi seven days in the Red Sea side. In Zheng He, the Chinese envoy, businessmen and Parade may have visited Eastern Europe, the Arabian Peninsula, or even in Africa Egypt, but to the land rather than sea lanes are. Chinese fleet led by the Red Sea and East Africa to the vicinity, Zheng He is the first person.

Zheng He is in the Chinese history the great navigator, the world civilization exchange forerunner. During 28 years from 1,405 to 1433, Zheng He led the fleet seven Western world, made a connection and has developed Chinese and the Asia and Africa more than 30 countries and the local sea communications, has made the indelible contribution for the world navigation enterprise development and the various countries' people's exchange.

The Zheng He seven Western world, the most time rate ships more than 200 strip, the personnel reaches more than 27,000 people, the main route reaches more than 400 strip much, amounts to the range 160,000 nautical miles, was the world ancient times navigates in the history the population to be most, the sphere of action broadest oceangoing voyage activity. Under the Zheng He 1405 new years the Western world, compared to Columbus discovered the Americas new continent 87 years, compared to 达伽马 pass through early the Cape of Good Hope early for 92 years, round the world navigate compared to Magellan early for 114 years, he without doubt has written down a magnificent page in the human history of civilization and in the world navigation history.

The Zheng He seven Western world, visits all around the Asia and Africa more than 30 countries and the area,Was has opened in the international transportation aspect from China to the Red Sea and east area Africa the route first person. He in the fifth under Western world, to red seaport 阿丹, east Africa's hemp forest, the wooden bone has all tied, the divination punctures ha, the thorn scatters; In in sixth under Western world, also to Arabian Sea rules handed down by one's ancestors; In in seventh under Western world, also the faction passed the matter seven people to Red Sea's in Arabia. Before Zheng He, China's messengers, the merchant and tourism possibly also already had been to east Europe, the Arabian Peninsula, or even Africa's Egypt, but walked all was the land route but is not the sea route. Leads China the fleet to the Red Sea and east area Africa, Zheng He is the first person.

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和虽加葵: 我宁可在我某次来你家看你时完成,那是两次旅行,一次是去你家,虽然我想尽量避免说出来让你嫁给我,可是我还是要给你一点.一次是你来我这里看我.真的,如果你想知道我真的希望什么真的

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