
作者&投稿:正婕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


5、天若 OCR
操作相当简单,启动软件后,摁下 F4 键,框选要识别的文字,点击翻就能轻松翻译。翻译速度快,复制方便。

I have a pen pal in the United Kingdom. We often wrote each other.
My pen pal from different countries
Canadians say what language
She is a French writer
Our friends all over the world
He lived in this
I am interested in this interesting country
I would like you to talk about the situation you learn English?
I will speak Japanese, but can only say that a little bit
Everyone has his favorite things and hate
I often write to him at the weekend
I was born in March
Sports is not only fun but also relax
Your favorite subjects is what Branch


1, I have a pen pal in the United Kingdom. We often wrote each other. 2, my pen pal from three different countries.
3.The Canadians say what language ?
4, she was a French writer
5, our friends all over the world
6 He lived in the seven.
7. I have this interesting national interest.
8, you want to learn English I talk about your situation?
9, I will speak Japanese, but can only say that a little bit of
10, everyone has his Love and hate thing
11, I often give him the weekend to write
12, I was born in March
13, sports is not only fun but also relax
14, your favorite subjects is what Section

1.I have a pen frend in Britain, and we usually write to each other.
2.My pen friends come from different countries.
3.What kind of language do Canadians speak?
4.She is a french writer.
5. Our friends are everywhere.
6.He lives here.
7.I have interest in the interesting country.
8.Would you like to share your studying English with me?
9.I can speak Japanese, but only a little.
10.Everyone has his/her own love and dislike.
11.I often write to him on the weekend.
12.I was born in March.
13.Athletics is not only funny but also relaxing.
14.Which subject do you like most?

1.I have got a penfriend,we are usually mutually write a letter
2.my penfriends from differend countries
3.which one languang dose Canadian speak
4.she is a French author
5.I have many friends in the world
6.he is live in here
7.I am interst for this country
8.do you want to tell me about how is you study english
9.i can speak Janpanese but just little bit
10.everyone has love and dislove things
11.I alwasys write a letter to him on the weekend
12.I was born on the March
13.P.E is intersting and realx people
14.what's you favourite subject

1st, I have one in Britain's pen pal. We often mutually write a letter. 2, did my pen pal from different national 3, what language the Canadian speak? 4, she is French writer 5, our friend spreads world 6, he lives in this 7, I feel interest 8 to this interesting country, you want to stress your English study to me the situation? 9, I will speak Japanese, but can only say that little 10, each people will have him to like with repugnant matter 11, I will often write a letter in the weekend to him 12, I will be 14 which in March will be born, you will most like which branch 13 will the discipline be, the sports both amusing and can make one relax

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嘉兴市15567417391: 中文翻译成英语
佼肾百尔: 1. 我们盼望着被邀请参加在公园举行的庆祝会look forward to We are looking forward to being invite to the celebration which takes place in the park. 2. 据报道另一座横跨长江的新桥正在建设之中it According to the report, it says that another new ...

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佼肾百尔:[答案] I was born in the early morning of June 3th,1992.

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佼肾百尔: 1, He seems not care being fooled by Jack again. 2, An unexpected guest arrived just as they were starting their meal. 3, Mr Zhang don't mind writing the report 10 times, it took him a week to finish it. 4, Honestly speaking, I feel honoured to study in ...

嘉兴市15567417391: 英语翻译中文翻译成英文 -
佼肾百尔:[答案] 1.Indifferent Paulson Dance 2.My happy age 3.I Like you are yourself 4.Can't help to love 5.the most extreme empire 6.the person in the dream 7.Sweet love

嘉兴市15567417391: 中文翻译英文
佼肾百尔: I want to be police, because my father is also police. He wants to travel on official business every day, only then the week talent comes back to accompany me, but my spot will not be lonely, because my father will be in serves for the people. Therefore I must work as police. 其实有很多不同的写法,因为很多次的意思都相同,最简单的你可以搜搜在线翻译,

嘉兴市15567417391: 中文翻译英语 -
佼肾百尔: In morden times ,most of the children have a habit of eating junk food and fast food instead of doing exercise.(rather than )They spend a large amount of time watching TV or playing computer games .What's more ,paying no attention to arranging ...

嘉兴市15567417391: 中文翻译英语
佼肾百尔: 告诫孩子们不要靠近火(get close to) " Tell the children not getting close to the fire." 有很多人用warn我个人认为太过了吧,其实对小孩子tell 他们如何去做就可以了. 你近来英语学习进展如何?(get on with)“How do you getting on with ...

嘉兴市15567417391: 英语翻译中文翻译成英语 -
佼肾百尔:[答案] He lay on the grass, his hands crossed on the back of the head, looking at the stars in the sky

嘉兴市15567417391: 中文翻译英文 -
佼肾百尔: 1紧急情况:emergency或则urgence2,预测预言 prediction3.控告谴责 accuse 4.屠夫:bucher5.不安的,不快的:, uneasy或unhappy学英语漫漫学,不着急.不懂就问,我会尽量帮你解答.I HOPE YOU HAPPY

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